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digitize wfs-t axisOrder problem #142

Open armin11 opened 8 months ago

armin11 commented 8 months ago

Since the newer versions of geoserver does handle the axis order on another way then the older versions, it may come to problems when using wfs-t with some crs like EPSG:4326 or EPSG:31466. Therefor we need some workaround, which will be defined in the digitizing functions. First javascripts/mod_digitize_tab.php will need an optional variable which switch the axis order of the geojson objects before pushing them to wfs-t. On the other hand we may need an option to switch the axis order from the gazetteer result list - when the geometries are pushed to the digitize module. The central geometry.js class has to be adopted.

armin11 commented 8 months ago

The configuration of the digitize module is done by setting a var in the conf file. The other configuration of plugins/mb_resultList_Zoom.js and plugins/mb_resultList_transferToDigitize.js os done by javascript element_var switchAxisOrder="true". The geom selector of the gazetteer module has to be adopted also.