mronkko / ZoteroQuickLook

Implements QuickLook in Zotero
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Quicklook not working with sushi #39

Closed Allanmarbaniang closed 3 years ago

Allanmarbaniang commented 3 years ago

I'm running Ubuntu 20 and I can't seem to find a working Gloobus-Preview. So I'm using sushi for QuickLook. But Zotero Quicklook plugin does not seem to work when I press space on a document.

I have kept /usr/bin/sushi in the extensions.zoteroquicklook.customviewcommand

ventolinmx commented 3 years ago

Running Debian 10 and I also cant seem to find how to make Quicklook work with Sushi with the extensions.zoteroquicklook.customviewcommand.

Tried this on the terminal and it worked:

dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.gnome.NautilusPreviewer /org/gnome/NautilusPreviewer org.gnome.NautilusPreviewer.ShowFile string:file:///home/user/folder/file.png int32:0 boolean:false

But I'm not sure what to type on the Value field of extensions.zoteroquicklook.customviewcommand. Can you help me with this please?

With the correct value should Quicklook work with Sushi by selecting a Zotero item and then pressing space bar?

pankus commented 3 years ago

Same problem here with Ubuntu 20.04

bwiernik commented 3 years ago

If some submits a pull request replacing gloobus as the default with sushi, I will merge it.

ventolinmx commented 3 years ago

Thanks. How is this? Can I do it?

bwiernik commented 3 years ago

Fork the repository and make the changes in your fork. Test them out. If they work, open a pull request.

bwiernik commented 3 years ago

The plugin should work with sushi by default now as of

ventolinmx commented 2 years ago

Sorry, installed latest release but it's still not working.

lbc1027 commented 2 years ago
