mrousavy / react-native-vision-camera

📸 A powerful, high-performance React Native Camera library.
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🐛 camera keeps being restarted when using codeScanner #2813

Closed cvarjao closed 1 week ago

cvarjao commented 3 weeks ago

What's happening?

The app seems to get into some sort of restarting camera loop which eventually cause it to crash. When the camera starts, I can see that the emulator camera instruction, just keeps blinking:

The actual problem I am trying to troubleshoot is that the camera show a back screen on some Android 9 devices (Specifically LG G6 H873. It seems fine on Samsung and a few other devices I've tried).

Reproduceable Code

// From Example

  torch={torch ? 'on' : 'off'}

Relevant log output

I see the following lines repeating over and over:
00:13:24.307  I  captureNV21: Dimensions for the current request (1280x720) differ from the previous request (1280x960). Restarting camera
00:13:24.523  I  captureRGBA: Dimensions for the current request (1280x960) differ from the previous request (1280x720). Restarting camera

Camera Device

  "formats": [],
  "sensorOrientation": "landscape-left",
  "hardwareLevel": "limited",
  "maxZoom": 10,
  "minZoom": 1,
  "maxExposure": 9,
  "supportsLowLightBoost": false,
  "neutralZoom": 1,
  "physicalDevices": [
  "supportsFocus": true,
  "supportsRawCapture": false,
  "isMultiCam": false,
  "minFocusDistance": 0,
  "minExposure": -9,
  "name": "0 (BACK)",
  "hasFlash": false,
  "hasTorch": false,
  "position": "back",
  "id": "0"


Android 9 Emulator (Pixel 2 API 28)

VisionCamera Version

3.9.2 - 4.0.1

Can you reproduce this issue in the VisionCamera Example app?

Yes, I can reproduce the same issue in the Example app here

Additional information

zzz08900 commented 2 weeks ago

Last time I checked, RNVC does all kinds of wired things within simulators. On iOS simulators it outright refuse to work.

mrousavy commented 2 weeks ago

RNVC does all kinds of wired things within simulators

Well it's hard to simulate Cameras. Also, CameraX handles that part. The logs appear to be from the Camera simulation, not something I wrote.

On iOS simulators it outright refuse to work

Not my fault, Apple doesn't provide Cameras on Simulators. It's a Simulator, not an Emulator.

mrousavy commented 2 weeks ago

Just to clarify, you are seeing exactly the same behaviour on 3.9.x and on 4.x.x? Because I'm sure that 4.x.x should work.

cvarjao commented 2 weeks ago

That is fair. I am really trying to troubleshoot an issue with Android 9 device (black screen). I do not have access to the device, so I was looking for ways to reproduce the error. I've tested specifically with 3.9.2 and 4.0.1

zzz08900 commented 2 weeks ago

I'm not intended to blame anything on RNVC. I'm just stating the fact that this lib does not work with simulators and, potentially telling OP that he'd better get a real phone to test this lib out.

And I figure we can declare "simulator support" as complete out of scope and then there is no need to care about whose fault it is.

iqbaldev46 commented 2 weeks ago

The actual problem I am trying to troubleshoot is that the camera show a back screen on some Android 9 devices (Specifically LG G6 H873. It seems fine on Samsung and a few other devices I've tried).

On 4.0.1, can you try to add the prop photoQualityBalance='speed' or photoQualityBalance='quality' and see if it fixes the black screen issue.

cvarjao commented 2 weeks ago

I can try that. For clarity, we are only using the camera for reading QR code.

mrousavy commented 2 weeks ago

I can try that. For clarity, we are only using the camera for reading QR code.

Then the photoQualityBalance prop has no effect.

cvarjao commented 2 weeks ago

I've got a hold of a LG Device which I can reproduce the error, not much in logcat that makes sense to me, but now I can play with different settings:

15:03:45.117  I  Camera #0: Unavailable!
15:03:45.120  I  Updating CameraSession...
15:03:45.133  I  PreviewView onMeasure(1440, 2352)
15:03:45.133  D  coverSize :: 1920x1080 (0.5625), 1440x2352 (0.6122448979591837)
15:03:45.133  D  Fitted dimensions set: 1440x2560
15:03:45.165  I  PreviewView Surface created! Surface(name=null)/@0x592a6c
15:03:45.166  I  Setting Preview Output...
15:03:45.167  I  PreviewView Surface updated! Surface(name=null)/@0x592a6c 1920 x 1080
15:03:45.312  I  Camera 0: Opened!
15:03:45.382  I  Successfully configured Camera #0!
15:03:45.382  I  Resizing PreviewView to 1680 x 720...
15:03:45.384  I  Configuring Session for Camera #0...
15:03:45.386  I  Adding 1280 x 720 CodeScanner Output in Format #35...
15:03:45.410  I  PreviewView Surface updated! Surface(name=null)/@0x592a6c 1680 x 720
15:03:45.519  I  Considering local module and remote module
15:03:45.520  I  Selected local version of
15:03:45.574  I  vendor::lge::hardware::configstore::V1_0::IConfigStore::getUBWCUsageFlag retrieved: 0 (default)
15:03:45.591  I  Camera 0: Creating Capture Session #1000... Hardware Level: 3} | Outputs: [android.hardware.camera2.params.OutputConfiguration@d89b816e]
15:03:45.592  I  Using legacy API (<28)
15:03:45.614  I  Camera 0: Capture Session #1000 configured!
15:03:45.617  I  Successfully configured Session with 1 outputs for Camera #0!
15:03:45.617  I  Successfully updated CameraSession Configuration! isActive: false
15:03:45.618  I  invokeOnInitialized()
15:03:45.618  I  invokeOnStopped()
15:03:45.620  I  Updating CameraSession Configuration...
15:03:45.621  W  Preview Output is null, aborting...
15:03:45.621  I  Successfully updated CameraSession Configuration! isActive: true
15:03:45.621  I  invokeOnStarted()
15:03:45.623  I  Updating CameraSession Configuration...
15:03:45.625  I  Configuring Session for Camera #0...
15:03:45.625  I  Closing BarcodeScanner..
15:03:45.631  I  Adding 1680 x 720 Preview Output...
15:03:45.634  I  Resizing PreviewView to 1680 x 720...
15:03:45.638  I  Adding 1280 x 720 CodeScanner Output in Format #35...
15:03:45.649  I  Considering local module and remote module
15:03:45.649  I  Selected local version of
15:03:45.651  I  Camera 0: Creating Capture Session #1001... Hardware Level: 3} | Outputs: [android.hardware.camera2.params.OutputConfiguration@9f263cc6, android.hardware.camera2.params.OutputConfiguration@ec50e69b]
15:03:45.651  I  Using legacy API (<28)
15:03:45.690  I  Camera 0: Capture Session #1001 configured!
15:03:45.690  I  Camera 0: Capture Session #1000 closed!
15:03:45.691  I  Successfully configured Session with 2 outputs for Camera #0!
15:03:45.712  I  Successfully updated CameraSession Configuration! isActive: true
mrousavy commented 1 week ago

@cvarjao That's VisionCamera 3. Can you please try with VisionCamera 4 and post the logs here? I doubt that the issue is reproduceable there.

cvarjao commented 1 week ago

we updated to 4.0.1 and the problem with the physical device went away. So, we can close this one since the emulator issue might be unrelated. Thanks!