Closed gilhornung closed 5 years ago
I was able to add groups, but how do I modify their colors independent of the nodes?
df <- cytoscape::comtrade
nodes <- data_frame(id = unique(c(df$reporter, df$partner)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
mutate(parent = ifelse(stringr::str_detect(id, "^I"),"Italy","Brazil"))
edges <- df %>%
dplyr::select(source = reporter,
target = partner) %>%
dplyr::mutate(id = paste(source, '_', target))
cytoscape(nodes = nodes, edges = edges) %>%
node_style('background-color' = '#B0C4DE') %>%
cola_layout(avoidOverlap = T)
After quite a bit of googling I was able to find a solution to color different nodes in different colors:
df <- cytoscape::comtrade
nodes <- data_frame(id = unique(c(df$reporter, df$partner)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
# Define groups
mutate(parent = ifelse(id %in% c("Nigeria", "Kenya", "South Africa"),"Africa","Not Africa")) %>%
# Define colors
mutate(node_color = ifelse(parent=="Africa","forestgreen","darkorange")) %>%
# Add the nodes of the two groups, Africa and "Not Africa"
bind_rows(data.frame(id = c("Africa", "Not Africa"), node_color="whitesmoke"))
edges <- df %>%
dplyr::select(source = reporter,
target = partner) %>%
dplyr::mutate(id = paste0(source, '-', target))
cytoscape(nodes = nodes, edges = edges) %>%
node_style('background-color' = 'data(node_color)') %>%
cola_layout(avoidOverlap = T)
Hi @gilhornung thanks for figuring this out. Do you mind if I add your example to the readme so others can see how its done?
Sure! And thank you for the creating this HTMLWidget!
btw, are you sure that you put the stringsAsFactors = FALSE
in the right place?
Yes stringasfactors is correct in the original example. But in your example it is not needed. It is the difference between data.frame and data_frame.
I want to know if there is support for having networks with groups. An example can be found in cola.js
Thank you,