mrmechko / flaming-tyrion

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What is 't'? #8

Open mrmechko opened 9 years ago

mrmechko commented 9 years ago

I noticed a bunch of entries in the DSL that look like this:

<role-restr-map roles="ont::arg0" optional="optional">
  <concept name="t"/>

What is this mystical 't' concept? Also, am I right in assuming that the contents of a role-rest-map tag are a Disj of possibly partially defined concepts?

wdebeaum commented 9 years ago

In Lisp, t is used as the top type, the type that every type is a subtype of, and every object is an instance of. I decided to steal it and use it to name a concept with similar semantics. In the context of this role-restr-map, it just means that that role (arg0) is unrestricted. Anything can fill that role.