mrlt8 / docker-wyze-bridge

WebRTC/RTSP/RTMP/LL-HLS bridge for Wyze cams in a docker container
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Detected Cameras View - Cams not in realtime #1251

Open bobster316 opened 2 weeks ago

bobster316 commented 2 weeks ago


Installed wyze-bridge on my raspberry pi 4 using portainer, The detected camera window shows the cameras but they are not live streaming realtime. To see live streaming i have to select one of the cameras.

I dont think this is nomral behaviour, I have seen some youtube videos where it shows the detected cameras window and alll camera can be seen live streaming, confirmed the date/time in the bottom right corners.

Im not sure if i have configured something incorrectly,

I have attached some images Detected Cameras wyze cam not showing live strea, wyze credentials pop out windows

mrlt8 commented 2 weeks ago

Snapshot are usually a little behind due to the extra processing required to decode the stream.

You should enable WebRTC if you want to monitor the streams in realtime.

bobster316 commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks, is there a guide on how to do that?

mrlt8 commented 2 weeks ago

You'll need to pass the host's local IP address to the container by setting WB_IP:

            # [OPTIONAL] Credentials can be set in the WebUI
            # API Key and ID can be obtained from the wyze dev portal: 
            - WYZE_EMAIL=
            - WYZE_PASSWORD= 
            - API_ID=
            - API_KEY= 
            # [OPTIONAL] IP Address of the host to enable WebRTC e.g.,:
            - WB_IP=