mrlt8 / docker-wyze-bridge

WebRTC/RTSP/RTMP/LL-HLS bridge for Wyze cams in a docker container
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
2.45k stars 151 forks source link

Environment variables ignored #1221

Open fromlions opened 1 month ago

fromlions commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

On Synology NAS in Container Manager, the environment variables I've set for the container don't appear to be used by wyze-bridge. I noticed I have to fill out all the details I pass in the docker compose file (wyze username and password, api id and key) when I access the web ui. It also ignores the values I set for WB_USERNAME and WB_PASSWORD, as the RTSP address seems to contain the default username and pass.

The only values it appears to use are WB_IP, WB_AUTH, WB_HLS_URL and WB_WEBRTC_URL.

Running docker exec wyze-bridge env returns a list of all the environment variables I've set, including the ones being unused. So I'm sure I've set them correctly.

Environment (if applicable)

mrlt8 commented 1 month ago

Anything in the logs related to the login when starting the container?

As for the rtsp streams, you can change the stream API key with WB_API, however, it will still use the default wb user name.

Another option is to manually override the credentials, but keep in mind that these may not reflect in the web-ui:

      - MTX_PATHS_ALL_READUSER=username
      - MTX_PATHS_ALL_READPASS=password
fromlions commented 1 month ago

I restarted the container and checked the logs. It says it uses the auth from the local cache. Does that refer to the cache of the container itself? Because in that case I'm not sure how to clear that and see what it says when I restart after clearing it.

Oh my bad about the RTSP streams, I thought it would inherit the WB_USERNAME and WB_PASSWORD