mrkwjc / ffnet

Feed-forward neural network for python
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Possible Python 3.6 Package in Conda? #4

Closed mathomp4 closed 2 months ago

mathomp4 commented 6 years ago

@mrkwjc Would it be possible for you to make/add a Python 3.6 package for ffnet? (If this is a thing? I don't really know how conda packages work.)

I'm working on trying to setup an Anaconda3 5.2.0 distribution, but one of my users needs ffnet. The problem is that once I conda install -y -c mwojcikowski ffnet conda then has to downgrade/update (I'm honestly not sure which) a lot of packages because it's py35 not py36:

The following packages will be UPDATED:

    _ipyw_jlab_nb_ext_conf:             0.1.0-py36he11e457_0                 --> 0.1.0-py35_0           
    alabaster:                          0.7.10-py36h306e16b_0                --> 0.7.11-py35_0          
    anaconda-client:                    1.6.14-py36_0                        --> 1.7.2-py35_0           
    anaconda-navigator:                 1.8.7-py36_0                         --> 1.9.2-py35_0           
    anaconda-project:                   0.8.2-py36h44fb852_0                 --> 0.8.2-py35_0           
The following packages will be REMOVED:

    anaconda:                           5.2.0-py36_3                        
The following packages will be DOWNGRADED:

    python:                             3.6.5-hc3d631a_2                     --> 3.5.5-hc3d631a_4       

I'm going to try using python3 install as a workaround for now.

mrkwjc commented 5 years ago

If you are on 64-bit Linux than the following should work (also in Anaconda) if gfortran and python-dev are available:

pip install --user ffnet

Theoretically on Windows (and Anaconda) this should work if mingw package is installed.

mrkwjc commented 5 years ago

Ok. I checked things on Windows and it is necessary to run (in Anaconda Prompt):

conda install setuptools mingw
pip install --user --upgrade --global-option="build_ext" --global-option="--compiler=mingw32" ffnet

The Visual Studio must be installed too...