Closed tgreco closed 1 year ago
Hi, this looks like some Kotlin issue. Maybe you changed your Kotlin versions in your app and that broke the compiler?
Also, did you enable Frame Processors with the Flag?
Hi, this looks like some Kotlin issue. Maybe you changed your Kotlin versions in your app and that broke the compiler?
Also, did you enable Frame Processors with the Flag?
Great questions, everything worked at one point and just stopped working the last week or so. What frame processor flag needs to be enabled for Android? I'm having trouble finding anything in the documentation besides disableFrameProcessors
which I can confirm I do not have set.
As for Kotlin versions, it is very possible. What version is recommended/do you have? I'll try setting mine to that and giving it another go.
Use the same as the example/ app has
Use the same as the example/ app has
@mrousavy adding RNNKotlinVersion = "1.3.61"
to my android/build.gradle
should be sufficient for setting the Kotlin version to match the example app?
I have tried that as well as setting kotlinVersion
to match that.
I have even tried setting disableFrameProcessors=true
in my
file and clean/rebuilding just to get my app to run for the moment again but that still refuses to compile with the same error.
Please let me know what other info I can provide to get assistance as this is a huge road block to not be able to compile my app anymore.
Same here. my package json:
"name": "myApp",
"version": "3.0.01",
"private": true,
"scripts": {
"android": "react-native run-android",
"ios": "react-native run-ios",
"start": "react-native start",
"test": "jest",
"lint": "eslint .",
"build:assets": "fc-build-assets --fc-template ./assets/fusioncharts-tpl.html"
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This bug sucks... I created a new react-native project from scratch 0.70.6 and installed vision-camera 2.14.1. Same exact issue lol
/mobile/node_modules/react-native-vision-camera/android/src/main/java/com/mrousavy/camera/frameprocessor/ error: package FrameProcessorRuntimeManager does not exist
1 error
w: Detected multiple Kotlin daemon sessions at build/kotlin/sessions
Hi @tgreco @erickcrus, I am working on a project with this library as well, is there eventually a solution with this error? Thanks!
Hey! I've rewritten the entire Android codebase of VisionCamera from CameraX to Camera2 in the efforts of ✨ VisionCamera V3.
I just now completed the Camera2 rewrite and I believe the core structure is running, but there might be some edge cases to iron out. Can you try and test the PR #1674 for me to see if you can still reproduce this issue here?
Here's an instruction on how you can test that:
If the issue cannot be reproduced with that version/PR anymore, then hoorayy, I fixed it! 🎉 Otherwise please let me know and I'll keep this issue open to keep track of it.
Thank you!
What were you trying to do?
Trying to build the android app. It was working previously and if build errors occurred I could remove my node_modules and reinstall fresh to fix it. However, fresh reinstalls no longer fix it and I've tried every possible solution I came across on the issues on here.
./gradlew installDebug --warning-mode all as well as trying to build directly in Android studio all return the same error output.
Reproduceable Code
What happened instead?
Build fails.
Relevant log output
Pixel 3
VisionCamera Version
2.15.2 also tried 2.14.1 and 2.15.1
Additional information