mrlt8 / docker-wyze-bridge

WebRTC/RTSP/RTMP/LL-HLS bridge for Wyze cams in a docker container
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
2.45k stars 151 forks source link

Invalid Leading Whitespace in API ID docker v2.9.6 #1252

Closed hellboyfishman closed 3 weeks ago

hellboyfishman commented 3 weeks ago

When updating to 2.9.6 I see the below error in the logs and the webUI asks for the login information/API ID and KEY. The space is visible between the opening apostrophe and the API ID. If I pin the version back to 2.9.5 the docker container starts as expected.

[WyzeBridge] [API] Invalid leading whitespace, reserved character(s), or return character(s) in header value: ' XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'

mrlt8 commented 3 weeks ago

I believe you need to remove the whitespace.

hellboyfishman commented 3 weeks ago

I don't have whitespace in my .env file and I'm using a variable in my docker-compose.yml to reference that value. It works great in 2.9.5 but not in 2.9.6.


hellboyfishman commented 3 weeks ago

@mrlt8 I'm closing this, for some reason it was pruning the space in the compose file prior to 2.9.6. I think, based on previous testing, that it was just using the value in the .env if it was there without looking to the compose variable. Perhaps 2.9.6 resolved that issue so it caused mine. Thanks for the quick response.