mrjadkowski / SMARS-mini-XL

A small wheeled or tracked robot running on Circuit Python
18 stars 3 forks source link

Required parts list #12

Closed thisiscetin closed 3 years ago

thisiscetin commented 3 years ago

Can you add the required electronic and mechanical parts used in this robot as a list to README? I have checked the design and it looks like everything is there. I just want to order parts same brand as yours, assemble them without a problem. It may also be good to put 3D printing details like infill, support needed, layer height etc. share the experience on parts them also.

mrjadkowski commented 3 years ago

The parts listing is in the BOM (Bill of Materials) that is linked in the README. It's a Google Sheets document. Order the 2.x.x parts. If you want to try solar charging get the "future solar charging hardware" as well. That's what I just ordered to try solar charging with mine.

Most of those 3D printing details are on the Thingiverse page, but I like the idea of adding a README to the CAD filed folder here so it is all in one place. The CAD filed folder has the most current design stuff anyways. I'll do that later today.

mrjadkowski commented 3 years ago

I added a README to the CAD files folder that has all the details for printing.