mrpierrot / cycle-node-http-server

Driver and router component for manage HTTP/HTTPS services with Cycle.js
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Feature Request Ideas (3 1/2) #2

Open potrykus opened 6 years ago

potrykus commented 6 years ago

This has the potential of being a game-changing architecture!

Consider adding ws: and wss: WebSocket support through id: (integrating ws).

Consider adding session support, again, probably made trackable in the main() logic via an id(-like) property. Lightweight state (e.g. through an ES6 Map) seems a necessity; but that's what sessions are - server state containers.

Consider studying akka streams ("low-level") HTTP scala dsl for a full-service server-side streaming architecture. However, an important distinction is your streams stay flat. This is a nice feature that simplifies things (and node should keep things simple). Nonetheless, right now your main xs.merge is not type-safe (cf. the session-management suggestion above). Consider, separate, type-safe streams (server$, session$, response$; so the library comprises a triple/whatever of drivers), where main() is the stream track-switching logic for messages (follows xstream architecture).

Long term: Consider a future architectural requirement against xsteam to handle back-pressure @staltz . This narrows the possible requirements on xstream's future to a very practical and important use (node). Of course a more general backpressure architecture that could entail is fine (e.g. reactive-streams and the easy interface spec - also conceived of for javascript).

This could change the face of node server programming. - Just important to keep it a simple architecture (like you+cycle have it)!

mrpierrot commented 6 years ago


Thank you for this suggestions! I am happy to find anthusiasts for this project

To answer :

For me the next step is to rewrite cycle-net in typescript and documented this. Then deprecated cycle-node-http-server.

All feedbacks are welcome.

Thank you!