mrmaffen / vlc-android-sdk

VLC Android SDK pushed to Maven Central. Primarily used in project tomahawk-android.
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Overriding LibVLC Debug and Error #87

Open hyourinseta opened 7 years ago

hyourinseta commented 7 years ago

How to override these 'core input', 'http access' and 'transport access' logs when using LibVLC?

[e0caa9d8/bf2] core input: Creating an input for '2075.ts' [e0caa9d8/1077] core input: using timeshift granularity of 50 MiB [e0caa9d8/1077] core input: using default timeshift path [e0caa9d8/1077] core input: '' gives access 'http' demux '' path '' [e0613168/1077] core input source: specified demux: any [e0613168/1077] core input source: creating demux: access='http' demux='any' location='' file='(null)' [e06086a8/1077] core demux: looking for access_demux module matching "http": 6 candidates [e06086a8/1077] core demux: no access_demux modules matched [e0608728/1077] core access: creating access: [e0608728/1077] core access: looking for access module matching "http": 23 candidates [e0608728/1078] transport access: resolving ... [e0608728/1078] transport access: connecting to port 8000 ... [e0608728/1077] h1conn access: outgoing request: GET /live/stalker/maybeda/2075.ts HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: */* Accept-Language: en_US User-Agent: VLC/3.0.0-git LibVLC/3.0.0-git Range: bytes=0- [e0608728/1077] h1conn access: incoming response: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Server: nginx Date: Tue, 23 May 2017 02:46:27 GMT Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Connection: close Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * [e0608728/1077] http access: querying proxy for [e0608728/1077] http access: no proxy [e0608728/1077] http access: http: server='' port=8000 file='/live/stalker/maybeda/2075.ts' [e0608728/1077] core access: net: connecting to port 8000 [e0608728/1077] core access: connection succeeded (socket = 44) [e0608728/1077] http access: HTTP answer code 401 [e0608728/1077] http access: Server: nginx [e0608728/1077] http access: Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 [e0608728/1077] http access: authentication failed without realm [e0608728/1077] core access: no access modules matched [e0613168/1077] core input source: cannot access [e0caa9d8/1077] core input: Your input can't be opened [e0caa9d8/1077] core input: VLC is unable to open the MRL ''. Check the log for details. Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[19,tid=4215,Native,Thread*=0xe178b200,peer=0x12e57dc0,"VlcObject"]

Best Regards,