mrlacey / MauiAppAccelerator

A Visual Studio extension to accelerate the creation of new .NET MAUI apps.
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Scaffolding models as we once did in MVC #26

Open adopilot opened 1 year ago

adopilot commented 1 year ago

It will be great if we cloud Scaffolding CRUD pages using models, as we once did in MVC projects, In MPC we had to choice model and which CRUD operation page need to cover and engine did the rest.

mrlacey commented 1 year ago

XAML PowerToys used to do something like this. Is this the kind of thing you're after?

adopilot commented 1 year ago

Is this the kind of thing you're after? Yes something like this.

Or something like this direct from visual studio.


mrlacey commented 1 year ago

I have something similar that I also plan to bring to VS2022 (& MAUI) at

adopilot commented 1 year ago

Honestly, I haven't switched to C# markup yet. But I think it would be much better to do code generation in c# markup instead of XAML.

mrlacey commented 1 year ago

Honestly, I haven't switched to C# markup yet. But I think it would be much better to do code generation in c# markup instead of XAML.

I'm curious, why do you think doing it in C#Markup would be better? Especially if you haven't used it. It sounds like you have a problem with using XAML. What's the issue? I'm interested in how XAML can be made more productive and easier to work with. I don't think switching to C#Markup is always necessarily better.

adopilot commented 1 year ago

I'm curious, why do you think doing it in C#Markup would be better? Perhaps my personal issues with XAML. I get disappointed in XAML once when I realize that I can't do WYSWG like on winforms. Maybe resarching with dart also nuke me to think C# can be language for gui.

I am not fan of XAML from erly stages of Xamarin when it was slow and bugy.

Also I think that gui in C# is smoething new and if we catch in step on time we will be top.

I learned a lot of HTML using Scaffolding methods mentoined before. So I think that learning C# as GUI can be easy for meny users if they can have something to start with.

Sorry for late answer I was on weekend stay.

Also one crazy idea for Scaffolding is to read swagger.json file (open api ).

dbtech-davidb commented 1 year ago

Exactly.. that would be a great feature...