mrmlnc / vscode-less

:electric_plug: Less intellisense for Variables and Mixins in all Less files.
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[BUG] Intellisense throwing errors for mixins #48

Open michael-letcher opened 5 years ago

michael-letcher commented 5 years ago

Throwing errors due to using this mixin that uses a pram as a function

.responsive(@maxWidth, @rules) {
    @media only screen and (max-width: @maxWidth) {

Errors when using like so. ( ... showing where it is showing an error)

.responsive(@grid-md-max, {
    **.**grid-item(@column-start: @column-start-md; **@column-end**: @column-end-md; @row-start: @row-start-md; @row-end: @row-end-md;
               @columns: @columns-md; @rows: @rows-md