mrmin123 / kancolle-auto

Kantai Collection (Kancolle) bot/automation tool - DEPERECATED - see kcauto-kai:
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[Question] Last node push E1 #311

Closed dice4321 closed 7 years ago

dice4321 commented 7 years ago

So I have my 4 submarines push do 3 nodes and lastpush on true, but when it finishes the last node it goes to the home screen waiting for another node, how would I set up my config so it finishes?

this is what I have for combat

# Set to True if you want Fleet 1 to run combat sorties; False if not.
Enabled: True

# Specify which saved fleet composition should be used for Combat, with the first saved fleet
# being 1.
# NOTE: this value is only relevant if both PvP and Combat modules are enabled with different
# fleets assigned to them! Setting the FleetComp value to 0 for either module, or setting them to
# the same value will disable the fleet composition switcher.
FleetComp: 1

# Set which area you want to sortie to.
# Example 1: if you're running 3-2-A, set this to '3'
# Example 2: if you're running 2-3 (Orel), set this to '2'
# Example 3: if you're running Events, set this to 'E'
Area: E

# Set which subarea you want to sortie to.
# Example 1: if you're running 3-2-A, set this to '2'
# Example 2: if you're running 2-3 (Orel), set this to '3'
# Example 3: if you're running the first map (1) of the second screen of maps (2) in the Event
#   screen, set this to '2-1'
Subarea: 1-1

# Specify whether the map you're running utilizes Combined Fleets or not. Only relevant for Events.
# Will automatically handle FCFs and the extra ships needing repairs + resupplies. This also turns
# off PvP and Fleet 2's Expedition, regardless of what you input above.
CombinedFleet: False

# Maximum number of combat nodes to run. Resource/hazard nodes do not count.
# Example 1: if you're running 3-2-A, set this to '1' (1st node only)
# Example 2: if you're running 2-3 (Orel), set this to '3' or above
Nodes: 3

# If the map you are sortieing to involves node selections, use this to point at the image
# generated for that specific node. For example, if you want to always head to node K on E-3 of
# Winter 2016, set this to '_node_E-3-K' to reference the '_node_E-3-K.png' image included.
# For other maps, please generate this image yourself (a 70px x 70px image of the node during
# node selection, with the desired node being in the center of the image).

# Formations to use at each combat node, separated by commas. Valid options are
# line_ahead, double_line, diamond, echelon, or line_abreast. If the number of
# formations you've specified does not match the number of nodes you specified above,
# the script will default to line_ahead for the remaining nodes.
# Example 1: if you're running 3-2-A, set this to 'line_ahead'
# Example 2: if you're running 2-3 (Orel), set this to 'line_ahead' (remaining nodes
#     defaults to 'line_ahead')
# For combined fleets, the valid options are combinedfleet_1, combinedfleet_2, combinedfleet_3,
# combinedfleet_4, in order of how they show up in the formation selection screen (left to right,
# top to bottom).
Formations: line_ahead

# Whether or not to engage in night battle at each combat node, separated by commas.
# Valid options are True (to engage in night battle) and False (to avoid night battle).
# If the number of night battle options you've specified does not match the number of
# nodes you specified above, the script will default to True for the remaining nodes.
# Example 1: if you're running 3-2-A, set this to 'False'
# Example 2: if you're running 2-3 (Orel), set this to 'False' (remaining nodes defaults
#     to 'True')
NightBattles: True,True,True

# Set the damage threshold for your ships. RetreatLimit specifies when sortie should be cancelled
# (retreat from sortie), and RepairLimit specifies which ships should be repaired before
# sortieing again. In addition, the tool will automatically not sortie if any ships are at the
# RepairLimit threshold. 0 = light damage, 1 = moderate damage, 2 = critical damage.
# Example: If you want the script to retreat when any ship is at critical damage, but also repair
#     any ships at moderate damage, set RetreatLimit to 2, RepairLimit to 1.
RetreatLimit: 2
RepairLimit: 1

# Set the repair time limit for repairs. kancolle-auto will automatically use a bucket to repair a
# ship if its repair time is above this # of hours. Integer values only, please. If you want to
# never use buckets, set this to '9900'. A limit of '9500' and below will allow the repair script
# to use a bucket if the OCR cannot properly read the timer, so adjust this accordingly. If you
# always want to use buckets, set it to '0'.
RepairTimeLimit: 0030

# Whether or not to consider fatigue/morale before sorties. If the ships have an unhappy face
# (morale of 29 or below) the script will wait for a set amount of time for morale to recover.
CheckFatigue: False

# Whether or not to sortie when the port (ship slots) is full. Set to True if you do not want
# sorties to occur when your port is full. Port checking is automatically done when sortieing to
PortCheck: False
# Event maps, since sortieing is prohibited when you do not have 5 free ship slots.

# Set this to True if you want kancolle-auto to stop sortieing to the specified map once the medal
# has been obtained. Only applicable to the monthly EOs (1-5, 2-5, 3-5, 4-5, 5-5).
MedalStop: False

# Set whether or not to 'push' past the max number of defined combat nodes, REGARDLESS OF THE
# STATE OF YOUR FLEET. Only do this if the last node is a resource/non-combat node, like the end
# of 1-6, and only if your path is 100% fixed!
LastNodePush: True
mrmin123 commented 7 years ago

I think I had a feeling that this was going to be an issue when I was clearing E-1.

Refresh my memory, but after you clear the boss (last) combat node on E-1 and you continue past it via LastNodePush, your fleet reaches the last node and then the screen just cuts over to the home screen after that, right? No intermediate screen/results screen or anything?

dice4321 commented 7 years ago

oops, it was a bad idea to put LastNodePush , because sometimes it would have 5 node combat nodes, so I just put 6 nodes and it fixed the problem, but yeah after the 3rd node it would cut to a resource screen and back to the home screen.