mrphlip / lrrbot

LoadingReadyRun Twitch chatbot
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Bugged Stats #83

Closed AdmiralMemo closed 6 years ago

AdmiralMemo commented 9 years ago

Alex changed the show tonight without changing the game (because the game wasn't on Twitch), so now we have some spurious stats for "Dark Souls" on "Let's Nope"

While you're in there, can you also fix the 4 "Unknown" show games?

Cities: Skylines InsanZ - Retro Survival Horror Mario Party 10 The World Ends With You

AdmiralMemo commented 9 years ago

Also Bloodborne on Heather's Handhelds, which I assume is not correct.

andreasots commented 9 years ago
andreasots commented 9 years ago

Chat discussion:

05:37 MrPhlip: I'm actually considering adding another mod page to the lrrbot website that'll let us mark game entries as "real"... so we should be able to more quickly look at all the new ones and flag ones that shouldn't be there
05:38 AdmiralMemo: That might be helpful. :-)
05:38 AdmiralMemo: But what defines "Real"?
05:39 MrPhlip: just that a mod has looked at it and said "yes, this is a real game entry that should exist, and not a mistake"
05:39 AdmiralMemo: I mean, "Windows 8.1" "Windows Notepad" and "Technical Difficulties" aren't actually games, but we purposely made them. :-)
05:39 MrPhlip: basically the idea is you'd go to the page, see a list of all the games that are new, and flag them as either "real" or "should be deleted"
05:39 AdmiralMemo: Oh OK. :-)
05:39 MrPhlip: "real" might not be the right word
05:39 MrPhlip: "verified" maybe
05:39 AdmiralMemo: Verified is good
05:40 MrPhlip: basically the idea being you'd only need to look at the new entries, not scroll through the whole list looking for problems
05:40 AdmiralMemo: OK, there are 1001 screams on "Star Control II"... I think Hosk or someone was having fun and forgot to reset that.
05:41 MrPhlip: I'm still edgy about adding the ability to actually *delete* the games via the website, at least unless I figure out a way to make a good undelete option... but it would also give a way to flag things that need to be deleted so that qrpth or I could go in and remove it, without having to post on the forums or github issues list or whatever
05:42 AdmiralMemo: Yeah, flagging is good. Deleting is not.
d3fr0st commented 9 years ago

Flagging would be good. It's probably much more user friendly to flag as incorrect instead of verified, unless someone takes charge of flagging stuff every couple of days.

I'm not great with website stuff but I'd like to try and get a page where mods can edit stats for a game easily without having to edit the json and restart the bot, and also not clog up the chat with changing show and game and all that jazz. That way we can easily edit smaller mistakes that haven't been handled by someone at the time, and get bigger stuff flagged for deletion.

mrphlip commented 9 years ago

The idea is that you would be flagging as both... game entries would either be "verified", "errors", or "unchecked". New game entries would be created as "unchecked" and would be set to one of the other two by a mod.

The idea being that flagging a game as an "error" would highlight it for one of us to delete it from the json, but flagging a game as "verified" is basically saying "I've already looked at this one and decided it's OK, so you don't need to show it to me again next time". So when you go looking for spurious game entries to flag, you only have to look through the new ones, not all every game entry that has ever been created (which is what Memo's had to do up to now).

AdmiralMemo commented 9 years ago

Beyond Good & Evil and Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 are currently in "Unknown"

AdmiralMemo commented 9 years ago

I added a bad game and it got stats before I could fix this. Please delete "We Made This" on Watch & Play.

AdmiralMemo commented 9 years ago

Several more stats have ended up bugged. Can we get the verification system online? Can I help?

d3fr0st commented 9 years ago

I'll get the bot to add a flag to the json. The flag is going to be (verified|error|unchecked) for every new game entries. File structure is going to go:

         "status": (verified|error|unchecked)

Website stuff is out of my wheelhouse sadly so I'll need some one to get that interface, in the meantime I'll add a command !status (status). Which will allow anyone with access to the json to quickly go through entries.

d3fr0st commented 9 years ago

I know @mrphlip and @andreasots are working from switching to a database system for file saving but that should be easier and quicker to implement for now.

mrphlip commented 9 years ago

Sorry about letting this get a bit behind...

Have purged: 6 "Unknown" entries Portal (Gamehaus) Civ V (GPLP) Civ V (ToMS) Fire Emblem: Awakening (Beej) Fire Emblem: Awakening (IDDQDerp) Far Cry 4 (CkPt) Dark Shadows (ToMS) We Made This (W+P)

andreasots commented 9 years ago
andreasots commented 9 years ago
AdmiralMemo commented 9 years ago

Just dropping a few more that I noticed:

Sid Meier's Civilization V: Brave New World on GPLP Portal 2 on CheckPoint Plus Portal 2 on Heather's Handhelds Chroma Squad on IDDQDerp Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean on Things on My Stream videojames on Video Games with Video James

Also, there are both Geoguessr and GeoGuessr on VGwVJ. The capital G is correct, so if the stats could be merged...

andreasots commented 9 years ago
AdmiralMemo commented 9 years ago

Under Watch & Play, "Pahelika revelations 3D" should be fixed to "Pahelika revelations HD"

andreasots commented 9 years ago
AdmiralMemo commented 9 years ago

Both GeoGuessr and Geoguessr have stats on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron so they need to be merged. 2 capital Gs is the correct spelling. Also, "Magic Duels" on LRRMtG needs its name changed to "Magic Duels: Origins"

AdmiralMemo commented 9 years ago

Also, I don't think Alex ever played "Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning" on "Let's Nope" Can someone check this? I think it might be a bugged stat from Adam's stream.

d3fr0st commented 9 years ago

I'll look into it, on a side note, steam classifies the game as magic duels, and magic duels is also a tagged game on twitch. With the plans of WotC for that game I feel it'd be smarter to keep it as Magic Duels.

AdmiralMemo commented 9 years ago

OK, then can we change the one on Crossing the Streams from "Magic Duels: Origins" to just "Magic Duels" for consistency?

d3fr0st commented 9 years ago

Also to double check is the rocket league entry in LRRMTG correct or was it an overlap with house of stark? And someone either already fixed the magic duels thing cause I don't actually see that entries

AdmiralMemo commented 9 years ago

I was there. Rocket League on LRRMtG is real. It was between draft rounds. Crossing the Streams has both "Magic Duels" and "Magic Duels: Origins" as separate entries. There is only "Magic Duels" on LRRMtG.

AdmiralMemo commented 9 years ago

Also, it looks like someone "fixed" Cam's stream stats, but they fixed it to "Geoguessr" when it should be "GeoGuessr" instead.

AdmiralMemo commented 9 years ago

Alright, the chunguses decided to have a field day with the stats after the Let's Nope. I THINK I got rid of the supurrious stats, but I can't get rid of the game itself out of the database. Can Bad Mojo Redux on Unknown be removed from the database? Also, I think some of the stats on the Let's Nope version were messed up, but I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure we logged more than one scream. I'm pretty sure there WAS more than one scream at least.

andreasots commented 9 years ago

The chunguses (Usernameanniversary, RedHelveticaCake, vorox4, and mikmon) added stats only to Bad Mojo Redux on Unknown.

mrphlip commented 9 years ago

I believe the plural is "chungodēs" Kappa

AdmiralMemo commented 8 years ago

I don't think "Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning" was ever played on "Let's Nope" Nor was "XCOM: Enemy Within" played on "Heather's Handhelds"

AdmiralMemo commented 8 years ago

OK, W&P tonight got some wrong stats, as expected, so if someone could go through the log of times to check it out, that'd be great. While in there, it's been a while since things have been checked for correction, including the 2 noted above.

Meeuw can be removed from Watch & Play (The correct spelling is Meeuuw, which is in the database already.) Pepsi Man has most of the stats that should be on Pepsiman. If that can be merged, that'd be great.

Also, there are now six games under "Unknown" If you want to remove or merge them to the correct shows, whatever.

More wrong games: SOMA on LRRMtG Fire Emblem: Awakening on Crossing the Streams

Also, just for standardization:

Undo the rename of "Destiny" on several streams (It was named "Density" as a joke, but the joke is over.) Rename "Minecraft: Super Hostile: Legendary" to "Minecraft: Super-Hostile: Legendary" (To conform with the existing "Super-Hostile") Rename "Geoguessr" on ASTC to "GeoGuessr"

andreasots commented 8 years ago
AdmiralMemo commented 8 years ago

placeholder on W&P should be Sukerunton To Koi Ni Meeuw on W&P should be merged into Meeuuw

Somehow, we have 2 Pepsiman stats on W&P?

AdmiralMemo commented 8 years ago

Also, after watching a replay...

Duck Game on Crossing the Streams should be deleted.

andreasots commented 8 years ago
andreasots commented 8 years ago
AdmiralMemo commented 8 years ago

Driver: San Fransisco on I, Horner can be deleted. (It's a typo.)

andreasots commented 8 years ago
AdmiralMemo commented 8 years ago

Can we merge the MtGQuiz and MTGquiz stats on LRRMtG?

andreasots commented 8 years ago
andreasots commented 8 years ago

lrrtech should be named LRRtech. Creative and MtG Card Identifier on Things on My Stream should be deleted.

AdmiralMemo commented 8 years ago

There are both notepad and Notepad on IDDQDerp

We already had "Windows Notepad" on Let's Nope... Maybe standardize this?

andreasots commented 8 years ago
andreasots commented 8 years ago
andreasots commented 8 years ago
AdmiralMemo commented 8 years ago

We have both Superhot and SuperHot under IDDQDerp. The one with intercaps is from before it was fully released and before it went on Twitch. We didn't know the accurate capitalization then.

Can we merge them both into Superhot? SuperHot has 7 deaths, 2 bad ratings, and 23 good ratings.

andreasots commented 8 years ago
AdmiralMemo commented 8 years ago

Delete Hyrule Warriors on IDDQDerp It was due to an override on Heather's Handhelds not being turned off. Also, due to !game refresh not working.

andreasots commented 8 years ago

Also, due to !game refresh not working.

!game refresh was working.

AdmiralMemo commented 8 years ago

Also... Should I start a new thread for quote context or just use this?

"Magic: The Gathering on None" is the context for quotes 2266, 2267, and 2268, when it should be "Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG"

(Of note, the bot had just rebooted at the time.)

bunglelow commented 8 years ago

I wonder if its worth adding a quote management for mods that allows editing of quotes/contexts/meta data rather than bloating the modquote command. Probably worth a new issue if we want to extend the features

andreasots commented 8 years ago

Quote management interface is part of #165.