mrjackyliang / homebridge-adt-pulse

Homebridge security system platform for ADT Pulse
Apache License 2.0
35 stars 7 forks source link

[PLEASE READ] Missing "options" array in configuration with "Plugin is unable to initialize due to an invalid platform configuration." error. #132

Closed Fergie2020 closed 5 months ago

Fergie2020 commented 5 months ago

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Tell us exactly what happened

I thought I had my plugin all set but I am getting the same message

Plugin version


Homebridge version


Node.js® version


Log output of the "test-api" command

Plugin is unable to initialize due to an invalid platform configuration.
[1/27/2024, 1:04:50 PM] [ADT Pulse] If you just upgraded from v2 to v3 / v3.1, please update your configuration structure.
    "code": "invalid_type",
    "expected": "array",
    "received": "undefined",
    "path": [
    "message": "Required"

More logs relevant to this bug

"name": "ADT Pulse",
    "subdomain": "portal",
    "username": "DELETED",
    "password": "DELETED,
    "fingerprint": "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",
    "mode": "normal",
    "speed": 1,
    "sensors": [
            "name": "Front Door",
            "adtName": "Front Door",
            "adtType": "doorWindow",
            "adtZone": 1
            "name": "Garage Door",
            "adtName": "Garage Door",
            "adtType": "doorWindow",
            "adtZone": 3
            "name": "Garage Glass Break Detector",
            "adtName": "Garage Glass Break Detector",
            "adtType": "glass",
            "adtZone": 5
            "name": "Kitchen Glass Detector",
            "adtName": "Kitchen Glass Detector",
            "adtType": "glass",
            "adtZone": 4
            "name": "Living Room Motion Detector",
            "adtName": "Living Room Motion Detector",
            "adtType": "motion",
            "adtZone": 6
            "name": "Sliding Door",
            "adtName": "Sliding Door",
            "adtType": "doorWindow",
            "adtZone": 2
    "platform": "ADTPulse"

Legal Agreements

mrjackyliang commented 5 months ago

The configuration has been upgraded to accommodate some users having issues. Simply add "options": [], below the "speed": 1, line, and you should be all set.

Fergie2020 commented 5 months ago

Got it!!!

Thank you so much!

On Jan 27, 2024, at 5:12 PM, Jacky Liang @.***> wrote:

Closed #132 as completed.

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mrjackyliang commented 5 months ago

No problem!

mrjackyliang commented 5 months ago


elight commented 5 months ago

And make sure that you at least have a "sensors": [] attribute?

mrjackyliang commented 5 months ago

And make sure that you at least have a "sensors": [] attribute?

Yes. If you don't want sensors, you have to set it to an empty array.

elight commented 5 months ago

Grateful for such timely responses!

Now I'm seeing:

[ADT Pulse] Login attempt has failed. Trying 1 more time ...
  action: 'LOGIN',
  success: false,
  info: {
    message: '"/myhome/27.0.0-140/access/signin.jsp?e=ns&partner=adt" is not the summary page'

I know that I have the correct credentials.

elight commented 5 months ago

Oh perhaps my fingerprint is wrong?

mrjackyliang commented 5 months ago

Oh perhaps my fingerprint is wrong?

Most likely the fingerprint became outdated or per @rlippmann's discovery, you cannot have multiple logins of the same fingerprints. If login fails 3 times in a row, the plugin will just stop for 30 minutes to prevent ADT from blocking your IP due to many attempts.

elight commented 5 months ago

I'm getting "fingerprint too_big". :confused:

mrjackyliang commented 5 months ago

I'm getting "fingerprint too_big". 😕

Mmm. this sounds like a bug. Please create a bug report, thanks!

Fergie2020 commented 5 months ago

Just an FYI.....I woke up this morning and the plugin wouldn't work again. Checked logs and my json file changed. The "platform": ...... line (second from top) was gone. Had to re-enter the the line and save/restart homebridge to get it back up and running.

mrjackyliang commented 5 months ago

Just an FYI.....I woke up this morning and the plugin wouldn't work again. Checked logs and my json file changed. The "platform": ...... line (second from top) was gone. Had to re-enter the the line and save/restart homebridge to get it back up and running.

The plugin doesn't touch the platform key in the config. That's all Homebridge. If it's missing, something wanky going on with the install.

Fergie2020 commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the update. Not sure what happened through the night but will keep you posted if anything changes. On Feb 2, 2024, at 3:36 PM, Jacky Liang @.***> wrote:

Just an FYI.....I woke up this morning and the plugin wouldn't work again. Checked logs and my json file changed. The "platform": ...... line (second from top) was gone. Had to re-enter the the line and save/restart homebridge to get it back up and running.

The plugin doesn't touch the platform key in the config. That's all Homebridge. If it's missing, something wanky going on with the install.

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mrjackyliang commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the update. Not sure what happened through the night but will keep you posted if anything changes. On Feb 2, 2024, at 3:36 PM, Jacky Liang @.***> wrote:

Just an FYI.....I woke up this morning and the plugin wouldn't work again. Checked logs and my json file changed. The "platform": ...... line (second from top) was gone. Had to re-enter the the line and save/restart homebridge to get it back up and running.

The plugin doesn't touch the platform key in the config. That's all Homebridge. If it's missing, something wanky going on with the install.

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If you do suspect something, please file a new bug report, thanks!