mrousavy / react-native-fast-tflite

🔥 High-performance TensorFlow Lite library for React Native with GPU acceleration
MIT License
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TypeError: Cannot read property 'runSync' of undefined #13

Closed canibal2 closed 9 months ago

canibal2 commented 9 months ago

I setup everything, also I use face detection, its work perfectly. But this package not worked. I get this error TypeError: Cannot read property 'runSync' of undefined . I try to implement this code:

const model = useTensorflowModel(require('object_detection.tflite'))

const frameProcessor = useFrameProcessor((frame) => {
    if (model.state !== "loaded") return

    const data = frame.toArrayBuffer()
    // do RGB conversion if the Frame is not already in RGB Format
    const outputs = model.model.runSync([data])

    const detection_boxes = outputs[0]
    const detection_classes = outputs[1]
    const detection_scores = outputs[2]
    const num_detections = outputs[3]
    console.log(`Detected ${num_detections[0]} objects!`)

    for (let i = 0; i < detection_boxes.length; i += 4) {
        const confidence = detection_scores[i / 4]
        if (confidence > 0.7) {
            // Draw a red box around the object!
            const left = detection_boxes[i]
            const top = detection_boxes[i + 1]
            const right = detection_boxes[i + 2]
            const bottom = detection_boxes[i + 3]
            const rect = SkRect.Make(left, top, right, bottom)
            frame.drawRect(rect, SkColors.Red)
}, [model])

return (
    <Camera frameProcessor={frameProcessor} {...otherProps} />

can you help me?

mrousavy commented 9 months ago

Did you install pods? Do you have any logs? Does it work outside a frame processor?

canibal2 commented 9 months ago

Yes I installed pods, but I test it in the android, and just I have this error "Cannot read property 'runSync' of undefined". But have not try in the outside of the frame processor.

canibal2 commented 9 months ago

The following code "const r =[new Uint8Array([5])])" works, but it does not work when put into the frameprocessor (commented code).

import * as React from 'react'
import { useEffect } from 'react'

import { StyleSheet, View, Text, Platform } from 'react-native'
import {
} from 'react-native-fast-tflite'
import { Camera, useCameraDevice, useCameraPermission, useFrameProcessor } from 'react-native-vision-camera'

export default function App() {
  const [result, setResult] = React.useState('')
  const device = useCameraDevice("front")
  const { hasPermission, requestPermission } = useCameraPermission();

  useEffect(() => {
    if (!hasPermission) {
}, []);
  const model = useTensorflowModel(
    Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 'core-ml' : 'default'
  const frameProcessor = useFrameProcessor((frame) => {
    if (model.state !== "loaded") return

    // const data = frame.toArrayBuffer()
    // do RGB conversion if the Frame is not already in RGB Format
    // const r =[new Uint8Array([5])])
// console.log(r);

    // const detection_boxes = outputs[0]
    // const detection_classes = outputs[1]
    // const detection_scores = outputs[2]
    // const num_detections = outputs[3]
    // console.log(`Detected ${num_detections![0]} objects!`)

    // for (let i = 0; i < detection_boxes!.length; i += 4) {
    //   const confidence = detection_scores![i / 4]
    //   if (confidence! > 0.7) {
    //     // Draw a red box around the object!
    //     const left = detection_boxes![i]
    //     const top = detection_boxes![i + 1]
    //     const right = detection_boxes![i + 2]
    //     const bottom = detection_boxes![i + 3]
    //     console.log(left);
    //     console.log(top);
    //     console.log(right);

    //   }
    // }
  }, [model])
  React.useEffect(() => {
    if (model.model == null) return

    console.log(`Running Model...`)
    const r =[new Uint8Array([5])])
    r.then((output) => {
      console.log(`Successfully ran Model!`, output)
  }, [model.model])
  return (

          //ML Kit use YUV format
const CAMERA_SIZE = 250;
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
      flex: 1,
      alignItems: 'center',
      justifyContent: 'center',

  cameraContainer: {
      width: 450,
      height: 500,
      borderRadius: CAMERA_SIZE / 2,
      marginVertical: 24,

  camera: {
      flex: 1,
canibal2 commented 9 months ago

and this is logcat log for the android. I filtered with com.tfliteexample

2023-12-26 10:51:43.691  7492-7492  ViewRootIm...w:16b4d4d] com.tfliteexample                    I  setView = android.widget.PopupWindow$PopupDecorView@fac7149 TM=true
2023-12-26 10:51:43.721  7492-8238  ViewRootIm...w:16b4d4d] com.tfliteexample                    I  Resizing android.view.ViewRootImpl@e66aa4e: frame=[0,83][1080,165] reportDraw=true forceLayout=false backDropFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 82)
2023-12-26 10:51:43.727  7492-7492  ViewRootIm...w:16b4d4d] com.tfliteexample                    I  Relayout returned: old=(0,83,1080,2214) new=(0,83,1080,165) req=(1079,82)0 dur=19 res=0x7 s={true 481170579456} ch=true fn=-1
2023-12-26 10:51:43.731  7492-7604  OpenGLRenderer          com.tfliteexample                    D  eglCreateWindowSurface
2023-12-26 10:51:43.736  7492-7492  ViewRootIm...w:16b4d4d] com.tfliteexample                    I  [DP] dp(1) 0 android.view.ViewRootImpl.reportNextDraw:11442 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:4198 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:2924 
2023-12-26 10:51:43.736  7492-7492  ViewRootIm...w:16b4d4d] com.tfliteexample                    D  Creating frameDrawingCallback nextDrawUseBlastSync=false reportNextDraw=true hasBlurUpdates=false
2023-12-26 10:51:43.736  7492-7492  ViewRootIm...w:16b4d4d] com.tfliteexample                    D  Creating frameCompleteCallback
2023-12-26 10:51:43.743  7492-7634  ViewRootIm...w:16b4d4d] com.tfliteexample                    D  Received frameDrawingCallback frameNum=1. Creating transactionCompleteCallback=false
2023-12-26 10:51:43.747  7492-7604  ViewRootIm...w:16b4d4d] com.tfliteexample                    D  Received frameCompleteCallback  lastAcquiredFrameNum=1 lastAttemptedDrawFrameNum=1
2023-12-26 10:51:43.750  7492-7492  ViewRootIm...w:16b4d4d] com.tfliteexample                    I  [DP] pdf(0) 0 android.view.ViewRootImpl.lambda$addFrameCompleteCallbackIfNeeded$3$ViewRootImpl:5000 android.view.ViewRootImpl$$ android.os.Handler.handleCallback:938 
2023-12-26 10:51:43.751  7492-7492  ViewRootIm...w:16b4d4d] com.tfliteexample                    I  [DP] rdf()
2023-12-26 10:51:43.751  7492-7492  ViewRootIm...w:16b4d4d] com.tfliteexample                    D  reportDrawFinished (fn: -1) 
2023-12-26 10:51:43.775  4906-4906  SurfaceFlinger          surfaceflinger                       D  Display 0 HWC layers:
                                                                                                         DEVICE | 0x7abeb0d080 | 0100 | RGBA_8888    |    0.0    0.0 1080.0 2340.0 |    0    0 1080 2340 | com.tfliteexample/com.tfliteexample.MainActivity$_7492#0
                                                                                                         DEVICE | 0x7ae4ac04c0 | 0100 | RGBA_8888    |    0.0    0.0 1080.0   82.0 |    0   83 1080  165 | PopupWindow:16b4d4d$_7492#0
                                                                                                         DEVICE | 0x7abeb0ba00 | 0100 | RGBA_8888    |    0.0    0.0 1080.0 2340.0 |    0    0 1080 2340 | com.tfliteexample/com.tfliteexample.MainActivity$_7492#1
                                                                                                         DEVICE | 0x7ae4ac0380 | 0100 | RGBA_8888    |    0.0    0.0 1080.0 2340.0 |    0    0 1080 2340 | com.tfliteexample/com.tfliteexample.MainActivity$_7492#2
                                                                                                         DEVICE | 0x7ab5f07c40 | 0100 | RGBA_8888    |    0.0    0.0 1080.0 2340.0 |    0    0 1080 2340 | com.tfliteexample/com.tfliteexample.MainActivity$_7492#3
                                                                                                         DEVICE | 0x7aab792580 | 0100 | RGBA_8888    |    0.0    0.0 1080.0   78.0 |    0    0 1080   78 | StatusBar$_5542#0
                                                                                                         DEVICE | 0x7abeb0b8c0 | 0100 | RGBA_8888    |    0.0    0.0 1080.0  126.0 |    0 2214 1080 2340 | Naviga
2023-12-26 10:51:43.776  7492-7492  ViewRootIm...w:16b4d4d] com.tfliteexample                    I  Relayout returned: old=(0,83,1080,165) new=(0,83,1080,165) req=(1079,82)0 dur=15 res=0x1 s={true 481170579456} ch=false fn=2
2023-12-26 10:51:43.786  7492-7492  ViewRootIm...w:16b4d4d] com.tfliteexample                    I  handleResized, msg = 5 frames=ClientWindowFrames{frame=[0,83][1080,165] display=[0,83][1080,2214] backdrop=[0,0][1080,82]} forceNextWindowRelayout=false displayId=0 frameChanged=false backdropFrameChanged=false configChanged=false displayChanged=false mNextDrawUseBlastSync=false mergedConfiguration={mGlobalConfig={1.3 ?mcc?mnc [en_US,tr_TR] ldltr sw411dp w411dp h811dp 420dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 83 - 1080, 2214) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0 mPopOver=off mFreeformTaskPinningState=unpinned} s.1174 fontWeightAdjustment=0 ff=0 bf=0 bts=0 enb/d themeSeq=0} mOverrideConfig={1.3 ?mcc?mnc [en_US,tr_TR] ldltr sw411dp w411dp h811dp 420dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 83 - 1080, 2214) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=standard mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0 mPopOver=off mFreeformTaskPinningState=unpinned} s.1 fontWeightAdjustment=0 ff=0 bf=0 bts=0 enb/d themeSeq=0}}
2023-12-26 10:51:43.787  7492-7492  ViewRootIm...w:16b4d4d] com.tfliteexample                    I  [DP] dp(1) 0 android.view.ViewRootImpl.reportNextDraw:11442 android.view.ViewRootImpl.handleResized:2235 android.view.ViewRootImpl.access$1200:303 
2023-12-26 10:51:43.805  7492-7492  ViewRootIm...w:16b4d4d] com.tfliteexample                    I  Relayout returned: old=(0,83,1080,165) new=(0,83,1080,165) req=(1079,82)0 dur=11 res=0x1 s={true 481170579456} ch=false fn=2
2023-12-26 10:51:43.806  7492-7492  ViewRootIm...w:16b4d4d] com.tfliteexample                    D  Creating frameDrawingCallback nextDrawUseBlastSync=false reportNextDraw=true hasBlurUpdates=false
2023-12-26 10:51:43.806  7492-7492  ViewRootIm...w:16b4d4d] com.tfliteexample                    D  Creating frameCompleteCallback
2023-12-26 10:51:43.807  7492-7635  ViewRootIm...w:16b4d4d] com.tfliteexample                    D  Received frameDrawingCallback frameNum=2. Creating transactionCompleteCallback=false
2023-12-26 10:51:43.808  7492-7604  ViewRootIm...w:16b4d4d] com.tfliteexample                    D  Received frameCompleteCallback  lastAcquiredFrameNum=1 lastAttemptedDrawFrameNum=2
2023-12-26 10:51:43.809  7492-7492  ViewRootIm...w:16b4d4d] com.tfliteexample                    I  [DP] pdf(0) 0 android.view.ViewRootImpl.lambda$addFrameCompleteCallbackIfNeeded$3$ViewRootImpl:5000 android.view.ViewRootImpl$$ android.os.Handler.handleCallback:938 
2023-12-26 10:51:43.809  7492-7492  ViewRootIm...w:16b4d4d] com.tfliteexample                    I  [DP] rdf()
2023-12-26 10:51:43.809  7492-7492  ViewRootIm...w:16b4d4d] com.tfliteexample                    D  reportDrawFinished (fn: 2) 
2023-12-26 10:51:43.810  7492-7492  ViewRootIm...w:16b4d4d] com.tfliteexample                    D  Scheduling a traversal=false due to a previous skipped traversal.
2023-12-26 10:51:43.933  7492-7604  OpenGLRenderer          com.tfliteexample                    D  setSurface called with nullptr
2023-12-26 10:51:43.933  7492-7604  OpenGLRenderer          com.tfliteexample                    D  setSurface() destroyed EGLSurface
2023-12-26 10:51:43.933  7492-7604  OpenGLRenderer          com.tfliteexample                    D  destroyEglSurface
2023-12-26 10:51:43.935  7492-7492  ViewRootIm...w:16b4d4d] com.tfliteexample                    I  dispatchDetachedFromWindow
2023-12-26 10:51:43.950  7492-7492  InputTransport          com.tfliteexample                    D  Input channel destroyed: '2a19f9e', fd=231
2023-12-26 10:51:43.962  4906-4906  SurfaceFlinger          surfaceflinger                       D  Display 0 HWC layers:
                                                                                                         DEVICE | 0x7abeb0d080 | 0100 | RGBA_8888    |    0.0    0.0 1080.0 2340.0 |    0    0 1080 2340 | com.tfliteexample/com.tfliteexample.MainActivity$_7492#0
                                                                                                         DEVICE | 0x7abeb0ba00 | 0100 | RGBA_8888    |    0.0    0.0 1080.0 2340.0 |    0    0 1080 2340 | com.tfliteexample/com.tfliteexample.MainActivity$_7492#1
                                                                                                         DEVICE | 0x7ae4ac0380 | 0100 | RGBA_8888    |    0.0    0.0 1080.0 2340.0 |    0    0 1080 2340 | com.tfliteexample/com.tfliteexample.MainActivity$_7492#2
                                                                                                         DEVICE | 0x7ab5f07c40 | 0100 | RGBA_8888    |    0.0    0.0 1080.0 2340.0 |    0    0 1080 2340 | com.tfliteexample/com.tfliteexample.MainActivity$_7492#3
                                                                                                         DEVICE | 0x7aab792580 | 0100 | RGBA_8888    |    0.0    0.0 1080.0   78.0 |    0    0 1080   78 | StatusBar$_5542#0
                                                                                                         DEVICE | 0x7abeb0b8c0 | 0100 | RGBA_8888    |    0.0    0.0 1080.0  126.0 |    0 2214 1080 2340 | NavigationBar0$_5542#0
                                                                                                         DEVICE | 0x7ab5f05a80 | 0140 | RGBA_8888    |    0.0    0.0 1080.0  151.0 |    0    0 1080  151 | ScreenDecor
2023-12-26 10:51:44.007  7492-7492  unknown:ReactNative     com.tfliteexample                    W  Packager connection already open, nooping.
2023-12-26 10:51:44.024  7492-7492  unknown:Re...nceManager com.tfliteexample                    E  destroyRootView called
2023-12-26 10:51:44.024  7492-7492  unknown:Re...nceManager com.tfliteexample                    E  destroyRootView called, unmountReactApplication
2023-12-26 10:51:44.061  7492-9362  unknown:ReactContext    com.tfliteexample                    W  initializeMessageQueueThreads() is called.
2023-12-26 10:51:44.069  7492-7492  unknown:ReactNative     com.tfliteexample                    W  Packager connection already open, nooping.
2023-12-26 10:51:44.075  7492-9365  unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.tfliteexample                    W  Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.traceupdateoverlay.TraceUpdateOverlayManager
2023-12-26 10:51:44.103  7492-9365  unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.tfliteexample                    W  Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.uimanager.LayoutShadowNode
2023-12-26 10:51:44.119  7492-9365  unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.tfliteexample                    W  Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.drawer.ReactDrawerLayoutManager
2023-12-26 10:51:44.127  7492-9365  unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.tfliteexample                    W  Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.scroll.ReactHorizontalScrollViewManager
2023-12-26 10:51:44.140  7492-9365  unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.tfliteexample                    W  Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.scroll.ReactHorizontalScrollContainerViewManager
2023-12-26 10:51:44.144  7492-9365  unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.tfliteexample                    W  Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.progressbar.ReactProgressBarViewManager
2023-12-26 10:51:44.149  7492-9365  unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.tfliteexample                    W  Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.progressbar.ProgressBarShadowNode
2023-12-26 10:51:44.152  7492-9365  unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.tfliteexample                    W  Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.scroll.ReactScrollViewManager
2023-12-26 10:51:44.161  7492-9365  unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.tfliteexample                    W  Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.switchview.ReactSwitchManager
2023-12-26 10:51:44.167  7492-9365  unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.tfliteexample                    W  Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.switchview.ReactSwitchManager$ReactSwitchShadowNode
2023-12-26 10:51:44.169  7492-9365  unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.tfliteexample                    W  Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.swiperefresh.SwipeRefreshLayoutManager
2023-12-26 10:51:44.174  7492-9365  unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.tfliteexample                    W  Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.frescosupport.FrescoBasedReactTextInlineImageViewManager
2023-12-26 10:51:44.176  7492-9365  unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.tfliteexample                    W  Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.frescosupport.FrescoBasedReactTextInlineImageShadowNode
2023-12-26 10:51:44.180  7492-9365  unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.tfliteexample                    W  Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.image.ReactImageManager
2023-12-26 10:51:44.186  7492-9365  unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.tfliteexample                    W  Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.modal.ReactModalHostManager
2023-12-26 10:51:44.191  7492-9365  unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.tfliteexample                    W  Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.modal.ModalHostShadowNode
2023-12-26 10:51:44.193  7492-9365  unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.tfliteexample                    W  Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.ReactRawTextManager
2023-12-26 10:51:44.194  7492-9365  unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.tfliteexample                    W  Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.ReactRawTextShadowNode
2023-12-26 10:51:44.196  7492-9365  unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.tfliteexample                    W  Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.textinput.ReactTextInputManager
2023-12-26 10:51:44.208  7492-9365  unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.tfliteexample                    W  Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.textinput.ReactTextInputShadowNode
2023-12-26 10:51:44.217  7492-9365  unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.tfliteexample                    W  Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.ReactTextViewManager
2023-12-26 10:51:44.223  7492-9365  unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.tfliteexample                    W  Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.ReactTextShadowNode
2023-12-26 10:51:44.226  7492-9365  unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.tfliteexample                    W  Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.view.ReactViewManager
2023-12-26 10:51:44.238  7492-9365  unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.tfliteexample                    W  Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.ReactVirtualTextViewManager
2023-12-26 10:51:44.241  7492-9365  unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.tfliteexample                    W  Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.ReactVirtualTextShadowNode
2023-12-26 10:51:44.245  7492-9365  unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.tfliteexample                    W  Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.unimplementedview.ReactUnimplementedViewManager
2023-12-26 10:51:44.249  7492-9365  unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.tfliteexample                    W  Could not find generated setter for class
2023-12-26 10:51:44.258  7492-9365  unknown:ReactContext    com.tfliteexample                    W  initializeMessageQueueThreads() is called.
2023-12-26 10:51:44.263  7492-9365  CameraManager           com.tfliteexample                    I  registerAvailabilityCallback: Is device callback = false
2023-12-26 10:51:44.264  7492-9365  CameraManagerGlobal     com.tfliteexample                    I  postSingleUpdate device: camera id 0 status STATUS_PRESENT
2023-12-26 10:51:44.264  7492-9365  CameraManagerGlobal     com.tfliteexample                    I  postSingleUpdate device: camera id 1 status STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE
2023-12-26 10:51:44.264  7492-9365  CameraManagerGlobal     com.tfliteexample                    I  postSingleUpdate device: camera id 2 status STATUS_PRESENT
2023-12-26 10:51:44.265  7492-9365  CameraManagerGlobal     com.tfliteexample                    I  postSingleUpdate device: camera id 3 status STATUS_PRESENT
2023-12-26 10:51:44.266  7492-9365  CameraDevices           com.tfliteexample                    I  Camera #0: Available!
2023-12-26 10:51:44.266  7492-9365  CameraDevices           com.tfliteexample                    I  Camera #1: Unavailable!
2023-12-26 10:51:44.270  7492-9365  CameraDevices           com.tfliteexample                    I  Camera #2: Available!
2023-12-26 10:51:44.270  7492-9365  CameraDevices           com.tfliteexample                    I  Camera #3: Available!
2023-12-26 10:51:44.945  7492-9364  ReactNativeJS           com.tfliteexample                    I  Running "TfliteExample" with {"rootTag":321}
2023-12-26 10:51:45.413  7492-9364  ReactNativeJS           com.tfliteexample                    I  Loading react-native-worklets-core...
2023-12-26 10:51:45.414  7492-9364  ReactNativeJS           com.tfliteexample                    I  Worklets loaded successfully
2023-12-26 10:51:45.425  7492-9364  VisionCameraProxy       com.tfliteexample                    I  Initializing VisionCameraProxy...
2023-12-26 10:51:45.425  7492-9364  VisionCameraProxy       com.tfliteexample                    I  Creating Worklet Context...
2023-12-26 10:51:45.429  7492-9364  VisionCameraProxy       com.tfliteexample                    I  Worklet Context created!
2023-12-26 10:51:45.441  7492-9364  ReactNativeJS           com.tfliteexample                    I  Installing bindings...
2023-12-26 10:51:45.444  7492-9364  Tflite                  com.tfliteexample                    I  Loading C++ library...
2023-12-26 10:51:45.444  7492-9364  Tflite                  com.tfliteexample                    I  Installing JSI Bindings for VisionCamera Tflite plugin...
2023-12-26 10:51:45.445  7492-9364  Tflite                  com.tfliteexample                    I  Successfully installed JSI Bindings!
2023-12-26 10:51:45.445  7492-9364  ReactNativeJS           com.tfliteexample                    I  Successfully installed!
2023-12-26 10:51:47.735  7492-9364  ReactNativeJS           com.tfliteexample                    E  TypeError: Cannot read property 'runSync' of undefined

                                                                                                    This error is located at:
                                                                                                        in App
                                                                                                        in RCTView (created by View)
                                                                                                        in View (created by AppContainer)
                                                                                                        in RCTView (created by View)
                                                                                                        in View (created by AppContainer)
                                                                                                        in AppContainer
                                                                                                        in TfliteExample(RootComponent), js engine: hermes
2023-12-26 10:51:47.741  7492-9364  ReactNativeJS           com.tfliteexample                    E  TypeError: Cannot read property 'runSync' of undefined

                                                                                                    This error is located at:
                                                                                                        in App
                                                                                                        in RCTView (created by View)
                                                                                                        in View (created by AppContainer)
                                                                                                        in RCTView (created by View)
                                                                                                        in View (created by AppContainer)
                                                                                                        in AppContainer
                                                                                                        in TfliteExample(RootComponent), js engine: hermes
2023-12-26 10:51:47.925  7492-7492  Dialog                  com.tfliteexample                    I  mIsDeviceDefault = false, mIsSamsungBasicInteraction = false, isMetaDataInActivity = false
2023-12-26 10:51:47.940  7492-7492  DecorView               com.tfliteexample                    I  [INFO] isPopOver=false, config=false
2023-12-26 10:51:47.941  7492-7492  DecorView               com.tfliteexample                    I  updateCaptionType >> DecorView@5d50bf1[], isFloating=false, isApplication=true, hasWindowControllerCallback=false, hasWindowDecorCaption=false
2023-12-26 10:51:47.942  7492-7492  DecorView               com.tfliteexample                    D  setCaptionType = 0, this = DecorView@5d50bf1[]
2023-12-26 10:51:47.951  7492-7492  DecorView               com.tfliteexample                    I  getCurrentDensityDpi: from app context. densityDpi=420 msg=resources_loaded
2023-12-26 10:51:47.970  7492-7492  DecorView               com.tfliteexample                    I  notifyKeepScreenOnChanged: keepScreenOn=false
2023-12-26 10:51:47.972  7492-7492  MSHandlerLifeCycle      com.tfliteexample                    I  isMultiSplitHandlerRequested: ignored. pkg=com.tfliteexample isActivity=false android.view.ViewRootImpl.applyKeepScreenOnFlag:2945 android.view.ViewRootImpl.collectViewAttributes:2969 android.view.ViewRootImpl.setView:1558 
2023-12-26 10:51:47.976  4906-6214  SurfaceFlinger          surfaceflinger                       I  id=24172 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=80004, 381bb49 com.tfliteexample/com.tfliteexample.MainActivity#0
2023-12-26 10:51:47.978  5200-7328  WindowManager           system_server                        V  Changing focus from Window{bd7f0f2 u0 com.tfliteexample/com.tfliteexample.MainActivity} to Window{381bb49 u0 com.tfliteexample/com.tfliteexample.MainActivity} displayId=0 
2023-12-26 10:51:47.978  5200-7328  MARsPolicyManager       system_server                        D  onPackageResumedFG pkgName = com.tfliteexample, userId = 0
2023-12-26 10:51:47.992  7492-7492  ViewRootIm...nActivity] com.tfliteexample                    I  setView = TM=true
2023-12-26 10:51:48.009  7492-7492  unknown:ReactContext    com.tfliteexample                    W  initializeMessageQueueThreads() is called.
2023-12-26 10:51:48.016  5200-7328  WindowManager           system_server                        V  Relayout Window{381bb49 u0 com.tfliteexample/com.tfliteexample.MainActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2340 d0
2023-12-26 10:51:48.017  4906-4921  SurfaceFlinger          surfaceflinger                       I  id=24175 createSurf (1x1),-3 flag=40004, com.tfliteexample/com.tfliteexample.MainActivity$_7492#4
2023-12-26 10:51:48.018  5200-7328  WindowManager           system_server                        D  makeSurface duration=1 name=com.tfliteexample/com.tfliteexample.MainActivity$_7492
2023-12-26 10:51:48.030  5200-7328  InputDispatcher         system_server                        D  Focus request (0): 381bb49 com.tfliteexample/com.tfliteexample.MainActivity but waiting because NOT_VISIBLE
2023-12-26 10:51:48.031  5200-7328  InputDispatcher         system_server                        D  Focus left window (0): bd7f0f2 com.tfliteexample/com.tfliteexample.MainActivity
2023-12-26 10:51:48.034  7492-7492  InsetsSourceConsumer    com.tfliteexample                    D  ensureControlAlpha: for ITYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR on com.tfliteexample/com.tfliteexample.MainActivity
2023-12-26 10:51:48.036  7492-7492  InsetsSourceConsumer    com.tfliteexample                    D  ensureControlAlpha: for ITYPE_STATUS_BAR on com.tfliteexample/com.tfliteexample.MainActivity
2023-12-26 10:51:48.039  7492-7492  ViewRootIm...nActivity] com.tfliteexample                    I  Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,2340) new=(0,0,1080,2340) req=(1080,2340)0 dur=15 res=0x7 s={true 481170579456} ch=true fn=-1
2023-12-26 10:51:48.041  7492-7604  OpenGLRenderer          com.tfliteexample                    D  eglCreateWindowSurface
2023-12-26 10:51:48.051  7492-7492  ViewRootIm...nActivity] com.tfliteexample                    I  [DP] dp(1) 1 android.view.ViewRootImpl.reportNextDraw:11442 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:4198 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:2924 
2023-12-26 10:51:48.051  7492-7492  ViewRootIm...nActivity] com.tfliteexample                    D  Creating frameDrawingCallback nextDrawUseBlastSync=false reportNextDraw=true hasBlurUpdates=false
2023-12-26 10:51:48.051  7492-7492  ViewRootIm...nActivity] com.tfliteexample                    D  Creating frameCompleteCallback
2023-12-26 10:51:48.056  7492-7634  ViewRootIm...nActivity] com.tfliteexample                    D  Received frameDrawingCallback frameNum=1. Creating transactionCompleteCallback=false
2023-12-26 10:51:48.064  7492-7604  ViewRootIm...nActivity] com.tfliteexample                    D  Received frameCompleteCallback  lastAcquiredFrameNum=1 lastAttemptedDrawFrameNum=1
2023-12-26 10:51:48.066  7492-7492  ViewRootIm...nActivity] com.tfliteexample                    I  [DP] pdf(0) 1 android.view.ViewRootImpl.lambda$addFrameCompleteCallbackIfNeeded$3$ViewRootImpl:5000 android.view.ViewRootImpl$$ android.os.Handler.handleCallback:938 
2023-12-26 10:51:48.066  7492-7492  ViewRootIm...nActivity] com.tfliteexample                    I  [DP] rdf()
2023-12-26 10:51:48.066  7492-7492  ViewRootIm...nActivity] com.tfliteexample                    D  reportDrawFinished (fn: -1) 
2023-12-26 10:51:48.067  5200-8650  WindowManager           system_server                        D  finishDrawingWindow: Window{381bb49 u0 com.tfliteexample/com.tfliteexample.MainActivity} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
2023-12-26 10:51:48.070  7492-7492  ViewRootIm...nActivity] com.tfliteexample                    I  MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 1
2023-12-26 10:51:48.072  5200-5241  WindowManager           system_server                        I  Reparenting to leash, surface=Surface(name=381bb49 com.tfliteexample/com.tfliteexample.MainActivity)/@0xfb0158b, leashParent=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{74ff1f4 u0 com.tfliteexample/.MainActivity t451})/@0xa2887fb
2023-12-26 10:51:48.073  4906-4922  SurfaceFlinger          surfaceflinger                       I  id=24176 createSurf (0x0),-1 flag=24004, Surface(name=381bb49 com.tfliteexample/com.tfliteexample.MainActivity)/@0xfb0158b - animation-leash of window_animation#0
2023-12-26 10:51:48.074  5200-5241  WindowManager           system_server                        D  makeSurface duration=1 leash=Surface(name=Surface(name=381bb49 com.tfliteexample/com.tfliteexample.MainActivity)/@0xfb0158b - animation-leash of window_animation)/@0x90bb668
2023-12-26 10:51:48.081  5200-8650  InputDispatcher         system_server                        D  Focus entered window (0): 381bb49 com.tfliteexample/com.tfliteexample.MainActivity
2023-12-26 10:51:48.083  7492-7492  ViewRootIm...nActivity] com.tfliteexample                    I  MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 1
2023-12-26 10:51:48.085  7492-7492  InputMethodManager      com.tfliteexample                    D  startInputInner - Id : 0
2023-12-26 10:51:48.085  7492-7492  InputMethodManager      com.tfliteexample                    I  startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
2023-12-26 10:51:48.120  4906-4906  SurfaceFlinger          surfaceflinger                       D  Display 0 HWC layers:
                                                                                                         DEVICE | 0x7abeb0e0c0 | 0100 | RGBA_8888    |    0.0    0.0 1080.0 2340.0 |    0    0 1080 2340 | com.tfliteexample/com.tfliteexample.MainActivity$_7492#0
                                                                                                         DEVICE | 0x7abeb0ba00 | 0100 | RGBA_8888    |    0.0    0.0 1080.0 2340.0 |    0    0 1080 2340 | com.tfliteexample/com.tfliteexample.MainActivity$_7492#1
                                                                                                         DEVICE | 0x7ae4ac0380 | 0100 | RGBA_8888    |    0.0    0.0 1080.0 2340.0 |    0    0 1080 2340 | com.tfliteexample/com.tfliteexample.MainActivity$_7492#2
                                                                                                         DEVICE | 0x7ab5f07ec0 | 0100 | RGBA_8888    |    0.0    0.0 1080.0 2340.0 |    0    0 1080 2340 | com.tfliteexample/com.tfliteexample.MainActivity$_7492#3
                                                                                                         DEVICE | 0x7ae4abf840 | 0100 | RGBA_8888    |    0.0    0.0 1080.0  242.0 |    0 2098 1080 2340 | com.tfliteexample/com.tfliteexample.MainActivity$_7492#4
                                                                                                         DEVICE | 0x7ab5f07b00 | 0100 | RGBA_8888    |    0.0    0.0 1080.0   78.0 |    0    0 1080   78 | StatusBar$_5542#0
                                                                                                         DEVICE | 0x7abeb0b8c0 | 0100 | RGBA_8888    |    0.0    0.0 1080.0  126.0 |
2023-12-26 10:51:48.284  5200-5241  WindowManager           system_server                        I  Reparenting to original parent: Surface(name=ActivityRecord{74ff1f4 u0 com.tfliteexample/.MainActivity t451})/@0xa2887fb, destroy=true, surface=Surface(name=381bb49 com.tfliteexample/com.tfliteexample.MainActivity)/@0xfb0158b
2023-12-26 10:51:48.295  4906-4906  Layer                   surfaceflinger                       I  id=24176 removeFromCurrentState Surface(name=381bb49 com.tfliteexample/com.tfliteexample.MainActivity)/@0xfb0158b - animation-leash of window_animation#0 (112)
2023-12-26 10:51:48.295  4906-4906  SurfaceFlinger          surfaceflinger                       I  id=24176 Removed Surface(name=381bb49 com.tfliteexample/com.tfliteexample.MainActivity)/@0xfb0158b - animation-leash of window_animation#0 (112)
2023-12-26 10:51:48.296  4906-4906  Layer                   surfaceflinger                       I  id=24176 Destroyed Surface(name=381bb49 com.tfliteexample/com.tfliteexample.MainActivity)/@0xfb0158b - animation-leash of window_animation#0
2023-12-26 10:51:48.591  5200-5240  SGM:GameManager         system_server                        D  identifyForegroundApp. com.tfliteexample, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0
2023-12-26 10:51:48.591  5200-5240  SGM:PkgDataHelper       system_server                        D  getGamePkgData(). com.tfliteexample
2023-12-26 10:51:49.069  7492-7492  ScrollView              com.tfliteexample                    D  initGoToTop
chourabieure commented 9 months ago

Hi ! I have the same here, everything was working fine and since this morning, it shows the error out of nowhere, nothing in my code has changed since

I started working on the example package

canibal2 commented 9 months ago

Do you know when you first used it or which version you used? Maybe it's related to version 1.0.0.

chourabieure commented 9 months ago

@chourabieure Do you know when you first used it or which version you used? Maybe it's related to version 1.0.0.

I first used it couples of days ago, and did not change any version. Update on that though : It seems to work on my friend's laptop with his own xcode config .. it's pretty weird

mrousavy commented 9 months ago

Hm, so the error basically says model.model is undefined. However, model itself is not undefined, and it properly has a model.state.

Please try logging all keys: console.log(model.state, Object.keys(model)) so we can figure out what's wrong.

chourabieure commented 9 months ago

just after loading the model i got : loaded {"0": "model", "1": "state"}

model.model :

  "delegate": "default",
  "inputs": [
      "dataType": "int8",
      "name": "normalized_input_image_tensor",
      "shape": [
  "outputs": [
      "dataType": "float32",
      "name": "TFLite_Detection_PostProcess",
      "shape": [
      "dataType": "float32",
      "name": "TFLite_Detection_PostProcess:1",
      "shape": [
      "dataType": "float32",
      "name": "TFLite_Detection_PostProcess:2",
      "shape": [
      "dataType": "float32",
      "name": "TFLite_Detection_PostProcess:3",
      "shape": [
  "run": [
  "runSync": [

I manage to remove the error by writing :

const frameProcessor = useFrameProcessor(
    (frame) => {
      if (model.state !== 'loaded') return

      const data = frame.toArrayBuffer()
      if (!model.model) return // <<<<<<<<
      const outputs = model.model.runSync([data])

But it randomly goes through the test and sometimes model.model isn't even defined

UPDATE : Reading frame.toArrayBuffer() is extremely slow and sometimes crashs my app. I can't even print the frame anymore I don't think it comes from the model but from the frame itself thus the data sent to runSync

mrousavy commented 9 months ago

Aha, interesting!

frame.toArrayBuffer() is extremely slow

How slow exactly? This should be able to run in realtime. E.g. max. 5-10ms per call on 720p-1080p frames. Make sure to choose a small video resolution, not 4k in your format.

Also, if you resize the array buffer, make sure to not allocate new ones each time but instead cache it.

chourabieure commented 9 months ago

I decreased the resolution and the fps Now it won't even print once

it crashes as soon as i try to print the frame

import * as React from 'react'

import { StyleSheet, View, Platform } from 'react-native'

import {
} from 'react-native-vision-camera'

import { useTensorflowModel } from 'react-native-fast-tflite'

export default function App() {
  const device = useCameraDevice('back')

  const model = useTensorflowModel(
    Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 'core-ml' : 'default'

  const format = useCameraFormat(device, [
    { videoResolution: { width: 1280, height: 720 } },

  const frameProcessor = useFrameProcessor(
    (frame) => {
      // console.log(frame) // <<<< The app crashes avery time I uncomment this line

  if (!device) return null

  return (
    <View style={StyleSheet.absoluteFill}>

It's getting worse and Iam not even touching any project configuration, just starting new clients

Hope it helps

mrousavy commented 9 months ago

Printing the Frame is not something that should work, I can add a debug description here though to make that work.

mrousavy commented 9 months ago

Check out this PR: