mrousavy / react-native-vision-camera

📸 A powerful, high-performance React Native Camera library.
MIT License
6.64k stars 983 forks source link

🐛 4! FFPS!???, Frame Processor, Synchronous #2797

Closed R4tch3t closed 3 weeks ago

R4tch3t commented 3 weeks ago

What's happening?

This instead of improving or optimizing it comes out worse, why frame processor in synchronous run at 4 FPS when in previously versions run at full speed in the same phone and configuration, I used useState I don't chance for change to useSharedValue maybe is for that, but in first person it's a radical change and showing like a bug. Screenshot_20240424-133305

Reproduceable Code

let frameProcessor = useFrameProcessor((frame) => {


            const values: any = textRecognizerPlugin(frame,{phoneWidth,phoneHeight,isLandFrame});                  


                const {top, left} = values
                setBoundsJS({origin: {top, bottom:0, left, right:0}, size: {width: values.width, height: values.height}})

                setBoundsJS({origin: {top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0,  }, size: {width: 0, height: 0}})

              console.log("ErrorFrame: ",e)
  }, [phoneWidth, phoneHeight, isLandFrame])

Relevant log output


Camera Device

  "formats": [],
  "sensorOrientation": "landscape-left",
  "hardwareLevel": "full",
  "maxZoom": 8,
  "minZoom": 1,
  "maxExposure": 6,
  "supportsLowLightBoost": false,
  "neutralZoom": 1,
  "physicalDevices": [
  "supportsFocus": true,
  "supportsRawCapture": false,
  "isMultiCam": false,
  "minFocusDistance": 10,
  "minExposure": -6,
  "name": "0 (BACK)",
  "hasFlash": true,
  "hasTorch": true,
  "position": "back",
  "id": "0"


motorola edge 20

VisionCamera Version


Can you reproduce this issue in the VisionCamera Example app?

I didn't try (⚠️ your issue might get ignored & closed if you don't try this)

Additional information

gbark commented 3 weeks ago

Show some respect for the people maintaining and developing this amazing library that you can you use for free.

R4tch3t commented 3 weeks ago

Show some respect for the people maintaining and developing this amazing library that you can you use for free.

All framework and languages are free what's the point of your comment? I sponsored, and only opening thread because maybe not I am with the same situation...

R4tch3t commented 3 weeks ago

Don't think I can make my point much clearer. Not sure the same could be said for you though...

Nope, I'm here to clarify this and see if it's a problem or not, and you just show up to throw hate.

mrousavy commented 3 weeks ago

I sponsored

With which account? I don't see a sponsorship under this account.

All framework and languages are free

One of the most naive statements I've heard so far 👍 You pay $100/year for Apple Membership, $4k+ for MacBook and $1k+ for an iPhone. Do you really think Apple's frameworks are "free"?

Relevant log output


Well, no log output means I can't help you. :)

R4tch3t commented 3 weeks ago

ok, thanks...