mrlt8 / docker-wyze-bridge

WebRTC/RTSP/RTMP/LL-HLS bridge for Wyze cams in a docker container
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
2.45k stars 151 forks source link

Client Stopped Reading From Camera #1225

Open krusej23 opened 1 month ago

krusej23 commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

I have suddenly started having the issue where my wyze cam v4s won't show up in Frigate. I started to investigate and it looks like wyze docker bridge is having some trouble. The RTSP15 setting is working because the image is update in the bridge but the stream is not working over to Frigate. I am getting this error in Frigate. OpenCV(4.7.0) /io/opencv/modules/videoio/src/cap_images.cpp:253: error: (-5:Bad argument) CAP_IMAGES: can't find starting number (in the name of file): rtsp:// in function 'icvExtractPattern' ERROR : sideyard: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process. 2024-05-22 14:23:08.780298178 [2024-05-22 09:23:08] ERROR : sideyard: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread... ffmpeg.sideyard.detect ERROR : [rtsp @ 0x5616d18892c0] method DESCRIBE failed: 401 Unauthorized 2024-05-22 14:23:28.780958321 [2024-05-22 09:23:28] ffmpeg.sideyard.detect ERROR : rtsp:// Server returned 401 Unauthorized (authorization failed)

Environment (if applicable)

🚀 DOCKER-WYZE-BRIDGE v2.9.2 X86_64

[WyzeBridge] 📚 Using 'auth' from local cache... [WyzeBridge] 📚 Using 'user' from local cache... [WyzeBridge] 📚 Using 'cameras' from local cache... [WyzeBridge] [+] Adding Garage [WYZE_CAKP2JFUS]

mrlt8 commented 1 month ago

Looks like an authentication problem 401 Unauthorized Did it stop working after upgrading to 2.9.x?

Starting with v2.9.0, WB_AUTH will default to true, and enable authentication for both the web ui and streams.

The username for the stream is wb and the password should be unique API Key displayed at the bottom of your WebUI like this:

random key

You can change the API key by setting the WB_API ENV variable.

If you're running the bridge 100% local, then you can probably set WB_AUTH=False to disable authentication and run it like it was before.

Please see the release log for more info:

krusej23 commented 1 month ago

I have both the Key ID and API Key codes put in the HA configuration page. I also had my Wyze email and password in there and it was working with that until the latest update I'm guessing. I can get it to work perfectly if I turn WebUI Auth off and restart but I'm guessing that isn't secure at all. I just tried removing my Wyze email and password from the top of the configuration page and putting them in the WebUI Username and Password fields under advanced options but that doesn't work either after turning WebUI Auth back on. What am I doing wrong? I read through the instructions on the Wiki but they are very confusing and jump back and forth and don't have a clear HA instructions page for the new way of authenticating. Thanks!

mrlt8 commented 1 month ago

You'll need to update your frigate config to use the wb username and the api key from the web-ui like this:

rtsp://wb:<API key from the webui>@<cam-name>