mrousavy / react-native-vision-camera

📸 A powerful, high-performance React Native Camera library.
MIT License
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🐛 Frame orientation is in landscape-right when phone is held in portrait mode #3051

Closed Marius-Adam closed 1 week ago

Marius-Adam commented 2 weeks ago

What's happening?

I want to scan text in portrait mode but the camera does not pick up anything only if the text is sideways or the phone is in landscape mode.

When logging out the frame.orientation it comes back as landscape-right when the phone is held in portrait

Reproduceable Code

import React from "react";
import { StyleSheet } from "react-native";
import { Camera, useCameraDevice, useFrameProcessor } from "react-native-vision-camera";
import { useTextRecognition } from "react-native-vision-camera-text-recognition";

function App() {
  const device = useCameraDevice("back");
  const options = { language: "latin"};
  const { scanText } = useTextRecognition(options);
  const frameProcessor = useFrameProcessor((frame) => {
    const data = scanText(frame);

  }, []);
  return (
      {!!device && (
export default App;

Relevant log output

Running "main" with {"rootTag":1,"initialProps":{"concurrentRoot":false}}
Loading react-native-worklets-core...
Worklets loaded successfully
VisionCameraProxy: Creating Worklet Context...
VisionCameraProxy: Worklet Context Created!
🟢 Creating JS object for module 'ExpoKeepAwake'
Looking up Frame Processor Plugin "scanText"...
Frame Processor Plugin "scanText" found! Initializing...
Initialized TensorFlow Lite runtime.
INFO: Initialized TensorFlow Lite runtime.
13:27:21.231: [info] 📸 VisionCamera.didSetProps(_:): Updating 22 props: [onInitialized, cameraId, position, enableBufferCompression, onOutputOrientationChanged, onStarted, preview, top, onCodeScanned, right, isActive, isMirrored, onViewReady, onError, onStopped, onPreviewOrientationChanged, onPreviewStopped, enableFrameProcessor, onPreviewStarted, left, bottom, onShutter]
13:27:21.236: [info] 📸 VisionCamera.configurePreviewOrientation(_:): Updating Preview rotation: landscapeLeft...
13:27:21.237: [info] 📸 VisionCamera.configureOutputOrientation(_:): Updating Outputs rotation: landscapeLeft...
13:27:21.237: [info] 📸 VisionCamera.configure(_:): configure { ... }: Waiting for lock...
13:27:21.246: [info] 📸 VisionCamera.configure(_:): configure { ... }: Updating CameraSession Configuration... Difference(inputChanged: true, outputsChanged: true, videoStabilizationChanged: true, orientationChanged: true, formatChanged: true, sidePropsChanged: true, torchChanged: true, zoomChanged: true, exposureChanged: true, audioSessionChanged: true, locationChanged: true)
13:27:21.246: [info] 📸 VisionCamera.configureDevice(configuration:): Configuring Input Device...
13:27:21.246: [info] 📸 VisionCamera.configureDevice(configuration:): Configuring Camera
13:27:21.261: [debug] 📸 VisionCamera.sensorOrientation: Sensor Orientation changed from landscapeLeft -> portrait
13:27:21.261: [info] 📸 VisionCamera.configurePreviewOrientation(_:): Updating Preview rotation: portrait...
13:27:21.261: [info] 📸 VisionCamera.configureOutputOrientation(_:): Updating Outputs rotation: portrait...
13:27:21.261: [info] 📸 VisionCamera.configureDevice(configuration:): Successfully configured Input Device!
13:27:21.261: [info] 📸 VisionCamera.configureOutputs(configuration:): Configuring Outputs...
13:27:21.261: [info] 📸 VisionCamera.configureOutputs(configuration:): Adding Video Data output...
13:27:21.263: [info] 📸 VisionCamera.configurePreviewOrientation(_:): Updating Preview rotation: portrait...
13:27:21.263: [info] 📸 VisionCamera.configureOutputOrientation(_:): Updating Outputs rotation: portrait...
13:27:21.263: [info] 📸 VisionCamera.configureOutputs(configuration:): Successfully configured all outputs!
13:27:21.265: [info] 📸 VisionCamera.setTargetOutputOrientation(_:): Setting target output orientation from device to device...
13:27:21.266: [info] 📸 VisionCamera.getPixelFormat(for:): Available Pixel Formats: ["420v", "420f", "BGRA", "&8v0", "&8f0", "&BGA"], finding best match... (pixelFormat="yuv", enableHdr={false}, enableBufferCompression={false})
13:27:21.266: [info] 📸 VisionCamera.getPixelFormat(for:): Using PixelFormat: 420f...
13:27:21.606: [info] 📸 VisionCamera.init(frame:session:): Preview Layer started previewing.
13:27:21.609: [info] 📸 VisionCamera.configure(_:): Beginning AudioSession configuration...
13:27:21.609: [info] 📸 VisionCamera.configureAudioSession(configuration:): Configuring Audio Session...
13:27:21.609: [info] 📸 VisionCamera.configure(_:): Beginning Location Output configuration...
13:27:21.611: [info] 📸 VisionCamera.configure(_:): Committed AudioSession configuration!
13:27:21.624: [info] 📸 VisionCamera.configure(_:): Finished Location Output configuration!

Camera Device

  "id": "",
  "maxZoom": 120,
  "formats": [],
  "position": "back",
  "hardwareLevel": "full",
  "hasTorch": true,
  "minZoom": 1,
  "name": "Back Camera",
  "hasFlash": true,
  "minExposure": -8,
  "sensorOrientation": "portrait",
  "physicalDevices": [
  "neutralZoom": 1,
  "supportsRawCapture": false,
  "supportsFocus": true,
  "isMultiCam": false,
  "supportsLowLightBoost": false,
  "maxExposure": 8,
  "minFocusDistance": 15


iPhone 12 Pro Max (IOS 17.5.1)

VisionCamera Version


Can you reproduce this issue in the VisionCamera Example app?

Yes, I can reproduce the same issue in the Example app here

Additional information

maintenance-hans[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Guten Tag, Hans here.

[!NOTE] New features, bugfixes, updates and other improvements are all handled mostly by @mrousavy in his free time. To support @mrousavy, please consider 💖 sponsoring him on GitHub 💖. Sponsored issues will be prioritized.

christophemenager commented 2 weeks ago

I do have the same issue, only on iOS

Marius-Adam commented 2 weeks ago

I do have the same issue, only on iOS

IOS for me too

emilje commented 1 week ago

Same, iPhone 11.

frabanca commented 1 week ago

Same issue on iPhone 14 Pro and "react-native-vision-camera": "^4.5.0".

Marius-Adam commented 1 week ago

Blocking use of any frame processor with text recognition @mrousavy

mrousavy commented 1 week ago

Blocking use of any frame processor with text recognition @mrousavy Please stop pinging me, I am not free 24h consultancy

The problem is with a Frame Processor Plugin you are using, not with my library.

I explained how Frame.orientation works in, this is now finally the last change to the Frame.orientation prop and should give the plugin developer all they need to make it work.

In the case of react-native-vision-camera-text-recognition, he needs to update this switch statement with the correct values now. For example 0 is .up (as in the documentation) - not .right. With the current code it wouldn't have worked in selfie cameras or iPads.

If a Frame Processor Plugin wants to actually support rotation, they just need to add a parameter to their plugin where you can pass the current outputOrientation of the Camera.

cc @gev2002

frabanca commented 1 week ago

Hi @mrousavy , thanks for your reply and your time!

As often happens, your comments are very useful and allow us to understand the situation and in some cases manage it.

For example, your previous comment was very useful for me, because although I use another engine for OCR (this one:, it It was easy to find the file to edit in the plugin source (this file a line 142) and insert the .right value instead of the .up value.

This small change - which I'm still testing - seems to be enough to solve the problem.

Thanks again for your time.

mrousavy commented 1 week ago

Thank you.

Yea the problem again was that Frame.orientation was already adjusted to output orientation before - and if you did that, it was impossible to reverse it for Skia based FPs. So we now just provide the raw value, and users can rotate it if they want to. Otherwise it only works in portrait :)

frabanca commented 1 week ago

Seems a good idea to give the plugin the raw value. Maybe - to prevent incompatibility - you can pass both so you can allow legacy plugin to work like before.

mrousavy commented 1 week ago

Well it's both the same name unfortunately.

I could rename it to something like bufferOrientation and keep the old one (orientation)? I'll think about it, but to be fair, no frame processor plugin truly supported orientation before anyways.

frabanca commented 1 week ago

Considering how easy is to "fix" the plugin(s) code, maybe it's better to leave the property name "orientation" and let:

  1. Plugin maintainers update their code
  2. Plugin utilizers update/fix the code manually (as I did in less than 3 mins after your anware)
alamothe commented 2 days ago

We are using @ismaelmoreiraa/vision-camera-ocr and it has the same problem

Flocurry commented 2 days ago

Hello @mrousavy,

I've installed react-native-vision-camera-text-recognition@3.0.4

In the file android/src/main/java/com/visioncameratextrecognition/VisionCameraTextRecognitionModule.kt, I've modified the callback function and the getFrameRotation methods

override fun callback(frame: Frame, arguments: Map<String, Any>?): HashMap<String, Any>? {
        val data = WritableNativeMap()
        val mediaImage: Image? = frame.image
        mediaImage?.let {
            val rotation = getFrameRotation(frame.orientation)
            Log.d("callback FrameProcessor", "rotation: $rotation")
            val image = InputImage.fromMediaImage(it, rotation)
            val task: Task<Text> = recognizer.process(image)
            try {
                val text: Text = Tasks.await(task)
                if (text.text.isEmpty()) {
                    return WritableNativeMap().toHashMap()
                data.putString("resultText", text.text)
                data.putArray("blocks", getBlocks(text.textBlocks))
                return data.toHashMap()
            } catch (e: Exception) {
                return null
        return null

    private fun getFrameRotation(orientation: Orientation): Int {
        Log.d("FrameProcessor", "Orientation: $orientation")
        return when (orientation) {
            Orientation.PORTRAIT -> 270
            Orientation.LANDSCAPE_LEFT -> 90
            Orientation.PORTRAIT_UPSIDE_DOWN -> 180
            Orientation.LANDSCAPE_RIGHT -> 270

You can see logs below (frame.orientation are same if I rotate the device)

Screenshot 2024-07-22 215708

I don't understand why my frame is not rotated in my app

You can see below my screenshots

Camera without frameProcessor props :


Camera with frameProcessor props : PXL_20240722_200412886

Below is the frameProcessor code

import { useTextRecognition } from 'react-native-vision-camera-text-recognition';

const options = { language: 'latin' };
const { scanText } = useTextRecognition(options);

const frameProcessor = useFrameProcessor((frame) => {
    const data = scanText(frame);
  }, []);

My app is locked in landscape mode

"react-native-vision-camera": "4.5.0", "react-native-vision-camera-text-recognition": "^3.0.4",