mrmaffen / vlc-android-sdk

VLC Android SDK pushed to Maven Central. Primarily used in project tomahawk-android.
792 stars 244 forks source link

nice project, can you please update Libvlc? #139

Open NanyangTaiji opened 4 years ago

a4tech commented 4 years ago

Would it be updated?

imannms commented 4 years ago

No need to update this package.

Now, there's official way to use libVLC on Android.

So, no need to use this package anymore.

How to use libVLC on Android (official):

The libVLC is provided by the official VideoLAN project hosted on BinTray. You can directly use the library as a dependency without having to compile it.

add maven url "" to your project-level Gradle file as shown below:

 repositories {
      maven {
        url "";
      maven { url "" }

and in your app-level Gradle file, add the libVLC dependency

implementation '' Get the latest libVLC version from the below official VLC GitHub repository.

find the string "libvlcVersion" to get the latest version.