mrknow / filmkodi

Mrknow addons for Kodi / Wtyczki Mrknow do Kodi
Apache License 2.0
68 stars 67 forks source link

Failed to parse addons.xml - could not connect repository #917

Open antza84 opened 7 years ago

antza84 commented 7 years ago

Please follow the guide below

Seems that when I go into that repository URL with my browser it loads the content but it keeps loading even tho the page is fully loaded..

Manual copy from the log

GetDirectory - Error getting Previous line repeats 2 times. CAddonMgr: Failed to parse addons.xml. GetDirectory - Error getting addons:// CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(addons:// failed CAddonMgr: Failed to parse addons.xml. GetDirectory - Error getting addons:// CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(addons:// failed

Donation / Darowizna

This addons are free, but you can always thank the author for ... / Te wtyczki są darmowe, ale zawsze Works fine in my Tab and it's great! :)