mrphlip / lrrbot

LoadingReadyRun Twitch chatbot
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Bit donation competition #726

Open paul-lrr opened 5 years ago

paul-lrr commented 5 years ago

So James and Serge were talking about wanting to have some sort of bit donation competition. Like people put [teamserge] or [teamjames] in the bit message and it gets “counted” towards that team. I could probably set something up on the overlay to track them as they come in, but I was thinking that it would be neat if LRRbot could track the tags itself. Then it could display the totals in the chat when bits come in and also I could get the totals without having to go through all of the bit donations each time. What do you think? Is that something we could do with LRRbot and also do you think it is something we should do with Lrrbot?

mrphlip commented 5 years ago

For the question of "should"... I'm not 100% sure. LRR in the past has typically avoided being very aggressive on the "give us money" line... I trust you guys to do this and not make it some big huge deal that's the focal point of the stream, or talk like "if you support one of the competitors, the correct way to show that support is by giving us bits" or anything like that. Maybe I'm being too overly cautious. But I believe it'll be fine.

For the question of "how"... we could temporarily add a couple of extra counters to the storm count... and have them count up in addition to the bits counter if #teamjames or #teamserge is in the message (I believe hashtags are traditional here, rather than square brackets). So then we could have a command that displays these counts in the chat, and you'd be able to pull them from /api/v2/stormcount if you wanted them for the overlay.

mrphlip commented 5 years ago

Ok, got a potential thing ready to go, the technical details are:

All of this will go away after the event, and it'll all go back to how it was before.

LMK how that sounds

mrphlip commented 5 years ago

@paul-lrr This is live now, for your testing pleasure.

paul-lrr commented 5 years ago

This worked super well for the event, btw. Thanks a lot for setting it up.

Is it possible that we could have a generalized system to easily add arbitrary “teams” or tracked keywords/hashtags on the fly for future streams? No specific plans at the moment, but considering how successful it was as a way to encourage bit donations I feel like we will definitely be doing it again.

paul-lrr commented 5 years ago

@mrphlip Looking at this again for the upcoming WoW Classic stream (on Saturday Sept 28). One of the current ideas is to have a series of banes/boons that viewers can vote on with bits. eg. every hour or so there will be three options available to vote on, 2 bad things and one good thing. Viewers can vote on which happens by giving bits with #givebane1 #givebane2 or #giveboon (what bane1, bane2 and boon refer to can be on the overlay and included in a chat command) We total up the votes at the top of the hour and then whatever wins will happen to the players. Do you think that would work with the system you set up for the chunk punch?