mridgers / clink

Bash's powerful command line editing in cmd.exe
GNU General Public License v3.0
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crash on opening a new console #562

Closed towi closed 2 years ago

towi commented 2 years ago

After I pasted a long command line into a console and executed a python script that crashed clink in the middle of its run I am now unable to open a new clink console.

Each time I open a new console a crash screen appears similar to this one:


Can I provice any useful information that helps fixing this in `clink´ or help me fixing it locally?

I did not change any init scripts. Disabling some @echo off lines I suspect some "set path" function fails? No idea why because I certainly did not fiddle with that, certailny not recently.

towi commented 2 years ago

I just noticed that I can still open {bash::bash} and {PowerShell::PowerShell} consoles, but no {cmd::Cmder} nor {cmd:Cmder as Admin}.

chrisant996 commented 2 years ago

Uh oh! Thanks for reporting this -- would you be willing to upload the core dump file? (The c:\app\sys\cmder\config\clink.dmp mentioned in the screenshot.)

The core dump file would enable me to track down the crash and fix it. (Hi, I'm the maintainer of Clink.)

The core dump file contains all of the in-memory data from the process, which could potentially contain user identifiable information such as local directories and email addresses. If you want, you can put it in a password protected (encrypted) zip file first, and upload that, and email me the password at sparrowhawk996 at gmail dot com. (Probably don't email the core dump itself, though -- they tend to be too large for email.)

chrisant996 commented 2 years ago

Oh wait a minute -- are you using the 5 year old Clink v0.4.9 from mridgers? Or are you using the current Clink v1.2.28 from the revived chrisant996 fork?

Try upgrading to the chrisant996/clink fork if you're currently using Clink v0.4.9. Make a backup first, in case something else goes wrong as well.

towi commented 2 years ago

It’s the clink that’s shipped with ConEmu/Cmder. But you are correct, it seems the fork you mentioned doesn’t have that bug. I just replaced the vendor/clink directory with the contents of the release zip and it works. Thanks.