As soon as it is deployed, it closes. Without being able to continue or configure any camera.
Environment (if applicable)
Affected Camera(s): n/a
Affected Camera Firmware: n/a
Affected Bridge Version: v2.9.4
Bridge type:
[X] Docker Compose/Docker Run
# docker compose up -d
[+] Running 2/2
✔ Network wyze-bridge_default Created 0.3s
✔ Container wyze-bridge Started 1.9s
Output log
# docker logs wyze-bridge -f
[WyzeBridge] 🔍 Could not find local cache for 'auth'
[WyzeBridge] ☁️ Fetching 'auth' from the Wyze API...
* Serving Flask app 'frontend'
* Debug mode: off
[WyzeBridge] WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Running on all addresses (
* Running on
* Running on
[WyzeBridge] Press CTRL+C to quit
[WyzeBridge] 💾 Saving 'auth' to local cache...
[WyzeBridge] 🔍 Could not find local cache for 'user'
[WyzeBridge] ☁️ Fetching 'user' from the Wyze API...
[WyzeBridge] 💾 Saving 'user' to local cache...
[WyzeBridge] 🔍 Could not find local cache for 'cameras'
[WyzeBridge] ☁️ Fetching 'cameras' from the Wyze API...
[WyzeBridge] [API] Fetched [0] cameras
[WyzeBridge] Stopping 0 streams
[WyzeBridge] 👋 goodbye!
Describe the bug
As soon as it is deployed, it closes. Without being able to continue or configure any camera.
Environment (if applicable)
Output log
Docker compose code