mrpaulmason / meetable-api

Meetable API
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Invitee LP build V0' #28

Open mrpaulmason opened 6 years ago

mrpaulmason commented 6 years ago

LP in progress:

linking this ticket to #29 "meetable" font variations for convenience per @dgavazzi comment

dgavazzi commented 6 years ago

Nice! Comments after initial review: COLORS:





jtynerbryan commented 6 years ago

@dgavazzi, thanks for the feedback. Before I go through the list, can you attach the most "final final" mockup to the top of the ticket description? just want to be sure I'm working with the right version. thanks

dgavazzi commented 6 years ago

@jtynerbryan my pleasure! See attached for most recent mockup (I think it was only in Slack til now)

adding the display of the number to the success message as agreed feb 16 with @danieltynerbryan @dgavazzi - by @mrpaulmason


dgavazzi commented 6 years ago

@jtynerbryan let me know if this format/size is suitable, and if not, any adjustments I can make. thx!


dgavazzi commented 6 years ago

@jtynerbryan see attached device icon (2 sizes) icon_device_64x64 icon_device_48x48

mrpaulmason commented 6 years ago

linking this ticket to #29 "meetable" font variations for convenience per @dgavazzi comment

mrpaulmason commented 6 years ago

@dgavazzi can we make design change that simplifies both the build and our user's lives? by removing the checkbox (see instagram & snapchat examples) and changing text to something like "By tapping send, you agree to our Terms & Privacy Policy"


NOTE FROM DCG - This has been implemented. The same number of clicks are required to submit number (one), however the interaction has been streamlined, and one validation scenario has been eliminated (i.e., not allowing submission w/o checkbox being checked).

dgavazzi commented 6 years ago

Add contact email ( to the Copyright line.

dgavazzi commented 6 years ago

Please refer to task list above for what has/has not been completed.

I also uploaded three arrow icons (grey, blue, green; 36x36) for use in the inout interaction. Different sizes, formats may be more ideal -- as per usual, just let me know and I will provide.