First of all, thank you for making the tools available. I tried to call SV on some nanopore alignment, and use a powerful instance with 72cpus and define multithread . But I notice that that nanoSV mostly only use 1 cpu, a few at times. quite a waste of the resource. Is there something I need to do other than define the number of thread in --threads parameter?
NanoSV \
--threads $thread \
--sambamba /home/xiaoyun/miniconda3/bin/samtools \
--bed $bed \
--output "${outdir}/${sample}.vcf" \
Hi, First of all, thank you for making the tools available. I tried to call SV on some nanopore alignment, and use a powerful instance with 72cpus and define multithread . But I notice that that nanoSV mostly only use 1 cpu, a few at times. quite a waste of the resource. Is there something I need to do other than define the number of thread in --threads parameter? # NanoSV \ --threads $thread \ --sambamba /home/xiaoyun/miniconda3/bin/samtools \ --bed $bed \ --output "${outdir}/${sample}.vcf" \ ${sample}_chr${chr}.bam