mrjackyliang / homebridge-adt-pulse

Homebridge security system platform for ADT Pulse
MIT License
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v3.0.0 Beta Testers #124

Closed mrjackyliang closed 8 months ago

mrjackyliang commented 8 months ago

Creating a thread here for all beta testing issues.

mrjackyliang commented 8 months ago

Published v3.0.0-beta.18, should fix more weird issues and errors that shouldn't normally be seen.

sapireli commented 8 months ago

some logs from beta 18, seems like the disarming didnt even go through. And another weird thing i noticed is arming seems to loop through a cycle of arm disarm arm or a double arm? When i do it from the portal direct no such issue its also significantly faster.

[1/1/2024, 2:27:21 AM] [ADT Pulse] Attempted to set panel status on Security Panel (id: adt-device-1, uuid: af79de8a-2216-49c1-aafa-606251d39c3e) accessory but request was not successful. { action: 'SET_PANEL_STATUS', success: false, info: { message: 'Security buttons are not found on the summary page' } } [1/1/2024, 2:28:49 AM] [ADT Pulse] Attempted to set panel status on Security Panel (id: adt-device-1, uuid: af79de8a-2216-49c1-aafa-606251d39c3e) accessory but request was not successful. { action: 'SET_PANEL_STATUS', success: false, info: { error: { message: 'timeout of 15000ms exceeded', name: 'AxiosError', description: undefined, number: undefined, fileName: undefined, lineNumber: undefined, columnNumber: undefined, stack: 'AxiosError: timeout of 15000ms exceeded\n' + ' at RedirectableRequest.handleRequestTimeout (file:///var/lib/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-adt-pulse/node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/http.js:643:16)\n' + ' at RedirectableRequest.emit (node:events:517:28)\n' + ' at Timeout. (/var/lib/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-adt-pulse/node_modules/follow-redirects/index.js:209:12)\n' + ' at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:569:17)\n' + ' at processTimers (node:internal/timers:512:7)', config: { transitional: { silentJSONParsing: true, forcedJSONParsing: true, clarifyTimeoutError: false }, adapter: [ 'xhr', 'http' ], transformRequest: [ [Function: transformRequest] ], transformResponse: [ [Function: transformResponse] ], timeout: 15000, xsrfCookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN', xsrfHeaderName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN', maxContentLength: -1, maxBodyLength: -1, env: { FormData: [Function: FormData] { LINE_BREAK: '\r\n', DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE: 'application/octet-stream' }, Blob: [class Blob] }, headers: Object [AxiosHeaders] { Accept: 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,/;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7', 'Content-Type': undefined, 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.9', Connection: 'keep-alive', Host: '', 'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'document', 'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'navigate', 'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'none', 'Sec-Fetch-User': '?1', 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36', 'sec-ch-ua': '"Not_A Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="120", "Google Chrome";v="120"', 'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0', 'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"macOS"' }, family: 4, method: 'head', url: '' }, code: 'ECONNABORTED', status: null } } }

mrjackyliang commented 8 months ago

some logs from beta 18, seems like the disarming didnt even go through. And another weird thing i noticed is arming seems to loop through a cycle of arm disarm arm or a double arm? When i do it from the portal direct no such issue its also significantly faster.

[1/1/2024, 2:27:21 AM] [ADT Pulse] Attempted to set panel status on Security Panel (id: adt-device-1, uuid: af79de8a-2216-49c1-aafa-606251d39c3e) accessory but request was not successful.



success: false,

info: { message: 'Security buttons are not found on the summary page' }


[1/1/2024, 2:28:49 AM] [ADT Pulse] Attempted to set panel status on Security Panel (id: adt-device-1, uuid: af79de8a-2216-49c1-aafa-606251d39c3e) accessory but request was not successful.



success: false,

info: {

error: {

  message: 'timeout of 15000ms exceeded',

  name: 'AxiosError',

  description: undefined,

  number: undefined,

  fileName: undefined,

  lineNumber: undefined,

  columnNumber: undefined,

  stack: 'AxiosError: timeout of 15000ms exceeded\n' +

    '    at RedirectableRequest.handleRequestTimeout (file:///var/lib/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-adt-pulse/node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/http.js:643:16)\n' +

    '    at RedirectableRequest.emit (node:events:517:28)\n' +

    '    at Timeout.<anonymous> (/var/lib/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-adt-pulse/node_modules/follow-redirects/index.js:209:12)\n' +

    '    at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:569:17)\n' +

    '    at processTimers (node:internal/timers:512:7)',

  config: {

    transitional: {

      silentJSONParsing: true,

      forcedJSONParsing: true,

      clarifyTimeoutError: false


    adapter: [ 'xhr', 'http' ],

    transformRequest: [ [Function: transformRequest] ],

    transformResponse: [ [Function: transformResponse] ],

    timeout: 15000,

    xsrfCookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN',

    xsrfHeaderName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN',

    maxContentLength: -1,

    maxBodyLength: -1,

    env: {

      FormData: [Function: FormData] {

        LINE_BREAK: '\r\n',

        DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE: 'application/octet-stream'


      Blob: [class Blob]


    headers: Object [AxiosHeaders] {

      Accept: 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7',

      'Content-Type': undefined,

      'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br',

      'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.9',

      Connection: 'keep-alive',

      Host: '',

      'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'document',

      'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'navigate',

      'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'none',

      'Sec-Fetch-User': '?1',

      'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1',

      'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',

      'sec-ch-ua': '"Not_A Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="120", "Google Chrome";v="120"',

      'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0',

      'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"macOS"'


    family: 4,

    method: 'head',

    url: ''



  status: null




@sapireli Hmm, maybe that 2 seconds change messed up some things.

The loop is normal (that is there in case the system stays in Clear Alarm mode, or wants to arm directly from Arm Away to Arm Stay), but from what that message is saying is probably due to the page refreshing slow because the buttons weren't detected.

jastorino82 commented 8 months ago

I am still seeing some issues with the alarm panel status in HK being out of sync. This morning I disarmed from arm stay in the home app. It disarmed the alarm properly, but the status stays “home” in the home app

edit Today, when I left the house I armed my system from the panel itself and left. When I checked the status of the panel in HomeKit, it remained "disarmed" even though in reality it was armed. So, there are still issues at least for me with the HomeKit security panel status being out of sync with reality.

knedd commented 8 months ago

I experienced the same behavior this morning. KevinSent via iPhoneOn Jan 1, 2024, at 1:59 PM, Joe Astorino @.***> wrote: I am still seeing some issues with the alarm panel status in HK being out of sync. This morning I disarmed from arm stay in the home app. It disarmed the alarm properly, but the status stays “home” in the home app

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mrjackyliang commented 8 months ago

@jastorino82 @knedd I had the same issue last night. It was extremely weird. I tried to debug it, but starting a second instance and arming/disarming it fixed the issue.

I wonder, just ball parking this one, if restarting your devices would help.

knedd commented 8 months ago

I restarted my phone. Same issue. KevinSent via iPhoneOn Jan 1, 2024, at 2:15 PM, Jacky Liang @.***> wrote: @jastorino82 @knedd I had the same issue last night. It was extremely weird. I tried to debug it, but starting a second instance and arming/disarming it fixed the issue. I wonder, just ball parking this one, if restarting your devices would help.

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mrjackyliang commented 8 months ago

I restarted my phone. Same issue. KevinSent via iPhoneOn Jan 1, 2024, at 2:15 PM, Jacky Liang @.***> wrote:

@jastorino82 @knedd I had the same issue last night. It was extremely weird. I tried to debug it, but starting a second instance and arming/disarming it fixed the issue.

I wonder, just ball parking this one, if restarting your devices would help.

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@knedd How about rebooting the Homebridge device? Like reboot, not restart Homebridge. If that doesn't work, try rebooting the router as well.

I assume this has to do with mDNS being stuck somewhere because I checked mines this morning, and it's off as expected.

knedd commented 8 months ago

I rebooted both the device and my router. It’s still getting hung up between arming and disarming. KevinSent via iPhoneOn Jan 1, 2024, at 2:25 PM, Jacky Liang @.***> wrote:

I restarted my phone. Same issue. KevinSent via iPhoneOn Jan 1, 2024, at 2:15 PM, Jacky Liang @.> wrote: @jastorino82 @knedd I had the same issue last night. It was extremely weird. I tried to debug it, but starting a second instance and arming/disarming it fixed the issue. I wonder, just ball parking this one, if restarting your devices would help. —Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.>

@knedd How about rebooting the Homebridge device? Like reboot, but restart Homebridge. If that doesn't work, try rebooting the router as well. I assume this has to do with mDNS being stuck somewhere.

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mrjackyliang commented 8 months ago

I rebooted both the device and my router. It’s still getting hung up between arming and disarming. KevinSent via iPhoneOn Jan 1, 2024, at 2:25 PM, Jacky Liang @.***> wrote:

I restarted my phone. Same issue. KevinSent via iPhoneOn Jan 1, 2024, at 2:15 PM, Jacky Liang @.***> wrote:

@jastorino82 @knedd I had the same issue last night. It was extremely weird. I tried to debug it, but starting a second instance and arming/disarming it fixed the issue.

I wonder, just ball parking this one, if restarting your devices would help.

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@knedd How about rebooting the Homebridge device? Like reboot, but restart Homebridge. If that doesn't work, try rebooting the router as well.

I assume this has to do with mDNS being stuck somewhere.

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@knedd Would you happen to know how to start a second Homebridge instance and load the plugin in?

I don't want you to reset the plugin if you already made customizations.

mrjackyliang commented 8 months ago

Actually wait. I may have an idea. I'll create a few more reset modes.

knedd commented 8 months ago

That’s a bit above my knowledge level. KevinSent via iPhoneOn Jan 1, 2024, at 3:03 PM, Jacky Liang @.***> wrote:

I rebooted both the device and my router. It’s still getting hung up between arming and disarming. KevinSent via iPhoneOn Jan 1, 2024, at 2:25 PM, Jacky Liang @.> wrote: I restarted my phone. Same issue. KevinSent via iPhoneOn Jan 1, 2024, at 2:15 PM, Jacky Liang @.> wrote: @jastorino82 @knedd I had the same issue last night. It was extremely weird. I tried to debug it, but starting a second instance and arming/disarming it fixed the issue. I wonder, just ball parking this one, if restarting your devices would help. —Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.> @knedd How about rebooting the Homebridge device? Like reboot, but restart Homebridge. If that doesn't work, try rebooting the router as well. I assume this has to do with mDNS being stuck somewhere. —Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.>

@knedd Would you happen to know how to start a second Homebridge instance and load the plugin in? I don't want you to reset the plugin if you already made customizations.

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knedd commented 8 months ago

OkKevinSent via iPhoneOn Jan 1, 2024, at 3:04 PM, Jacky Liang @.***> wrote: Actually wait. I may have an idea. I'll create a few more reset modes.

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mrjackyliang commented 8 months ago

I did notice that the plugin does work fine. However, the refresh doesn't happen until Home app is closed and re-opened.

tr1um9h commented 8 months ago

I did notice that the plugin does work fine. However, the refresh doesn't happen until Home app is closed and re-opened.

I usually have to restart homebridge to get status to update in the home app I'm on the latest beta

knedd commented 8 months ago

I am seeing the same behavior. KevinSent via iPhoneOn Jan 3, 2024, at 10:19 AM, Jacky Liang @.***> wrote: I did notice that the plugin does work fine. However, the refresh doesn't happen until Home app is closed and re-opened.

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jastorino82 commented 8 months ago

I did notice that the plugin does work fine. However, the refresh doesn't happen until Home app is closed and re-opened.

I usually have to restart homebridge to get status to update in the home app I'm on the latest beta

I am also seeing this. Something definitely up with panel status sync.

mrjackyliang commented 8 months ago

I did notice that the plugin does work fine. However, the refresh doesn't happen until Home app is closed and re-opened.

I usually have to restart homebridge to get status to update in the home app I'm on the latest beta

I am also seeing this. Something definitely up with panel status sync.

I do believe it has to do with the plugin not updating the characteristic after the panel status has been successfully set. Still trying to figure out that piece of the code.

hapinstance commented 8 months ago

I believe I am experiencing this as well. The panel does an initial sync, but does not update when an accessory changes state.

thcooley commented 8 months ago

I am seeing a similar issue I believe, it seems each morning the Plugin stops updating the sensors and alarm state. The logs are cycling like everything is good, however sensors are not updating and when attempting to update the Alarm (arm / disarm, etc..) from Homebridge I receive the below error. Once I bounce the ADT Child Bridge it recovers and works for about a day. If there are any troubleshooting steps you would like me to try the next time this occurs LMK.


[1/4/2024, 11:31:21 AM] [ADT Pulse] Sync check request was successful. Determining if panel and sensor data is outdated ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:21 AM] [ADT Pulse] Panel and sensor data is up to date (cached: 447376-399191-0, fetched: 447376-399191-0). [1/4/2024, 11:31:24 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.performSyncCheck() - Attempting to perform a sync check from "" ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:24 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.isPortalAccessible() - Attempting to check if "" is accessible ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:24 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG SUCCESS: api.ts / ADTPulse.isPortalAccessible() - Successfully checked if "" is accessible ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:25 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.performSyncCheck() - Request path ➜ /myhome/27.0.0-140/Ajax/SyncCheckServ?t=1704396684884 ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:25 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.performSyncCheck() - Request path valid ➜ true ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:25 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG SUCCESS: api.ts / ADTPulse.performSyncCheck() - Successfully performed a sync check from "" ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:25 AM] [ADT Pulse] Sync check request was successful. Determining if panel and sensor data is outdated ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:25 AM] [ADT Pulse] Panel and sensor data is up to date (cached: 447376-399191-0, fetched: 447376-399191-0). [1/4/2024, 11:31:26 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.setPanelStatus() - Attempting to update panel status from "stay" to "off" at "" ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:26 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.isPortalAccessible() - Attempting to check if "" is accessible ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:26 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG SUCCESS: api.ts / ADTPulse.isPortalAccessible() - Successfully checked if "" is accessible ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:28 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.performSyncCheck() - Attempting to perform a sync check from "" ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:28 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.isPortalAccessible() - Attempting to check if "" is accessible ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:28 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.setPanelStatus() - Request path ➜ /myhome/27.0.0-140/summary/summary.jsp ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:28 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.setPanelStatus() - Request path valid ➜ true ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:28 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG ERROR: api.ts / ADTPulse.setPanelStatus() - Security buttons are not found on the summary page ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:28 AM] [ADT Pulse] Attempted to set panel status on Security Panel (id: adt-device-1, uuid: af79de8a-2216-49c1-aafa-606251d39c3e) accessory but request was not successful. { action: 'SET_PANEL_STATUS', success: false, info: { message: 'Security buttons are not found on the summary page' } } [1/4/2024, 11:31:28 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG SUCCESS: api.ts / ADTPulse.isPortalAccessible() - Successfully checked if "" is accessible ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:29 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.performSyncCheck() - Request path ➜ /myhome/27.0.0-140/Ajax/SyncCheckServ?t=1704396688952 ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:29 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.performSyncCheck() - Request path valid ➜ true ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:29 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG SUCCESS: api.ts / ADTPulse.performSyncCheck() - Successfully performed a sync check from "" ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:29 AM] [ADT Pulse] Sync check request was successful. Determining if panel and sensor data is outdated ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:29 AM] [ADT Pulse] Panel and sensor data is outdated (cached: 447376-399191-0, fetched: 1-0-0). Preparing to retrieve the latest panel and sensor data ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:29 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.getGatewayInformation() - Attempting to retrieve gateway information from "" ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:29 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.isPortalAccessible() - Attempting to check if "" is accessible ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:29 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.getPanelInformation() - Attempting to retrieve panel information from "" ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:29 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.isPortalAccessible() - Attempting to check if "" is accessible ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:29 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.getPanelStatus() - Attempting to retrieve panel status from "" ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:29 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.isPortalAccessible() - Attempting to check if "" is accessible ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:29 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.getSensorsInformation() - Attempting to retrieve sensors information from "" ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:29 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.isPortalAccessible() - Attempting to check if "" is accessible ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:29 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.getSensorsStatus() - Attempting to retrieve sensors status from "" ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:29 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.isPortalAccessible() - Attempting to check if "" is accessible ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:29 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG SUCCESS: api.ts / ADTPulse.isPortalAccessible() - Successfully checked if "" is accessible ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:29 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG SUCCESS: api.ts / ADTPulse.isPortalAccessible() - Successfully checked if "" is accessible ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:29 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG SUCCESS: api.ts / ADTPulse.isPortalAccessible() - Successfully checked if "" is accessible ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:29 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG SUCCESS: api.ts / ADTPulse.isPortalAccessible() - Successfully checked if "" is accessible ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:29 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG SUCCESS: api.ts / ADTPulse.isPortalAccessible() - Successfully checked if "" is accessible ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:29 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.getPanelInformation() - Request path ➜ /myhome/27.0.0-140/system/device.jsp?id=1 ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:29 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.getPanelInformation() - Request path valid ➜ true ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:29 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG SUCCESS: api.ts / ADTPulse.getPanelInformation() - Successfully retrieved panel information from "" ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:29 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.getSensorsInformation() - Request path ➜ /myhome/27.0.0-140/system/system.jsp ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:29 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.getSensorsInformation() - Request path valid ➜ true ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:29 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG SUCCESS: api.ts / ADTPulse.getSensorsInformation() - Successfully retrieved sensors information from "" ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:29 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.getPanelStatus() - Request path ➜ /myhome/27.0.0-140/summary/summary.jsp ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:29 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.getPanelStatus() - Request path valid ➜ true ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:30 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG SUCCESS: api.ts / ADTPulse.getPanelStatus() - Successfully retrieved panel status from "" ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:30 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.getSensorsStatus() - Request path ➜ /myhome/27.0.0-140/summary/summary.jsp ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:30 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.getSensorsStatus() - Request path valid ➜ true ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:30 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG SUCCESS: api.ts / ADTPulse.getSensorsStatus() - Successfully retrieved sensors status from "" ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:30 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.getGatewayInformation() - Request path ➜ /myhome/27.0.0-140/system/gateway.jsp ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:30 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.getGatewayInformation() - Request path valid ➜ true ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:30 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG SUCCESS: api.ts / ADTPulse.getGatewayInformation() - Successfully retrieved gateway information from "" ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:30 AM] [ADT Pulse] Updating ADT Pulse Gateway (id: adt-device-0, uuid: f0a67cd8-a143-4992-ba09-e39b8c3955d4) accessory ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:30 AM] [ADT Pulse] Updating Security Panel (id: adt-device-1, uuid: af79de8a-2216-49c1-aafa-606251d39c3e) accessory ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:30 AM] [ADT Pulse] Updating Guest Room Window (id: adt-device-23, uuid: 62b660a1-aadc-4359-88f5-a15b430433d8) accessory ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:30 AM] [ADT Pulse] Updating Office Window (id: adt-device-22, uuid: f7f06b78-8874-4e4e-831a-6454a8ac9a34) accessory ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:30 AM] [ADT Pulse] Updating Guest Room Carbon Detector (id: adt-device-39, uuid: 00a0fa09-d5ec-49a5-b4ae-bad673b6f469) accessory ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:30 AM] [ADT Pulse] Updating Office Carbon Detector (id: adt-device-40, uuid: aaef9102-783e-4db1-8b32-63cd01d4661f) accessory ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:30 AM] [ADT Pulse] Updating Dining Room Glass Detector (id: adt-device-59, uuid: a1ef88a5-bb08-4211-8cc7-989b48903b30) accessory ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:30 AM] [ADT Pulse] Updating Hallway Motion (id: adt-device-25, uuid: 942f6c01-e473-4e4b-86af-d37a14208d93) accessory ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:30 AM] [ADT Pulse] Updating Front Door (id: adt-device-2, uuid: 2d9c413a-63da-4e7b-8c4d-3ed2684a6b2e) accessory ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:30 AM] [ADT Pulse] Updating Entryway Glass Detector (id: adt-device-60, uuid: 8f899c96-e5b0-4b65-bfc9-03e1784927cb) accessory ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:30 AM] [ADT Pulse] Updating Garage Entry Door (id: adt-device-3, uuid: c9ddfc3e-f512-43d5-9456-bf1ea91b4452) accessory ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:30 AM] [ADT Pulse] Updating Garage Overhead Door (id: adt-device-4, uuid: 83ed1be0-578b-43e2-99a9-cfc82d3c7342) accessory ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:30 AM] [ADT Pulse] Updating Garage Smoke Detector (id: adt-device-47, uuid: 1887aa3a-1c03-4fc2-803f-29d30b76dba4) accessory ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:30 AM] [ADT Pulse] Updating Entryway Smoke Detector (id: adt-device-11, uuid: f3b519a4-4663-4985-a011-e49d203243bd) accessory ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:30 AM] [ADT Pulse] Updating Master Bathroom Window (id: adt-device-21, uuid: dbabc81e-a1c3-40d2-84ee-5e84acd7ab90) accessory ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:30 AM] [ADT Pulse] Updating Master Bedroom Carbon Detector (id: adt-device-41, uuid: 382fef51-e737-43be-8993-6b13e52f0930) accessory ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:30 AM] [ADT Pulse] Updating Master Bedroom Motion (id: adt-device-24, uuid: 703856c2-3026-4b60-b337-31f5d0cbd039) accessory ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:30 AM] [ADT Pulse] Updating Master Bedroom Sliding Door (id: adt-device-20, uuid: 08207e03-a25d-41d8-8151-5e67a0a4a9e5) accessory ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:30 AM] [ADT Pulse] Updating Hallway Smoke Detector (id: adt-device-12, uuid: 5caed0b0-8b41-48c6-b5e7-ecf561b2500f) accessory ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:30 AM] [ADT Pulse] Updating Upstairs Smoke (id: adt-device-46, uuid: ad15dc40-a848-4304-b86e-2ba07bc46d58) accessory ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:33 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.performSyncCheck() - Attempting to perform a sync check from "" ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:33 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.isPortalAccessible() - Attempting to check if "" is accessible ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:33 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG SUCCESS: api.ts / ADTPulse.isPortalAccessible() - Successfully checked if "" is accessible ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:34 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.performSyncCheck() - Request path ➜ /myhome/27.0.0-140/Ajax/SyncCheckServ?t=1704396693925 ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:34 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG INFO: api.ts / ADTPulse.performSyncCheck() - Request path valid ➜ true ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:34 AM] [ADT Pulse] DEBUG SUCCESS: api.ts / ADTPulse.performSyncCheck() - Successfully performed a sync check from "" ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:34 AM] [ADT Pulse] Sync check request was successful. Determining if panel and sensor data is outdated ... [1/4/2024, 11:31:34 AM] [ADT Pulse] Panel and sensor data is outdated (cached: 1-0-0, fetched: 447376-399191-0). Preparing to retrieve the latest panel and sensor data ...

Danimal4326 commented 8 months ago

I'm seeing the following in my logs:

[1/4/2024, 2:19:01 PM] [ADT Pulse] Sync checking attempt has failed. Trying again later.
  success: false,
  info: {
    message: '"/myhome/27.0.0-140/access/signin.jsp?e=to&partner=adt" is not the sync check page'
[1/4/2024, 2:19:05 PM] [ADT Pulse] Sync checking attempt has failed. Trying again later.
  success: false,
  info: {
    message: '"/myhome/27.0.0-140/access/signin.jsp?e=ns&partner=adt" is not the sync check page'

The panel state in Home app doesn't follow the actual state as well.

mrjackyliang commented 8 months ago

I'm seeing the following in my logs:

[1/4/2024, 2:19:01 PM] [ADT Pulse] Sync checking attempt has failed. Trying again later.



  success: false,

  info: {

    message: '"/myhome/27.0.0-140/access/signin.jsp?e=to&partner=adt" is not the sync check page'



[1/4/2024, 2:19:05 PM] [ADT Pulse] Sync checking attempt has failed. Trying again later.



  success: false,

  info: {

    message: '"/myhome/27.0.0-140/access/signin.jsp?e=ns&partner=adt" is not the sync check page'



The panel state in Home app doesn't follow the actual state as well.

@Danimal4326 You'd see those kind of errors from time to time.

That just means your login session expired and the plugin will re-login for you. Much better than v2, since you won't need to login every 5 mins or so.

Danimal4326 commented 8 months ago

@mrjackyliang thanks for the explanation

mrjackyliang commented 8 months ago

Released v3.0.0-beta.19. This version doesn't fix the Home app not responding to device changes, but will fix the "Security buttons are not found on the summary page".

If you are still getting this error, let me know your current operational speed.

hapinstance commented 8 months ago

I upgraded to 19 and it is still not reporting changes to the accessory state. One item i noticed, if it matters. when loading the accessories the log files reports log entries like:

Adding Room Window (24) (id: adt-device-18, uuid: 5............................................

The item is number 24 in the pulse portal, but the id number is 18in the log entry. FYI, if i try to add a fake accessory with an invalid ID, it does generate an error

mrjackyliang commented 8 months ago

I upgraded to 19 and it is still not reporting changes to the accessory state. One item i noticed, if it matters. when loading the accessories the log files reports log entries like:

Adding Room Window (24) (id: adt-device-18, uuid: 5............................................

The item is number 24 in the pulse portal, but the id number is 18in the log entry. FYI, if i try to add a fake accessory with an invalid ID, it does generate an error

@hapinstance It's because I haven't worked on it yet. I did some digging around, going to test it out tomorrow and see if the advice works.

For 24, that is the zone, 18 is the device ID. They're not the same apparently.

thcooley commented 8 months ago

Released v3.0.0-beta.19. This version doesn't fix the Home app not responding to device changes, but will fix the "Security buttons are not found on the summary page".

If you are still getting this error, let me know your current operational speed.

I am no longer getting the "Security buttons are not found....." error on beta.19 (at least for the last day) - However the plug-in does stop updating the alarm and accessories status after a period of time - it loops checking for changes, not finding any even though there are indeed changes. No errors seen in the log.

One thing I noticed, it seems that the plug-in does not find any changes, until I open the ADT Pulse app on my phone. This has occurred several times today, where I notice the plugin not updating, as soon as I open the ADT Pulse app to just make sure Pulse see's the changes, the next time the plugin cycles for an update it then finds all the updates and works for about an hour until it stops again. No errors in the logs. I am using a different E-Mail on the plug-in (dedicated for this) than my phone log-in as well.

This could just be a coincidence (occurred multiple times today), but something I noticed in case it is helpful in anyway.

mrjackyliang commented 8 months ago

Released v3.0.0-beta.19. This version doesn't fix the Home app not responding to device changes, but will fix the "Security buttons are not found on the summary page". If you are still getting this error, let me know your current operational speed.

I am no longer getting the "Security buttons are not found....." error on beta.19 (at least for the last day) - However the plug-in does stop updating the alarm and accessories status after a period of time - it loops checking for changes, not finding any even though there are indeed changes. No errors seen in the log.

One thing I noticed, it seems that the plug-in does not find any changes, until I open the ADT Pulse app on my phone. This has occurred several times today, where I notice the plugin not updating, as soon as I open the ADT Pulse app to just make sure Pulse see's the changes, the next time the plugin cycles for an update it then finds all the updates and works for about an hour until it stops again. No errors in the logs. I am using a different E-Mail on the plug-in (dedicated for this) than my phone log-in as well.

This could just be a coincidence (occurred multiple times today), but something I noticed in case it is helpful in anyway.

@thcooley Would this happen if you were to use the same login as you are using for the Pulse app? I'm thinking it has to do with the same issue where HomeKit doesn't receive updates from the plugin, so I am close to pinpointing that issue.

But if the Pulse web portal isn't giving the plugin (sync codes) an indication of whether or not the plugin needs to update, there's nothing much I can do.

thcooley commented 8 months ago

Released v3.0.0-beta.19. This version doesn't fix the Home app not responding to device changes, but will fix the "Security buttons are not found on the summary page". If you are still getting this error, let me know your current operational speed.

I am no longer getting the "Security buttons are not found....." error on beta.19 (at least for the last day) - However the plug-in does stop updating the alarm and accessories status after a period of time - it loops checking for changes, not finding any even though there are indeed changes. No errors seen in the log. One thing I noticed, it seems that the plug-in does not find any changes, until I open the ADT Pulse app on my phone. This has occurred several times today, where I notice the plugin not updating, as soon as I open the ADT Pulse app to just make sure Pulse see's the changes, the next time the plugin cycles for an update it then finds all the updates and works for about an hour until it stops again. No errors in the logs. I am using a different E-Mail on the plug-in (dedicated for this) than my phone log-in as well. This could just be a coincidence (occurred multiple times today), but something I noticed in case it is helpful in anyway.

@thcooley Would this happen if you were to use the same login as you are using for the Pulse app? I'm thinking it has to do with the same issue where HomeKit doesn't receive updates from the plugin, so I am close to pinpointing that issue.

But if the Pulse web portal isn't giving the plugin (sync codes) an indication of whether or not the plugin needs to update, there's nothing much I can do.

@mrjackyliang - I just changed the plug-in config to use the same main login I use for the Pulse App, will monitor and let ya know if this fixes it.

thcooley commented 8 months ago

Released v3.0.0-beta.19. This version doesn't fix the Home app not responding to device changes, but will fix the "Security buttons are not found on the summary page". If you are still getting this error, let me know your current operational speed.

I am no longer getting the "Security buttons are not found....." error on beta.19 (at least for the last day) - However the plug-in does stop updating the alarm and accessories status after a period of time - it loops checking for changes, not finding any even though there are indeed changes. No errors seen in the log. One thing I noticed, it seems that the plug-in does not find any changes, until I open the ADT Pulse app on my phone. This has occurred several times today, where I notice the plugin not updating, as soon as I open the ADT Pulse app to just make sure Pulse see's the changes, the next time the plugin cycles for an update it then finds all the updates and works for about an hour until it stops again. No errors in the logs. I am using a different E-Mail on the plug-in (dedicated for this) than my phone log-in as well. This could just be a coincidence (occurred multiple times today), but something I noticed in case it is helpful in anyway.

@thcooley Would this happen if you were to use the same login as you are using for the Pulse app? I'm thinking it has to do with the same issue where HomeKit doesn't receive updates from the plugin, so I am close to pinpointing that issue.

But if the Pulse web portal isn't giving the plugin (sync codes) an indication of whether or not the plugin needs to update, there's nothing much I can do.

@mrjackyliang - In checking the Plugin after running through the evening, ran into the same condition this AM. The plugin is looping as normal checking for updates, however returning "Panel and sensor data is up to date" thus not updating any sensors or alarm state. After I logged into the ADT Pulse app, the next API call from the Plug-in then returned updated information. I am now using the same main ADT account between the pug-in and my phone Pulse App.

It appears almost as if the API session goes stale or times out maybe from ADT and is only getting cached updates? Once I log in with my phone or from the web (a new log-in) it allows it to refresh or the API begins sending non cached updates? I took a look at the config from the HASS ADT HACS plug-in and noticed it has the following config's below to perhaps overcome a similar issue (see below in quotes). I am not the best at coding, thus cannot really help look into the issue itself, just hoping by sharing the results and other findings it could help. :-) Thanks for all your work on this!

" poll interval will determine how quickly Home Assistant will receive updates from ADT Pulse. The Pulse website does this in the background multiple times per second, so setting the poll interval less than a second should be fine. Of course, this will generate more network traffic from your Home Assistant instance to the internet.

keepalive interval will determine how often a background call to ADT pulse to keep the connection alive will be made. This is performed by the ADT site to automatically log out after a set time period if the user is inactive. The default of 5 minutes should be fine, but it can be increased if needed, probably to no more than 10 minutes. The minimum value is 1 minute, the maximum is 15 minutes.

relogin interval will determine how often a background call to ADT pulse will be made to re-authenticate with ADT Pulse. The ADT servers stop responding automatically after a set time period, even if the user is still active. This attempts to work around this issue. The default of 120 minutes should be fine, but it can be changed if needed, probably to no more than 180 minutes. The minimum value is 20 minutes. Frequently re-authenticating with ADT Pulse more than the default is probably not a good idea, but hasn't been tested. "

mrjackyliang commented 8 months ago

Released v3.0.0-beta.19. This version doesn't fix the Home app not responding to device changes, but will fix the "Security buttons are not found on the summary page". If you are still getting this error, let me know your current operational speed.

I am no longer getting the "Security buttons are not found....." error on beta.19 (at least for the last day) - However the plug-in does stop updating the alarm and accessories status after a period of time - it loops checking for changes, not finding any even though there are indeed changes. No errors seen in the log. One thing I noticed, it seems that the plug-in does not find any changes, until I open the ADT Pulse app on my phone. This has occurred several times today, where I notice the plugin not updating, as soon as I open the ADT Pulse app to just make sure Pulse see's the changes, the next time the plugin cycles for an update it then finds all the updates and works for about an hour until it stops again. No errors in the logs. I am using a different E-Mail on the plug-in (dedicated for this) than my phone log-in as well. This could just be a coincidence (occurred multiple times today), but something I noticed in case it is helpful in anyway.

@thcooley Would this happen if you were to use the same login as you are using for the Pulse app? I'm thinking it has to do with the same issue where HomeKit doesn't receive updates from the plugin, so I am close to pinpointing that issue. But if the Pulse web portal isn't giving the plugin (sync codes) an indication of whether or not the plugin needs to update, there's nothing much I can do.

@mrjackyliang - In checking the Plugin after running through the evening, ran into the same condition this AM. The plugin is looping as normal checking for updates, however returning "Panel and sensor data is up to date" thus not updating any sensors or alarm state. After I logged into the ADT Pulse app, the next API call from the Plug-in then returned updated information. I am now using the same main ADT account between the pug-in and my phone Pulse App.

It appears almost as if the API session goes stale or times out maybe from ADT and is only getting cached updates? Once I log in with my phone or from the web (a new log-in) it allows it to refresh or the API begins sending non cached updates? I took a look at the config from the HASS ADT HACS plug-in and noticed it has the following config's below to perhaps overcome a similar issue (see below in quotes). I am not the best at coding, thus cannot really help look into the issue itself, just hoping by sharing the results and other findings it could help. :-) Thanks for all your work on this!

" poll interval will determine how quickly Home Assistant will receive updates from ADT Pulse. The Pulse website does this in the background multiple times per second, so setting the poll interval less than a second should be fine. Of course, this will generate more network traffic from your Home Assistant instance to the internet.

keepalive interval will determine how often a background call to ADT pulse to keep the connection alive will be made. This is performed by the ADT site to automatically log out after a set time period if the user is inactive. The default of 5 minutes should be fine, but it can be increased if needed, probably to no more than 10 minutes. The minimum value is 1 minute, the maximum is 15 minutes.

relogin interval will determine how often a background call to ADT pulse will be made to re-authenticate with ADT Pulse. The ADT servers stop responding automatically after a set time period, even if the user is still active. This attempts to work around this issue. The default of 120 minutes should be fine, but it can be changed if needed, probably to no more than 180 minutes. The minimum value is 20 minutes. Frequently re-authenticating with ADT Pulse more than the default is probably not a good idea, but hasn't been tested. "

@thcooley Wow thanks for the amazing insight! For the poll interval, yes I can create a 1.25x mode to accommodate for faster poll intervals and more keep-alive pings (definitely not recommended for older hardware).

For the keep alive intervals, it should not be more than 8.9 minutes (from my understanding of the portal), and the re-login doesn't need to matter at all, because the plugin can auto-detect on the next action if the session has been logged out (it will recover on its own).

I'm going to take a hunch that if the info is being cached, I might need to set the headers to no cache. Not sure if it works, or look at how axios does the fetching in the back, but it's something I'll put a note on once I release beta 20.

mrjackyliang commented 8 months ago

Released v3.0.0-beta.20. This issue fixes many performance issues, an attempt to fix the non-updating statuses in the Home app, and more.

Thanks for your patience and help!

sapireli commented 8 months ago

@mrjackyliang getting a lot of sensor mismatch and type error with beta 20:

[1/7/2024, 3:59:41 PM] [ADT Pulse] Sensor mismatch detected for zones 33 and 36. This should not be happening. { info: { deviceId: 68, deviceType: 'Motion Sensor', name: 'Basement Motion', status: 'Online', zone: 33 }, status: { icon: 'devStatTamper', name: 'Attic CO2 Detector', statuses: [ 'Trouble', 'Okay' ], zone: 36 }, type: 'motion' } [1/7/2024, 3:59:41 PM] [ADT Pulse] fetchUpdatedInformation() has unexpectedly thrown an error, will continue to fetch. { name: 'TypeError', message: "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'zone')", stack: "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'zone')\n" + ' at file:///var/lib/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-adt-pulse/src/lib/platform.ts:850:62\n' + ' at ()\n' + ' at ADTPulsePlatform.unknownInformationDispatcher (file:///var/lib/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-adt-pulse/src/lib/platform.ts:848:33)\n' + ' at ADTPulsePlatform.fetchUpdatedInformation (file:///var/lib/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-adt-pulse/src/lib/platform.ts:826:18)\n' + ' at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)\n' + ' at file:///var/lib/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-adt-pulse/src/lib/platform.ts:717:13' }

mrjackyliang commented 8 months ago

@mrjackyliang getting a lot of sensor mismatch and type error with beta 20:

[1/7/2024, 3:59:41 PM] [ADT Pulse] Sensor mismatch detected for zones 33 and 36. This should not be happening.


info: {

deviceId: 68,

deviceType: 'Motion Sensor',

name: 'Basement Motion',

status: 'Online',

zone: 33


status: {

icon: 'devStatTamper',

name: 'Attic CO2 Detector',

statuses: [ 'Trouble', 'Okay' ],

zone: 36


type: 'motion'


[1/7/2024, 3:59:41 PM] [ADT Pulse] fetchUpdatedInformation() has unexpectedly thrown an error, will continue to fetch.


name: 'TypeError',

message: "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'zone')",

stack: "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'zone')\n" +

'    at file:///var/lib/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-adt-pulse/src/lib/platform.ts:850:62\n' +

'    at (<anonymous>)\n' +

'    at ADTPulsePlatform.unknownInformationDispatcher (file:///var/lib/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-adt-pulse/src/lib/platform.ts:848:33)\n' +

'    at ADTPulsePlatform.fetchUpdatedInformation (file:///var/lib/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-adt-pulse/src/lib/platform.ts:826:18)\n' +

'    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)\n' +

'    at file:///var/lib/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-adt-pulse/src/lib/platform.ts:717:13'


@sapireli Are they always the same zones?

sapireli commented 8 months ago

@mrjackyliang all different zones

mrjackyliang commented 8 months ago

@mrjackyliang all different zones

@sapireli Ah, now that's interesting. That shouldn't happen at all because the sensors info and sensors statuses should all match up. Would you mind running the test api, and create a new issue for it?

sapireli commented 8 months ago

how do i do that?

sapireli commented 8 months ago

@mrjackyliang attaching the complete log file FYI homebridge-adt-pulse.log (1).txt

mrjackyliang commented 8 months ago

how do i do that?

@sapireli First, in the terminal in Homebridge, can you run the command pwd?

sapireli commented 8 months ago

yep @mrjackyliang its /var/lib/homebridge

thcooley commented 8 months ago

Released v3.0.0-beta.20. This issue fixes many performance issues, an attempt to fix the non-updating statuses in the Home app, and more.

Thanks for your patience and help!

Just applied this update as well, not getting any of the zone mismatch errors as reported by others.

However the HomeBridge Security Panel accessory is no longer updating. If I set the alarm from the panel or from the ADT Pulse app, the plug-in logs that it detects a change, runs through all the zone and panel updates in the logs without any errors that I can see, however the state of the HomeBridge Security Panel accessory remains in whatever state it is in (Armed or Disarmed). if I bounce the child bridge or home bridge server when it starts up it will pull the current state and then update the accessory, however seems to get stuck in that state and will not update until a restart is performed.

Snippet of logs attached - not seeing any errors that could cause this: homebridge-adt-pulse.log.txt

mrjackyliang commented 8 months ago

@mrjackyliang attaching the complete log file FYI homebridge-adt-pulse.log (1).txt

From what I see in the logs, what are

yep @mrjackyliang its /var/lib/homebridge

@sapireli Got it, do this command cd node_modules/homebridge-adt-pulse && npm run test-api. Make sure to follow the instructions included so to not accidently involve authorities while testing.

Note to self: The fetchUpdatedInformation() crashing is due to accessing an out of bounds array index.

sapireli commented 8 months ago

"From what I see in the logs, what are"
@mrjackyliang it got cut off

mrjackyliang commented 8 months ago

"From what I see in the logs, what are" @mrjackyliang it got cut off

@sapireli cd node_modules/homebridge-adt-pulse && npm run test-api

mrjackyliang commented 8 months ago

Released v3.0.0-beta.20. This issue fixes many performance issues, an attempt to fix the non-updating statuses in the Home app, and more. Thanks for your patience and help!

Just applied this update as well, not getting any of the zone mismatch errors as reported by others.

However the HomeBridge Security Panel accessory is no longer updating. If I set the alarm from the panel or from the ADT Pulse app, the plug-in logs that it detects a change, runs through all the zone and panel updates in the logs without any errors that I can see, however the state of the HomeBridge Security Panel accessory remains in whatever state it is in (Armed or Disarmed). if I bounce the child bridge or home bridge server when it starts up it will pull the current state and then update the accessory, however seems to get stuck in that state and will not update until a restart is performed.

Snippet of logs attached - not seeing any errors that could cause this: homebridge-adt-pulse.log.txt

@thcooley Yeah that shouldn't be happening. It should be the opposite instead. Can I get the versions you are currently running?

thcooley commented 8 months ago

Released v3.0.0-beta.20. This issue fixes many performance issues, an attempt to fix the non-updating statuses in the Home app, and more. Thanks for your patience and help!

Just applied this update as well, not getting any of the zone mismatch errors as reported by others. However the HomeBridge Security Panel accessory is no longer updating. If I set the alarm from the panel or from the ADT Pulse app, the plug-in logs that it detects a change, runs through all the zone and panel updates in the logs without any errors that I can see, however the state of the HomeBridge Security Panel accessory remains in whatever state it is in (Armed or Disarmed). if I bounce the child bridge or home bridge server when it starts up it will pull the current state and then update the accessory, however seems to get stuck in that state and will not update until a restart is performed. Snippet of logs attached - not seeing any errors that could cause this: homebridge-adt-pulse.log.txt

@thcooley Yeah that shouldn't be happening. It should be the opposite instead. Can I get the versions you are currently running?

Screenshots below of the versions I have running - if there is something I missed LMK.

image image image
sapireli commented 8 months ago

@thcooley i think he's talking about adt portal version edit from your logs its 27.0.0-140

mrjackyliang commented 8 months ago

I'll get all the versions i can get at this point🤣 This is some really weird voodoo going on.

mrjackyliang commented 8 months ago

@thcooley i think he's talking about adt portal version edit from your logs its 27.0.0-140

@sapireli Can you screenshot me the System page in your portal, and your summary page as well with all of the sensors? Also if possible, the source code for both of those pages as well!

sapireli commented 8 months ago

@mrjackyliang attached updatd source