mrmckain / Fast-Plast

Automated de novo assembly of whole chloroplast genomes.
MIT License
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No trimmed read files were identified to run SPAdes #37

Open Angele97 opened 4 years ago

Angele97 commented 4 years ago


I would like to assemble chloroplastic DNA using Fast-Plast.

Unfortunately, the process stops after providing 2-Bowtie_index.

Actually, the process is stopped with this error message : ERROR: No trimmed read files were identified to run SPAdes. Please check 1_Trimmed_Reads, found in Begonia_4_35_fastplast_assembly_Fast-Plast_Progress.log file.

I don't really understand the problem because my input files are raw data of sequencing with fq.gz format files.

If someone already faced this issue, please tell me how you solved it.

Thanks !

mrmckain commented 4 years ago

Hi, Sorry for (again) missing emails for this. I changed my email address for notices, so things should be better now. If you still are having issues, please send me the output files.

Thanks! Michael