mrizkalla / todo

iOS todo app homework
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todo app - HW #1

Open mrizkalla opened 10 years ago

mrizkalla commented 10 years ago

/cc @nesquena @timothy1ee

Hi guys,

Here is the todo app. Unfortunately I didn't get to the bonus part. I did attempt to do the bonus section (variable height rows) but kept running into a very strange bug where I was getting an EXC_BAD_ACCESS inside of tableview:cellForRowAtIndexPath. It would crash only sometimes when I tried to access the UITextView field of my new EditableCell within that method. I did change the UITextField to a UITextView, recreate the connection to the IBOutlet, and update the IBOutlet property to be a UITextView. I am guessing this somehow has something to do with dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier but I ran out of time to debug it.



timothy1ee commented 10 years ago

Good job! The point of this homework was to explore how to work with a UITableView with embedded controls, which is a very common use case. Below is the checklist I went through when reviewing your application. For the advanced, it's important to tackle the optional challenge of making the row expand as you type, it's a good illustration of the types of challenges production iOS apps have.