mrmiguez / FlaLD

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aggregation.provider, aggregation.dataProvider #8

Open mrmiguez opened 7 years ago

mrmiguez commented 7 years ago

dataProvider: The organization or entity that supplied data to DPLA through a provider. If a Data Provider contributes data directly to DPLA the values in edm:datProvider and edm:provider will be the same.

intermediateProvider: An intermediate organization that selects, collates, or curates data from a Data Provider that is then aggregated by a Provider from which DPLA harvests. The organization must be distinct from both the Data Provider and the Provider in the data supply chain.

provider: Service or content hub aggregating or providing access to the Data Provider's content.

elliotdwilliams commented 7 years ago

dataProvider for UM should be "University of Miami Libraries". Thanks!

jamie-rogers commented 7 years ago

dataProvider for FIU should be "Florida International University Libraries". As we move forward with other data providers, the intermediateProvider for FIU will be "Florida International University Libraries" and I will provide the official dataProvider name for each of our partners. Thank you!