mrmlnc / vscode-csscomb

:electric_plug: VS Code plugin for CSScomb — CSS coding style formatter.
MIT License
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CSSComb changes @if and @each #132

Closed turuto closed 4 years ago

turuto commented 4 years ago


Whenever we have @each or @if in SCSS files they are moved to the bottom of the file. For example, in the code:

@mixin test ($foo, $bar: true) { @if ($bar == true) { border: 1px; } font-size: $foo; }

Actual behavior saves to:

@mixin test ($foo, $bar: true) { font-size: $foo; @if ($bar == true) { border: 1px; } }

Expected behavior

Should left it untouched @mixin test ($foo, $bar: true) { @if ($bar == true) { border: 1px; } font-size: $foo; }

Steps to reproduce

Save the file


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mrmlnc commented 4 years ago

Hello, @turuto,

It's looks like a bug of CSSComb. We use latest version of CSSComb and most likely it can be reproduced with CSSComb as CLI. You can create issue in the CSSComb repository and after bump CSSComb version I'll update my plugin 👍