mrmonat / nova-translatable

Nova Field for spatie/laravel-translatable package.
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Allow more field types #4

Open agustinprod opened 6 years ago

agustinprod commented 6 years ago

I use trix and markdown field types for translatable content, adding support to this field types will be really useful.

mrmonat commented 6 years ago

I will look further into this, I like the idea :)

mrmonat commented 6 years ago

Added Trix support in Version 1.1.0 (

mrmonat commented 6 years ago

Adding markdown support seems a bit more difficult, because there is no wrapper around the native laravel nova markdown field (like there is for trix), so basically I would have to copy the whole markdown field logic & ui into this custom field...

agustinprod commented 6 years ago

Awesome. Looking at the source, as you say, looks harder for the markdown one... Maybe another approach can be toogling a form level language field changes instead per component, but i'm not really sure if possible.

kiroushi commented 5 years ago

I guess a MD wrapper will be added in a future release, but in the meantime... how about adding a ->textarea() call to create a textarea instead of an input field?

mrmonat commented 5 years ago

I guess a MD wrapper will be added in a future release, but in the meantime... how about adding a ->textarea() call to create a textarea instead of an input field?

you can, just don't use the ->singleLine() option

voidgraphics commented 5 years ago

+1 for markdown field :) would love this feature

taliptako commented 5 years ago

Cant use trix with withFiles() method

idragon81 commented 5 years ago

I think having this as a Panel Type field would make more sense as it would allow using any component.

taliptako commented 5 years ago

@killgt But how ?

d8vjork commented 5 years ago

Using the actual approach of the package I prefer to have something like a Text field (extending the original from Nova) and adding extra bits like a translatable() option (so then you don't need the singleLine()) and also you don't need to change the name in case that you was using the Spatie's Translatable field block

But I'm agree with @idragon81 we can have both things, a TranslatableTabs and extended fields like I said

lab08tonci commented 5 years ago

@taliptako, Did you manage to add "withFiles()" support?

YannikFirre commented 5 years ago


has anyone found a solution to make the image field translatable ?

y-martini commented 5 years ago


has anyone found a solution to make the image field translatable ?

Hi, check this package. It have a lot todo, but basically uses a different approach...

PS: this package is based on astrotomic/laravel-translatable

tomhatzer commented 5 years ago

Adding markdown support seems a bit more difficult, because there is no wrapper around the native laravel nova markdown field (like there is for trix), so basically I would have to copy the whole markdown field logic & ui into this custom field...

@mrmonat I'm not sure if this would work, but can't you create a small wrapper component for the nova markdown field (

Basically just like this:

    <markdown v-bind="$attrs"  v-on="$listeners"></markdown>
import markdown from 'path/to/nova/resources/js/components/Form/MarkdownField.vue';

export default {
    components: { markdown }

And then include this component in this package here? 🤔

Ragash commented 5 years ago

+1 for file upload, it's the very reason to go with trix in the first place

php-writerman commented 4 years ago

@mrmonat did you have a chance to add Markdown field?