mrpeardotnet / WinProdKeyFinder

Windows Product Key Finder written in C#.
MIT License
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Adding support to Office keys. #2

Closed shsouza closed 7 years ago

mrpeardotnet commented 8 years ago

Hi, I've tested your Office key retrieval code, but it does not work with my Office 2013...

const string keyPath = @"Software\Microsoft\Office"; var key = RegistryKey .OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry32) .OpenSubKey(keyPath);

Key is NULL.

Have you tested it with Office 2013? Does Office 2013 (and newer) store the key the same way as 2010? I did some research and probably no!

mrpeardotnet commented 8 years ago

No, Office 2013 and up is not storing product id in the registry!!!

shsouza commented 8 years ago

Hi, I tested successfuly on office 2003, now i'm working on another versions... already known that have a offset on digitalproductid on version 14 and up.

mrpeardotnet commented 8 years ago

Version 2013 (15) and up does not store product id in the registry, so your solution works only for version 2010 and down... This is probably why there is no Office 2013 or 2016 product key decoder available (as far I have been searching the net).

mrpeardotnet commented 7 years ago

Please, please, please... What does "Add Office 2013 support" mean? Have you tested it with Office 2013? Have you read my previous comments?

You are still trying to get Registration from Registry, but

var digitalProductId = result.FindValueNameByName("DigitalProductId");

returns NULL, because THERE IS NO DigitalProductId in registry for Office 2013 or up!

shsouza commented 7 years ago

Hi, doing some research i found a vbscript with support do 2013.... but I think which it depends on the tyoe of licensing.

I tested sucessfully with office 2003,2007,2010,2013.

mrpeardotnet commented 7 years ago

Well it does not work with my Office 2013 installed. Why dont you link me that VBS script?

shsouza commented 7 years ago
