mrlt8 / docker-wyze-bridge

WebRTC/RTSP/RTMP/LL-HLS bridge for Wyze cams in a docker container
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
2.45k stars 151 forks source link

Streams never start with 2.9.8 #1270

Open vipergts450 opened 1 week ago

vipergts450 commented 1 week ago

Hello @mrlt8 ,

Just pulled the latest 2.9.8 an hour ago. The container comes up and seems to be operating fine, but the streams to each camera never start. I did not change my configuration at all since 2.9.7 or prior.


2024-06-20T19:52:44.986400388Z 🚀 DOCKER-WYZE-BRIDGE v2.9.8 X86_64
2024-06-20T19:52:45.011528899Z [WyzeBridge] 📚 Using 'auth' from local cache...
2024-06-20T19:52:45.016523780Z  * Serving Flask app 'frontend'
2024-06-20T19:52:45.016685676Z  * Debug mode: off
2024-06-20T19:52:45.017168690Z [WyzeBridge] 📚 Using 'user' from local cache...
2024-06-20T19:52:45.019034176Z [WyzeBridge] 📚 Using 'cameras' from local cache...
2024-06-20T19:52:45.019246796Z [WyzeBridge] 🪄 FILTER ALLOWING: 2 of 3 cams
2024-06-20T19:52:45.019329117Z [WyzeBridge] [+] Adding cam1 [WYZE_CAKP2JFUS]
2024-06-20T19:52:45.022431884Z [WyzeBridge] WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
2024-06-20T19:52:45.023128059Z  * Running on all addresses (
2024-06-20T19:52:45.023191207Z  * Running on
2024-06-20T19:52:45.023237519Z  * Running on
2024-06-20T19:52:45.023285008Z [WyzeBridge] Press CTRL+C to quit
2024-06-20T19:52:45.031918991Z [WyzeBridge] [+] Adding cam2 [WYZECP1_JEF]
2024-06-20T19:52:45.032577576Z [WyzeBridge] starting MediaMTX 1.1.1
2024-06-20T19:52:45.033373199Z [WyzeBridge] 🎬 2 streams enabled

The process stops at this point and never starts the streams.

vipergts450 commented 1 week ago

Weird, I wonder if Wyze itself is down right now, because I'm having trouble on the official Wyze app also

vipergts450 commented 1 week ago

Restarting the container a few times still stalls at the same point as above.

brokendash commented 1 week ago

I'm also having issues, was running 2.9.7 no changes in cfg. after update to 2.9.8 no connections to cams would initiate automaticly like before. sometimes they can be started by hand via the web interface but they flake out.....

vipergts450 commented 1 week ago

It feels like the new resuming code might have forgotten to start the stream when the container starts up automatically and is waiting for the WebUI to send a "play" command to get everything going. Maybe worth adding a - AUTOSTART=True flag into the configuration options if the default is expected to be "False" now?

mrlt8 commented 1 week ago

My bad, this should be fixed in v2.9.9.

vipergts450 commented 1 week ago

We appreciate all your work on this!

hitnrun30 commented 1 week ago

Yeah and now especially since I added gpt4vision it makes all much easier

nomi25home commented 1 week ago

I had the same issue. I use Dockge to host WB container. I had to add the latest tag to the image and recreate the container for it to work

image: mrlt8/wyze-bridge:latest

This is what my docker-compose looks like now

`version: "3.3" services: wyze-bridge: environment:

hitnrun30 commented 1 week ago

2.99 Fixed my problems.

vipergts450 commented 1 week ago

2.9.9 attempts to connect but cannot, only getting [-13] IOTC_ER_TIMEOUT on both cameras now

vipergts450 commented 1 week ago

cam1 stream started on its own after 3 hours. cam2 is actually in need of a hard reboot in person, so no data on that one.

vipergts450 commented 6 days ago

cam1 and cam2 have been very stable once the stream went up! Almost 24 hours so far and no issues. I will let you know if they run into any timeouts. Once again, thanks for helping our community @mrlt8

vipergts450 commented 5 days ago

No drops since my last comment above on either cam. 🤞🏻