mrmaffen / vlc-android-sdk

VLC Android SDK pushed to Maven Central. Primarily used in project tomahawk-android.
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Product version is not 2.0.6 #76

Open Yair0007 opened 7 years ago

Yair0007 commented 7 years ago

I managed to build successfully thanks to this issue:

The lib that I get is libvlc-3.0.0-2.1.2.aar and not 2.0.6. The build process downloads sources instead of using local sources, with message:

VLC source not found, cloning

I wonder if anyone has an input for me about this. Thanks.

SaundersB commented 7 years ago

I compiled the library on Ubuntu x64 under the vlc-android git tag 2.1.2, and I get the same result when I run mLibVlc.version(). I wonder if that function is deprecated or not hooked up.

The reason you see: "VLC source not found, cloning" is because the build.gradle script is using a library to clone the vlc-android library to build the shared objects for the SDK. Those shared objects are C/C++ code form the libVLC Android open source project.

Also, I believe the version in the name of the aar file is loaded from the file. If you follow mrmaffen's instructions, you can get your command line pointed to this repository, clone vlc-android repository, git checkout a particular tag (such as "git checkout 2.1.2"), and then run his command to compile the project with an updated version of libVLC for Android (./gradlew buildLibVlc).