Some files are missing , and deprecated , Here see the compiled warning:
Here is the Textual form of Warning
Warning:A class activity declared in the AndroidManifest.xml cannot be found in the compile path: [io.nlopez.smartlocation.activity.providers.ActivityGooglePlayServicesProvider$ActivityRecognitionService]
Warning:A class activity declared in the AndroidManifest.xml cannot be found in the compile path: [io.nlopez.smartlocation.geofencing.providers.GeofencingGooglePlayServicesProvider$GeofencingService]
Warning:A class activity declared in the AndroidManifest.xml cannot be found in the compile path: [io.nlopez.smartlocation.geocoding.providers.AndroidGeocodingProvider$AndroidGeocodingService]
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
3 warnings
:app:transformClassesWithExtractJarsForDebug UP-TO-DATE
This is not error , but due to this i think onLocationUpdated never gets called
Some files are missing , and deprecated , Here see the compiled warning:
Here is the Textual form of Warning
This is not error , but due to this i think
never gets called