mrikirill / SynologyDDNSCloudflareMultidomain

Synology DDNS Cloudflare service provider with multidomains and subdomains
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Failed status message, but the IP updates in Cloudflare #1

Open skuark opened 4 years ago

skuark commented 4 years ago

I've configured the PHP script but I get this status error when the IP updates:

Captura de pantalla 2020-03-21 a las 20 22 45

However, the IP for my hostname updates correctly in Cloudflare.

Any idea?

mrikirill commented 4 years ago

Hi @skuark Have you tried to click 'Test Connection' ? It should force to set ip for your hostname(s). I will have a look the script, it seems to be a wrong response status

mrikirill commented 4 years ago

Hey @skuark

I've tested the current version of this script in different cases (create new ddns, update, update manually, modify and update, with one and multiple domains) in my synology 918+. I have never experienced with issues on update. In my case it updates 10 domains with subdomains.

I will close the issue for that time, but if you will get it again, please feel free to reopen or contact me.

skuark commented 4 years ago

Thanks @mrikirill, and sorry for the late response.

Have you tried to click 'Test Connection' ? It should force to set ip for your hostname(s).

Yes, I did. The error appears when updating manually, and also when it updates after an IP change.

It's a bit weird, actually, also because the script seems to be executed right. As I pointed, the IP updates conveniently in Cloudflare. But I get that message, and also I receive the DSM notification email stating that a problem occurred trying to update the IP for my Cloudflare host (because an unknown error).

FWIW, I've updated today my Synology to the most recent DSM version, and the problem persists. In my case, it's a Synology DS218+, with DSM 6.2.2-24922 Update 6.

VFS commented 3 years ago

@mrikirill I am having this same error. The A records are correctly updated, but it shows Failed to connect to the server. Please check the network connection of the server.

If you could please reopen this issue I cloud try to help you fix that.

VFS commented 3 years ago

@mrikirill do you know if it is a requirement that the router in front of the Synology have a port-forwarding rule so it can "self ping" through the updated hostname? Because I just want to use the ddns to update a record with my public IP so it can be used for other things unrelated to the Synology.

@skuark Are you running the DNS Server package with "local only" records, using the same domain that you configured on Cloudflare for public dns records?

skuark commented 3 years ago

Hi @VFS. Sorry, I finally simplified my local network configuration and got rid of the Cloudflare DNS, and thus removed that tool.

But yes, when I opened the issue I was using the DNS Server package with a pair of domains (the same domains configured in Cloudflare) with records pointing to my own network, and the Synology was the DNS server in the network.

mrikirill commented 3 years ago

In my case I have the same config as you have, a router in front of Synology with a few forwarded ports from this list

I also use WebStation to link my Cloudflare domains with them and everything works fine. And Synology DNS for my local (network) domains