mrpdaemon / encfs-java

encfs-java is a Java library for accessing data in EncFS volumes
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Interop with Fuse / Fuse4Win? #43

Closed jon-blum closed 9 years ago

jon-blum commented 11 years ago

It's possible this isn't an actual issue and I'm just not understanding the thinking behind encfs-java, so feel free to close this...

At the moment, one thing which strikes me as missing is the ability to actually mount the encfs volume (via FUSE, Fuse4Win, or some other platform-dependent method) so that the decrypted volume is accessible in-place rather than through the shell. Is this on the development agenda -- or is there a simple way I can do this myself just through calls to the appropriate Fuse-alike?

mrpdaemon commented 11 years ago

So, you're right that the use case of mounting a volume in place on the filesystem was NOT why I started working on encfs-java. I am working on an Android app which requires EncFS functionality, and I decided to put that functionality into a library so it can be used from any sort of Java application.

It could be possible to extend the library to hook into FUSE calls - I haven't really looked at how FUSE works so I can't comment on whether it would be easy or not - but this is not something that is on my development agenda (and I'm more or less the only active developer). That being said though, patches are more than welcome :)