mrousavy / react-native-vision-camera

📸 A powerful, high-performance React Native Camera library.
MIT License
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🐛 Execution failed for task ':react-native-vision-camera:extractAARHeaders'. #1443

Closed amiraabdelmalek closed 9 months ago

amiraabdelmalek commented 1 year ago

What were you trying to do?

hello, i'am trying to build my react native app for android. and i have this build error. can someone please help me with this. here's the versions that i'm using.

"react-native": "0.70.6", "react-native-vision-camera": "^2.15.3", "react-native-reanimated": "^2.13.0",

my build.gradle:

buildToolsVersion = "32.0.0" minSdkVersion = 21 compileSdkVersion = 32 targetSdkVersion = 32 googlePlayServicesAuthVersion = "20.2.0"

dependencies { classpath("") classpath("com.facebook.react:react-native-gradle-plugin") classpath("de.undercouch:gradle-download-task:5.0.1") classpath '' classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.7.0 }

Reproduceable Code

No response

What happened instead?

Relevant log output

No response


Pixel 3a API 32

VisionCamera Version


Additional information

jpabara commented 1 year ago

Same issue here

art9mid commented 1 year ago

Any updates ?

yormy commented 1 year ago

Same here, running on an expo-bare workflow

MahammadNuriyev62 commented 1 year ago

i have exactly the same issue!

kyrsanter commented 1 year ago

The same RN 0.70.1 "react-native-vision-camera": { "version": "2.15.3",

meth0xy commented 1 year ago

same here. Running React Native CLI Project RN: 0.69.7 react-native-vision-camera: 2.15.3

yormy commented 1 year ago

Partly resolved by following the instructions for : Compiles and builds and app starts, but I have some js errors elsewhere (2.15.2) ` ERROR ReferenceError: Can't find variable: __detect ERROR Invariant Violation: Failed to call into JavaScript module method AppRegistry.runApplication()

This happens due to the useFrameProcessor But no clue why yet `

jpabara commented 1 year ago

@yormy you mean this part?

module.exports = function (api) {
  return {
    presets: ['babel-preset-expo'],
    plugins: ['react-native-reanimated/plugin'],
jpabara commented 1 year ago

I managed to make it work, I know downgrading is not the best idea, but version 2.15.3 of react-native-vision-camera was released yesterday. So I changed package.json to version 2.15.2 and it worked fine after 3 attempts of building the app

yormy commented 1 year ago

Did you make other changes. I get js errors on the scanner.tsx code Do you use react-native setup or expo bare setup ?

jpabara commented 1 year ago

Nothing else, I use react-native CLI

Versions are: "react-native": "0.67.5", "react": "17.0.2", "react-native-vision-camera": "2.15.2",

SeongwoonHong commented 1 year ago

i'm running into the same issue. any luck so far?

MahammadNuriyev62 commented 1 year ago

could only fix by downgrading react-native-reanimated to exactly 2.10.0 react-native-vision-camera to exactly 2.14.1

i have:

"react-native": "0.70.5"
"react": "18.1.0"

waiting for better solutions from you)

GSFZamai commented 1 year ago

I managed to make it work, I know downgrading is not the best idea, but version 2.15.3 of react-native-vision-camera was released yesterday. So I changed package.json to version 2.15.2 and it worked fine after 3 attempts of building the app

This worked for me. Updated today and got this error, before downgrading to 2.15.2, build successfully

jbohman commented 1 year ago

I have this issue on version 2.15.2. It worked to build locally but in CI it started to fail. After running ./gradlew clean it started to happen for me locally as well.

SeongwoonHong commented 1 year ago

"react-native": "0.66.5" "react-native-vision-camera": "2.14.1" "react-native-reanimated": "^2.10.0" This DID NOT work for me.

"react-native": "0.66.5" "react-native-vision-camera": "2.14.1" "react-native-reanimated": "2.10.0" This DID NOT work for me

"react-native": "0.66.5" "react-native-vision-camera": "2.15.2" "react-native-reanimated": "^2.10.0" This DID NOT work for me

I'm getting

Execution failed for task ':react-native-vision-camera:extractJNIFiles'.
> Cannot expand ZIP 'some path/node_modules/react-native-reanimated/android/react-native-reanimated-66-hermes.aar' as it does not exist.
art9mid commented 1 year ago

@mrousavy check pls

mrousavy commented 1 year ago

@mrousavy check pls

stop tagging me. I can't reproduce this error, VisionCamera builds in all my apps. If you want to fix this, submit a PR (or pay me to fix it).

marcelmeulemans commented 1 year ago

Downgrading to 2.15.2 should work but it seems that sometimes/somehow the 2.15.3 build.gradle file is cached somewhere. Check the the last lines match the 2.15.2 version: For me a yarn cache clean and yarn add react-native-vision-camera@2.15.2 restored the correct build.gradle.

rembleram commented 1 year ago

The same RN: 0.70.6 react-native-vision-camera: 2.15.3

` Build file '/xxx/node_modules/react-native-vision-camera/android/build.gradle' line: 596


SeongwoonHong commented 1 year ago

@marcelmeulemans hmm I'm getting this error

> Configure project :react-native-reanimated
Native libs debug enabled: false
Android gradle plugin: 4.2.0
Gradle: 6.9
building Reanimated2

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring project ':react-native-reanimated'.
> CMake '3.18.1' was not found in SDK, PATH, or by cmake.dir property.

Have you come across this before? react-native-reanimated: "2.10.0" and react-native-vision-camera: "2.15.2"

ravin-amplework commented 1 year ago

WORKED FOR ME >> downgrad to 2.15.1

amiraabdelmalek commented 1 year ago

Did you make other changes. I get js errors on the scanner.tsx code Do you use react-native setup or expo bare setup ?

No I use react native cli setup

zzz08900 commented 1 year ago

So it seems 2.15.3 breaks on RN < 0.71? I'll give a try and see what's going on

But for some of the problems in this thread, like CMake '3.18.1' was not found, probably has nothing to do with react-native-vision-camera.

OK I think I see the problem. Version 2.15.3 does break on RN < 0.71

So here's the plan for anyone on RN < 0.71: Plan A: you can safely downgrade react-native-vision-camera to 2.15.2, since 2.15.3 is only there to support RN 0.71 Plan B: you edit react-native-vision-camera/android/build.gradle, search for extractHeaders("com.facebook.fbjni:fbjni:headers:+") and replace it with extractHeaders("com.facebook.fbjni:fbjni:+:headers") (you can see the difference, can't you? If anyone feel like it they can open a PR with this single-line change I already did it.)

It's probably a typo when they made the fix for RN 0.71

On a side note, if you are using 2.14.x and reanimated 2.1x.x, you need to bump your react-native-vision-camera to 2.15.2

amiraabdelmalek commented 1 year ago

Downgrading to 2.15.2 worked for me. "react-native-reanimated": "^2.13.0", "react-native-vision-camera": "2.15.2", "react-native": "0.70.6", "react": "^18.2.0", Working with react native cli.

mrousavy commented 1 year ago

Looks like this is caused by - @ChristophGr could you reproduce this error?

ChristophGr commented 1 year ago

Yes. It happens in projects using rn < 0.71. but @zzz08900 fix is exactly what's wrong:

mrousavy commented 1 year ago

Hey @amiraabdelmalek, I just released 2.15.4 which includes the fix from #1447, can you test if that works for you? :)

SeongwoonHong commented 1 year ago

I was able to resolve this after downgrading the version to 2.15.2 and wiping data on emulator

ogard commented 1 year ago

I can confirm that fix from #1447 solves the issue.

"react-native": "0.70.6"
"react-native-vision-camera": "^2.15.4"
krisidmisso commented 1 year ago

I have tried all the downgrades mentioned above and for me it doesnt work. I have the same issue:

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* Where:
Build file '/.../node_modules/react-native-vision-camera/android/build.gradle' line: 596

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':react-native-vision-camera:extractAARHeaders'.
> Could not resolve all files for configuration ':react-native-vision-camera:extractHeaders'.
   > Could not resolve com.facebook.fbjni:fbjni:+.
     Required by:
         project :react-native-vision-camera
      > Failed to list versions for com.facebook.fbjni:fbjni.
         > Unable to load Maven meta-data from
            > Could not HEAD ''.
               > nodename nor servname provided, or not known
      > Failed to list versions for com.facebook.fbjni:fbjni.
         > Unable to load Maven meta-data from
            > Could not HEAD ''.

Also #1447 is already applied since I have the latest version 2.15.4. It was working 1 week ago. Now that I tried with ./gradlew clean it doesn't work anymore.

@mrousavy Can it be related due to a change done in the aar file? Since it is always re-downloaded whenever I try to build for android

krisidmisso commented 1 year ago

For anyone getting stuck with this issue I got it working with the following steps:

  1. clear any cache of gradle and npm/yarn
  2. delete .lock files (package-json.lock, yarn.lock)
  3. restart pc without doing anything else (dont laugh, it works some times when you are desperate)
  4. npm install/yarn install
  5. update android/build.gradle build tools versions (from 31 to 32):

    buildscript {
    ext {
        buildToolsVersion = "32.0.0"
        minSdkVersion = 21
        compileSdkVersion = 32
        targetSdkVersion = 32
        VisionCameraCodeScanner_targetSdkVersion = 32
        VisionCameraCodeScanner_compileSdkVersion = 32
  6. ./gradlew clean inside android folder
  7. npm run android
jg-stack commented 1 year ago

Was facing the same issue with this versioning:

"react-native": "0.71.7", "react-native-vision-camera": "2.15.4"

Solved the issue by updating react-native-reanimated to v2.17.0 (the last version before they moved to v3) then doing a full react-native-clean-project

myselfuser1 commented 11 months ago

Try this

pavelmuratev commented 10 months ago

What fixed the issue for us was: ./gradlew clean && ./gradlew --refresh-dependencies

mrousavy commented 9 months ago

Hey! I've rewritten the entire Android codebase of VisionCamera from CameraX to Camera2 in the efforts of ✨ VisionCamera V3.

I just now completed the Camera2 rewrite and I believe the core structure is running, but there might be some edge cases to iron out. Can you try and test the PR #1674 for me to see if you can still reproduce this issue here?

Here's an instruction on how you can test that:

If the issue cannot be reproduced with that version/PR anymore, then hoorayy, I fixed it! 🎉 Otherwise please let me know and I'll keep this issue open to keep track of it.

Thank you!

Soul-Clinic commented 9 months ago
code ../react-native-project/node_modules/react-native-vision-camera/android/build.gradle

Remove or comment:

apply plugin: 'kotlin-android-extensions' 
theprantadutta commented 7 months ago

What fixed the issue for us was: ./gradlew clean && ./gradlew --refresh-dependencies

This works

JocheAttah commented 7 months ago

What fixed the issue for us was: ./gradlew clean && ./gradlew --refresh-dependencies

This worked for me too

aakarshan-raj commented 4 months ago

Tired of React native ecosystem 🙂