mrousavy / react-native-vision-camera

πŸ“Έ A powerful, high-performance React Native Camera library.
MIT License
7.35k stars 1.07k forks source link

πŸ› Unable to set minimum zoom on first render #3027

Open RenaudAubert opened 3 months ago

RenaudAubert commented 3 months ago

What's happening?

Hi! I'm trying to have the back camera to have the minimum zoom from the start. Setting zoom={device.minZoom} does not seem to work as the preview is still the neutral one. Disabling the preview also produces incorrect photos.

I've noticed that enabling the preview prop after the Camera has mounted display the preview with the correct zoom. Another weird behavior is if enableZoomGesture is enabled and the zoom is changed by pinching. When disabling then reenabling the preview then the bug is there as the view is once again in neutral mode.

❗ While the preview is displaying a neutral preview when it should not. The zoom level with pinch is correct. Which means I have a neutral zoom preview but can only pinch to zoom in.

I've managed to reproduce this behavior in the example app. I've added zoom={device.minZoom} to the camera component but when opening the app I have the neutral zoom.

I've also managed to reproduce this behavior with both v4.3.2 /react-native v0.74.2 and v4.3.1/react-native v0.73.8

Please let me know if the logs from logcat are incomplete. There are lots of logs and I tried to only paste what might be relevant which is the logs from the camera initialization.


Reproduceable Code

function App(): React.JSX.Element {
  const { hasPermission, requestPermission } = useCameraPermission();
  const camera = useRef<Camera>(null);
  const device = useCameraDevice('back');
  const [isCameraInitialized, setIsCameraInitialized] = useState(false);
  const [preview, setPreview] = useState(false);

  const onError = useCallback<NonNullable<CameraProps['onError']>>(
    async error => {
      switch (error.code) {
            'An error occurred while mounting the camera or during runtime: ',

  useEffect(() => {
    const requestCameraPermissions = async () => {
      await requestPermission ();

    if (!hasPermission) {
      requestCameraPermissions ();
  }, [hasPermission, requestPermission ]);

  const onInitialized = useCallback(() => {
  }, []);

  return (
    <SafeAreaView style={{ backgroundColor: 'black', flex: 1 }}>
      {device != null && (
          // While this prop is commented the preview is incorrect
          // preview={preview}
         // If playing with pinch while preview prop is set, switching off/on will reproduce the preview bug

            alignSelf: 'center',
            borderColor: 'white',
            position: 'absolute',
            borderRadius: 100/ 2,
            borderWidth: 100* 0.1,
            bottom: 100* 0.2,
            height: 100,
            opacity: isCameraInitialized ? 1 : 0.25,
            width: 100,
        onPress={() => setPreview(!preview)}>
        <View />

Relevant log output

Camera Lifecycle changed to CREATED!
Updating CameraSession...
Updating CameraSession...
Updating CameraSession...
configure { ... }: Waiting for lock...
A new configure { ... } call arrived, aborting this one...
'test: ', false
configure { ... }: Waiting for lock...
A new configure { ... } call arrived, aborting this one...
Compat change id reported: 289878283; UID 10327; state: ENABLED
CameraView attached to window!
'test: ', false
configure { ... }: Waiting for lock...
configure { ... }: Updating CameraSession Configuration... Difference(deviceChanged=true, outputsChanged=true, sidePropsChanged=true, isActiveChanged=true, orientationChanged=true, locationChanged=true)
Creating new Outputs for Camera #0...
Using FPS Range: null
Creating Preview output...
Creating Photo output...
Successfully created new Outputs for Camera #0!
Binding Camera #0...
Binding 2 use-cases...
getRelativeImageRotation: destRotationDegrees=0, sourceRotationDegrees=90, isOppositeFacing=true, result=90
getRelativeImageRotation: destRotationDegrees=0, sourceRotationDegrees=90, isOppositeFacing=true, result=90
Resolved dynamic range for use case to no compatible HDR dynamic ranges.
DynamicRange@b314194{encoding=UNSPECIFIED, bitDepth=0}
DynamicRange@a0d61e7{encoding=SDR, bitDepth=8}
getRelativeImageRotation: destRotationDegrees=0, sourceRotationDegrees=90, isOppositeFacing=true, result=90
Surface created[total_surfaces=1, used_surfaces=0]($SettableSurface@cecd739}
Surface created[total_surfaces=2, used_surfaces=0]($2@a3aadf5}
New surface in use[total_surfaces=2, used_surfaces=1]($2@a3aadf5}
use count+1, useCount=1$2@a3aadf5
getRelativeImageRotation: destRotationDegrees=0, sourceRotationDegrees=90, isOppositeFacing=true, result=90
createPipeline(cameraId: 0, streamSpec: StreamSpec{resolution=4080x3072, dynamicRange=DynamicRange@a0d61e7{encoding=SDR, bitDepth=8}, expectedFrameRateRange=[0, 0],})
Compat change id reported: 236825255; UID 10327; state: ENABLED
Surface created[total_surfaces=3, used_surfaces=1](}
{Camera@6807e0[id=0]} Use case ACTIVE
Successfully bound Camera #0!
Active and attached use case: [] for camera: 0
Camera Lifecycle changed to STARTED!
PreviewView Stream State changed to IDLE
{Camera@6807e0[id=0]} Use case ACTIVE
Active and attached use case: [] for camera: 0
Camera State: CLOSED (has error: false)
Camera Lifecycle changed to RESUMED!
Target Orientation changed DEVICE -> DEVICE!
Starting streaming device and screen orientation updates...
{Camera@6807e0[id=0]} Use case ACTIVE
Active and attached use case: [] for camera: 0
Active and attached use case: [] for camera: 0
{Camera@6807e0[id=0]} Use cases [,] now ATTACHED
Failed to configure CameraSession! Error: The Location permission was denied! If you want to capture photos or videos without location tags, pass `enableLocation={false}`., Config-Diff: Difference(deviceChanged=true, outputsChanged=true, sidePropsChanged=true, isActiveChanged=true, orientationChanged=true, locationChanged=true) The Location permission was denied! If you want to capture photos or videos without location tags, pass `enableLocation={false}`.
    at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33)
    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
    at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(
    at android.os.Looper.loop(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
invokeOnError(...): The Location permission was denied! If you want to capture photos or videos without location tags, pass `enableLocation={false}`.
    at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33)
    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
    at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(
All use case: [,] for camera: 0
    at android.os.Looper.loop(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
mMeteringRepeating is ATTACHED, SessionConfig Surfaces: 2, CaptureConfig Surfaces: 1
Active and attached use case: [,] for camera: 0
{Camera@6807e0[id=0]} Resetting Capture Session
{Camera@6807e0[id=0]} Releasing session in state INITIALIZED
{Camera@6807e0[id=0]} Attempting to force open the camera.
tryOpenCamera(Camera@6807e0[id=0]) [Available Cameras: 1, Already Open: false (Previous state: null)] --> SUCCESS
Recalculating open cameras:
Camera                                       State                 
Camera@6807e0[id=0]                          OPENING               
Camera@ca32a5b[id=1]                         UNKNOWN               
Open count: 1 (Max allowed: 1)
{Camera@6807e0[id=0]} Opening camera.
{Camera@6807e0[id=0]} Transitioning camera internal state: INITIALIZED --> OPENING
Initializing without READ_DEVICE_CONFIG permission. enabled=false, interval=1, missedFrameThreshold=3, frameTimeThreshold=64, package=com.awesomeproject
New public camera state CameraState{type=OPENING, error=null} from OPENING and null
Publishing new public camera state CameraState{type=OPENING, error=null}
All use case: [,] for camera: 0
Compat change id reported: 78294732; UID 10327; state: ENABLED
Surface requested by Preview.
'test: ', false
Camera State: OPENING (has error: false)
tagSocket(122) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
Camera #0 is now unavailable.
{Camera@6807e0[id=0]} Use case ACTIVE
Active and attached use case: [,] for camera: 0
Surface created.
{Camera@6807e0[id=0]} Use case ACTIVE
Surface changed. Size: 1600x1200
Active and attached use case: [,] for camera: 0
'An error occurred while mounting the camera or during runtime: ', { [permission/location-permission-denied: The Location permission was denied! If you want to capture photos or videos without location tags, pass `enableLocation={false}`.]
  name: 'permission/location-permission-denied',
  _code: 'permission/location-permission-denied',
  _message: 'The Location permission was denied! If you want to capture photos or videos without location tags, pass `enableLocation={false}`.',
  _cause: undefined }
{Camera@6807e0[id=0]} CameraDevice.onOpened()
{Camera@6807e0[id=0]} Transitioning camera internal state: OPENING --> OPENED
'test: ', false
Recalculating open cameras:
Camera                                       State                 
Camera@6807e0[id=0]                          OPEN                  
Camera@ca32a5b[id=1]                         UNKNOWN               
Open count: 1 (Max allowed: 1)
New public camera state CameraState{type=OPEN, error=null} from OPEN and null
Publishing new public camera state CameraState{type=OPEN, error=null}
Preview orientation changed! PORTRAIT
All use case: [,] for camera: 0
Output orientation changed! PORTRAIT
Preview transformation info updated. TransformationInfo{getCropRect=Rect(0, 0 - 1600, 1200), getRotationDegrees=90, getTargetRotation=0, hasCameraTransform=true, getSensorToBufferTransform=Matrix{[1.0, 0.0, 0.0][0.0, 1.0, 0.0][0.0, 0.0, 1.0]}, isMirroring=false}
Transformation info set: TransformationInfo{getCropRect=Rect(0, 0 - 1600, 1200), getRotationDegrees=90, getTargetRotation=0, hasCameraTransform=true, getSensorToBufferTransform=Matrix{[1.0, 0.0, 0.0][0.0, 1.0, 0.0][0.0, 0.0, 1.0]}, isMirroring=false} 1600x1200 false
getRelativeImageRotation: destRotationDegrees=0, sourceRotationDegrees=90, isOppositeFacing=true, result=90
Surface set on Preview.
Active and attached use case: [,] for camera: 0
[] getSurface done with results: [Surface(name=null)/@0x5d317bc, Surface(name=null)/@0x17dffcb]
Opening capture session.
[] start openCaptureSession
Camera State: OPEN (has error: false)
use count+1, useCount=2$2@a3aadf5
New surface in use[total_surfaces=3, used_surfaces=2](}
use count+1, useCount=1
tagSocket(122) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
[] Session onConfigured()
Attempting to send capture request onConfigured
Issuing request for session.
CameraCaptureSession.onConfigured() mState=OPENED
CameraCaptureSession.onReady() OPENED
getRelativeImageRotation: destRotationDegrees=0, sourceRotationDegrees=90, isOppositeFacing=true, result=90
Update Preview stream state to STREAMING
PreviewView Stream State changed to STREAMING
tagSocket(184) with statsTag=0x90000, statsUid=-1
visibilityChanged oldVisibility=true newVisibility=false
Memory warning (pressure level: TRIM_MEMORY_UI_HIDDEN) received by JS VM, ignoring because it's non-severe
Surface destroyed.
Surface closed
surface closed,  useCount=2 closed=true$2@a3aadf5
[SurfaceView[com.awesomeproject/com.awesomeproject.MainActivity]#2(BLAST Consumer)2](id:4f3100000003,api:4,p:1477,c:20273) dequeueBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
[SurfaceView[com.awesomeproject/com.awesomeproject.MainActivity]#2(BLAST Consumer)2](id:4f3100000003,api:4,p:1477,c:20273) queueBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
applyTransactionOnDraw applyImmediately
Not drawing due to not visible
surface closed,  useCount=0 closed=true$SettableSurface@cecd739
Surface terminated[total_surfaces=2, used_surfaces=2]($SettableSurface@cecd739}
use count-1,  useCount=1 closed=true$2@a3aadf5
getRelativeImageRotation: destRotationDegrees=0, sourceRotationDegrees=90, isOppositeFacing=true, result=90
getRelativeImageRotation: destRotationDegrees=0, sourceRotationDegrees=90, isOppositeFacing=true, result=90
getRelativeImageRotation: destRotationDegrees=0, sourceRotationDegrees=90, isOppositeFacing=true, result=90
CameraCaptureSession.onReady() OPENED
tagSocket(116) with statsTag=0x90000, statsUid=-1
Background concurrent mark compact GC freed 120651(21MB) AllocSpace objects, 8(160KB) LOS objects, 80% free, 5955KB/29MB, paused 575us,3.636ms total 150.107ms
ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~ZozlL6S--jnUEtc-KckoCw==/' with 1 weak references
ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~ZozlL6S--jnUEtc-KckoCw==/' with 1 weak references
ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~tXTDeKKATdZgqlVzQT7low==/' with 1 weak references

Camera Device

  "formats": [],
  "sensorOrientation": "landscape-left",
  "hardwareLevel": "full",
  "maxZoom": 20,
  "minZoom": 0.6704425811767578,
  "maxExposure": 24,
  "supportsLowLightBoost": true,
  "neutralZoom": 1,
  "physicalDevices": [
  "supportsFocus": true,
  "supportsRawCapture": false,
  "isMultiCam": true,
  "minFocusDistance": 10.500000100135805,
  "minExposure": -24,
  "name": "0 (BACK)",
  "hasFlash": true,
  "hasTorch": true,
  "position": "back",
  "id": "0"


Pixel 6 Pro

VisionCamera Version


Can you reproduce this issue in the VisionCamera Example app?

Yes, I can reproduce the same issue in the Example app here

Additional information

maintenance-hans[bot] commented 3 months ago

Guten Tag, Hans here.

[!NOTE] New features, bugfixes, updates and other improvements are all handled mostly by @mrousavy in his free time. To support @mrousavy, please consider πŸ’– sponsoring him on GitHub πŸ’–. Sponsored issues will be prioritized.

mrousavy commented 2 months ago

Hey - I created a PR to potentially fix this:

Can you test if this fixes the issue for you?

mrousavy commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the logs btw. A lot of people simply don't get this, but I just read the logs and I can understand what went wrong.

RenaudAubert commented 2 months ago

Hi @mrousavy, Thanks a lot for taking the time to look into this issue. I apologize for not getting back to you sooner but I just tested with version 4.4.2 and the problem is still occurring.

Here's the log from the camera initialization (the "test" log is a console.log I added ensure I have the minimum zoom set) The code for the Camera is the same as in my original post

profiles = ImmutableEncoderProfilesProxy{defaultDurationSeconds=60, recommendedFileFormat=2, audioProfiles=[AudioProfileProxy{codec=3, mediaType=audio/mp4a-latm, bitrate=96000, sampleRate=48000, channels=1, profile=1}], videoProfiles=[VideoProfileProxy{codec=2, mediaType=video/avc, bitrate=72000000, frameRate=60, width=3840, height=2160, profile=-1, bitDepth=8, chromaSubsampling=0, hdrFormat=0}]}
profiles = ImmutableEncoderProfilesProxy{defaultDurationSeconds=60, recommendedFileFormat=2, audioProfiles=[AudioProfileProxy{codec=3, mediaType=audio/mp4a-latm, bitrate=96000, sampleRate=48000, channels=1, profile=1}], videoProfiles=[VideoProfileProxy{codec=2, mediaType=video/avc, bitrate=33000000, frameRate=60, width=1920, height=1080, profile=-1, bitDepth=8, chromaSubsampling=0, hdrFormat=0}]}
profiles = ImmutableEncoderProfilesProxy{defaultDurationSeconds=60, recommendedFileFormat=2, audioProfiles=[AudioProfileProxy{codec=3, mediaType=audio/mp4a-latm, bitrate=96000, sampleRate=48000, channels=1, profile=1}], videoProfiles=[VideoProfileProxy{codec=2, mediaType=video/avc, bitrate=12000000, frameRate=30, width=1280, height=720, profile=-1, bitDepth=8, chromaSubsampling=0, hdrFormat=0}]}
profiles = ImmutableEncoderProfilesProxy{defaultDurationSeconds=60, recommendedFileFormat=2, audioProfiles=[AudioProfileProxy{codec=3, mediaType=audio/mp4a-latm, bitrate=96000, sampleRate=48000, channels=1, profile=1}], videoProfiles=[VideoProfileProxy{codec=2, mediaType=video/avc, bitrate=6000000, frameRate=30, width=720, height=480, profile=-1, bitDepth=8, chromaSubsampling=0, hdrFormat=0}]}
getRelativeImageRotation: destRotationDegrees=0, sourceRotationDegrees=90, isOppositeFacing=true, result=90
Advanced Extensions Implemented 
Advanced Extensions Implemented 
profiles = ImmutableEncoderProfilesProxy{defaultDurationSeconds=60, recommendedFileFormat=2, audioProfiles=[AudioProfileProxy{codec=3, mediaType=audio/mp4a-latm, bitrate=96000, sampleRate=48000, channels=1, profile=1}], videoProfiles=[VideoProfileProxy{codec=2, mediaType=video/avc, bitrate=48000000, frameRate=30, width=3840, height=2160, profile=-1, bitDepth=8, chromaSubsampling=0, hdrFormat=0}]}
profiles = ImmutableEncoderProfilesProxy{defaultDurationSeconds=60, recommendedFileFormat=2, audioProfiles=[AudioProfileProxy{codec=3, mediaType=audio/mp4a-latm, bitrate=96000, sampleRate=48000, channels=1, profile=1}], videoProfiles=[VideoProfileProxy{codec=2, mediaType=video/avc, bitrate=33000000, frameRate=60, width=1920, height=1080, profile=-1, bitDepth=8, chromaSubsampling=0, hdrFormat=0}]}
profiles = ImmutableEncoderProfilesProxy{defaultDurationSeconds=60, recommendedFileFormat=2, audioProfiles=[AudioProfileProxy{codec=3, mediaType=audio/mp4a-latm, bitrate=96000, sampleRate=48000, channels=1, profile=1}], videoProfiles=[VideoProfileProxy{codec=2, mediaType=video/avc, bitrate=12000000, frameRate=30, width=1280, height=720, profile=-1, bitDepth=8, chromaSubsampling=0, hdrFormat=0}]}
profiles = ImmutableEncoderProfilesProxy{defaultDurationSeconds=60, recommendedFileFormat=2, audioProfiles=[AudioProfileProxy{codec=3, mediaType=audio/mp4a-latm, bitrate=96000, sampleRate=48000, channels=1, profile=1}], videoProfiles=[VideoProfileProxy{codec=2, mediaType=video/avc, bitrate=6000000, frameRate=30, width=720, height=480, profile=-1, bitDepth=8, chromaSubsampling=0, hdrFormat=0}]}
getRelativeImageRotation: destRotationDegrees=0, sourceRotationDegrees=270, isOppositeFacing=false, result=270
Advanced Extensions Implemented 
Advanced Extensions Implemented 
'test: ', 0.5304937958717346
Cannot get virtualdevice_native service
Camera Lifecycle changed to CREATED!
Updating CameraSession...
Updating CameraSession...
Updating CameraSession...
configure { ... }: Waiting for lock...
A new configure { ... } call arrived, aborting this one...
CameraView attached to window!
Initializing without READ_DEVICE_CONFIG permission. enabled=false, interval=1, missedFrameThreshold=3, frameTimeThreshold=64, package=com.cropscan
configure { ... }: Waiting for lock...
A new configure { ... } call arrived, aborting this one...
configure { ... }: Waiting for lock...
configure { ... }: Updating CameraSession Configuration... Difference(deviceChanged=true, outputsChanged=true, sidePropsChanged=true, isActiveChanged=true, orientationChanged=true, locationChanged=true)
Creating new Outputs for Camera #0...
Using FPS Range: null
Creating Preview output...
Creating Photo output...
Photo size: 4624x3472
Successfully created new Outputs for Camera #0!
Binding Camera #0...
Binding 2 use-cases...
getRelativeImageRotation: destRotationDegrees=0, sourceRotationDegrees=90, isOppositeFacing=true, result=90
getRelativeImageRotation: destRotationDegrees=0, sourceRotationDegrees=90, isOppositeFacing=true, result=90
getRelativeImageRotation: destRotationDegrees=0, sourceRotationDegrees=90, isOppositeFacing=true, result=90
getRelativeImageRotation: destRotationDegrees=0, sourceRotationDegrees=90, isOppositeFacing=true, result=90
Resolved dynamic range for use case to no compatible HDR dynamic ranges.
DynamicRange@93012fe{encoding=UNSPECIFIED, bitDepth=0}
DynamicRange@b6c4eb9{encoding=SDR, bitDepth=8}
getRelativeImageRotation: destRotationDegrees=0, sourceRotationDegrees=90, isOppositeFacing=true, result=90
Surface created[total_surfaces=1, used_surfaces=0]($SettableSurface@f348d7b}
Surface created[total_surfaces=2, used_surfaces=0]($2@5f48657}
New surface in use[total_surfaces=2, used_surfaces=1]($2@5f48657}
use count+1, useCount=1$2@5f48657
getRelativeImageRotation: destRotationDegrees=0, sourceRotationDegrees=90, isOppositeFacing=true, result=90
createPipeline(cameraId: 0, streamSpec: StreamSpec{resolution=4624x3472, dynamicRange=DynamicRange@b6c4eb9{encoding=SDR, bitDepth=8}, expectedFrameRateRange=[0, 0],})
Compat change id reported: 236825255; UID 10318; state: ENABLED
Surface created[total_surfaces=3, used_surfaces=1](}
Successfully bound Camera #0!
Camera Lifecycle changed to STARTED!
PreviewView Stream State changed to IDLE
{Camera@4d61596[id=0]} Use case ACTIVE
Active and attached use case: [] for camera: 0
Camera State: CLOSED (has error: false)
Camera Lifecycle changed to RESUMED!
Target Orientation changed DEVICE -> DEVICE!
Starting streaming device and screen orientation updates...
{Camera@4d61596[id=0]} Use case ACTIVE
Active and attached use case: [] for camera: 0
Start updating location...
{Camera@4d61596[id=0]} Use case ACTIVE
Active and attached use case: [] for camera: 0
Active and attached use case: [] for camera: 0
configure { ... }: Completed CameraSession Configuration! (State: RESUMED)
{Camera@4d61596[id=0]} Use cases [,] now ATTACHED
All use case: [,] for camera: 0
No need to remove a previous mMeteringRepeating, SessionConfig Surfaces: 2, CaptureConfig Surfaces: 1
Active and attached use case: [,] for camera: 0
Surface requested by Preview.
Location Provider gps has been disabled.
{Camera@4d61596[id=0]} Resetting Capture Session
{Camera@4d61596[id=0]} Skipping Capture Session state check due to current camera state: INITIALIZED and previous session status: false
{Camera@4d61596[id=0]} Releasing session in state INITIALIZED
{Camera@4d61596[id=0]} Attempting to force open the camera.
tryOpenCamera(Camera@4d61596[id=0]) [Available Cameras: 1, Already Open: false (Previous state: null)] --> SUCCESS
Surface created.
Surface changed. Size: 1920x1080
Recalculating open cameras:
Camera                                       State                 
Camera@4d61596[id=0]                         OPENING               
Camera@9e970e9[id=1]                         UNKNOWN               
Open count: 1 (Max allowed: 1)
{Camera@4d61596[id=0]} Opening camera.
{Camera@4d61596[id=0]} Transitioning camera internal state: INITIALIZED --> OPENING
New public camera state CameraState{type=OPENING, error=null} from OPENING and null
Publishing new public camera state CameraState{type=OPENING, error=null}
All use case: [,] for camera: 0
Preview transformation info updated. TransformationInfo{getCropRect=Rect(0, 0 - 1920, 1080), getRotationDegrees=90, getTargetRotation=0, hasCameraTransform=true, getSensorToBufferTransform=Matrix{[1.0, 0.0, 0.0][0.0, 1.0, 0.0][0.0, 0.0, 1.0]}, isMirroring=false}
Transformation info set: TransformationInfo{getCropRect=Rect(0, 0 - 1920, 1080), getRotationDegrees=90, getTargetRotation=0, hasCameraTransform=true, getSensorToBufferTransform=Matrix{[1.0, 0.0, 0.0][0.0, 1.0, 0.0][0.0, 0.0, 1.0]}, isMirroring=false} 1920x1080 false
getRelativeImageRotation: destRotationDegrees=0, sourceRotationDegrees=90, isOppositeFacing=true, result=90
Surface set on Preview.
Camera State: OPENING (has error: false)
'test: ', 0.5304937958717346
Preview orientation changed! PORTRAIT
Output orientation changed! PORTRAIT
Camera #0 is now unavailable.
{Camera@4d61596[id=0]} Use case ACTIVE
Active and attached use case: [,] for camera: 0
{Camera@4d61596[id=0]} Use case ACTIVE
Active and attached use case: [,] for camera: 0
{Camera@4d61596[id=0]} CameraDevice.onOpened()
{Camera@4d61596[id=0]} Transitioning camera internal state: OPENING --> OPENED
Recalculating open cameras:
Camera                                       State                 
Camera@4d61596[id=0]                         OPEN                  
Camera@9e970e9[id=1]                         UNKNOWN               
Open count: 1 (Max allowed: 1)
New public camera state CameraState{type=OPEN, error=null} from OPEN and null
Publishing new public camera state CameraState{type=OPEN, error=null}
Camera State: OPEN (has error: false)
All use case: [,] for camera: 0
Active and attached use case: [,] for camera: 0
[] getSurface done with results: [Surface(name=null)/@0xdce655b, Surface(name=null)/@0xb29c7e6]
Opening capture session.
[] start openCaptureSession
use count+1, useCount=2$2@5f48657
New surface in use[total_surfaces=3, used_surfaces=2](}
use count+1, useCount=1
[] Session onConfigured()
Attempting to send capture request onConfigured
Issuing request for session.
CameraCaptureSession.onConfigured() mState=OPENED
CameraCaptureSession.onReady() OPENED
Update Preview stream state to STREAMING
PreviewView Stream State changed to STREAMING
view not autofillable - not passing ime action check
view not autofillable - not passing ime action check
tagSocket(214) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
tagSocket(218) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
mrousavy commented 2 months ago

Hmm, okay then we need to reopen.