mrpiggi / svg

Handling SVG pictures in LaTeX documents using Inkscape, ImageMagick and/or Ghostscript
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Incompatible with Inkscape 1.0 #22

Closed bebuch closed 4 years ago

bebuch commented 4 years ago

With Inkscape 1.0 the command line interface with change a little. One important change is, that the -z and the --file options are gone. This makes the svg incompatible with Inkscape 1.0.

Inkscape 0.92.5 --help output:

Usage: inkscape [OPTIONS...] [FILE...]

Available options:
  -V, --version                              Print the Inkscape version number
  -z, --without-gui                          Do not use X server (only process
                                             files from console)
  -g, --with-gui                             Try to use X server (even if
                                             $DISPLAY is not set)
  -f, --file=FILENAME                        Open specified document(s)
                                             (option string may be excluded)
  -p, --print=FILENAME                       Print document(s) to specified
                                             output file (use '| program' for
  -e, --export-png=FILENAME                  Export document to a PNG file
  -d, --export-dpi=DPI                       Resolution for exporting to
                                             bitmap and for rasterization of
                                             filters in PS/EPS/PDF (default 96)
  -a, --export-area=x0:y0:x1:y1              Exported area in SVG user units
                                             (default is the page; 0,0 is
                                             lower-left corner)
  -D, --export-area-drawing                  Exported area is the entire
                                             drawing (not page)
  -C, --export-area-page                     Exported area is the entire page
      --export-margin=VALUE                  Sets margin around exported area
                                             (default 0) in units of page size
                                             for SVG and mm for PS/EPS/PDF
      --export-area-snap                     Snap the bitmap export area
                                             outwards to the nearest integer
                                             values (in SVG user units)
  -w, --export-width=WIDTH                   The width of exported bitmap in
                                             pixels (overrides export-dpi)
  -h, --export-height=HEIGHT                 The height of exported bitmap in
                                             pixels (overrides export-dpi)
  -i, --export-id=ID                         The ID of the object to export
  -j, --export-id-only                       Export just the object with
                                             export-id, hide all others (only
                                             with export-id)
  -t, --export-use-hints                     Use stored filename and DPI hints
                                             when exporting (only with
  -b, --export-background=COLOR              Background color of exported
                                             bitmap (any SVG-supported color
  -y, --export-background-opacity=VALUE      Background opacity of exported
                                             bitmap (either 0.0 to 1.0, or 1
                                             to 255)
  -l, --export-plain-svg=FILENAME            Export document to plain SVG file
                                             (no sodipodi or inkscape
  -P, --export-ps=FILENAME                   Export document to a PS file
  -E, --export-eps=FILENAME                  Export document to an EPS file
      --export-ps-level=PS Level             Choose the PostScript Level used
                                             to export. Possible choices are 2
                                             and 3 (the default)
  -A, --export-pdf=FILENAME                  Export document to a PDF file
      --export-pdf-version=PDF_VERSION       Export PDF to given version.
                                             (hint: make sure to input the
                                             exact string found in the PDF
                                             export dialog, e.g. "1.4" which
                                             is PDF-a conformant)
      --export-latex                         Export PDF/PS/EPS without text.
                                             Besides the PDF/PS/EPS, a LaTeX
                                             file is exported, putting the
                                             text on top of the PDF/PS/EPS
                                             file. Include the result in LaTeX
                                             like: \input{latexfile.tex}
  -M, --export-emf=FILENAME                  Export document to an Enhanced
                                             Metafile (EMF) File
  -m, --export-wmf=FILENAME                  Export document to a Windows
                                             Metafile (WMF) File
  -T, --export-text-to-path                  Convert text object to paths on
                                             export (PS, EPS, PDF, SVG)
      --export-ignore-filters                Render filtered objects without
                                             filters, instead of rasterizing
                                             (PS, EPS, PDF)
  -X, --query-x                              Query the X coordinate of the
                                             drawing or, if specified, of the
                                             object with --query-id
  -Y, --query-y                              Query the Y coordinate of the
                                             drawing or, if specified, of the
                                             object with --query-id
  -W, --query-width                          Query the width of the drawing
                                             or, if specified, of the object
                                             with --query-id
  -H, --query-height                         Query the height of the drawing
                                             or, if specified, of the object
                                             with --query-id
  -S, --query-all                            List id,x,y,w,h for all objects
  -I, --query-id=ID                          The ID of the object whose
                                             dimensions are queried
  -x, --extension-directory                  Print out the extension directory
                                             and exit
      --vacuum-defs                          Remove unused definitions from
                                             the defs section(s) of the
      --dbus-listen                          Enter a listening loop for D-Bus
                                             messages in console mode
      --dbus-name=BUS-NAME                   Specify the D-Bus bus name to
                                             listen for messages on (default
                                             is org.inkscape)
      --verb-list                            List the IDs of all the verbs in
      --verb=VERB-ID                         Verb to call when Inkscape opens.
      --select=OBJECT-ID                     Object ID to select when Inkscape
      --shell                                Start Inkscape in interactive
                                             shell mode.
      --no-convert-text-baseline-spacing     Do not fix legacy (pre-0.92)
                                             files' text baseline spacing on
      --convert-dpi-method=[...]             Method used to convert pre-.92
                                             document dpi, if needed.

Help options:
  -?, --help                                 Show this help message
      --usage                                Display brief usage message

Inkscape 1.0rc1 --help output:

  inkscape [OPTION?] file1 [file2 [fileN]]

Process (or open) one or more files.

Help Options:
  -?, --help                                 Show help options
  --help-all                                 Show all help options
  --help-gapplication                        Show GApplication options

Application Options:
  -V, --version                              Print Inkscape version
  --system-data-directory                    Print system data directory
  --user-data-directory                      Print user data directory

File import:                        
  -p, --pipe                                 Read input file from standard input (stdin)
  --pdf-page=PAGE                            PDF page number to import
  --pdf-poppler                              Use poppler when importing via commandline
  --convert-dpi-method=[...]                 Method used to convert pre-0.92 document dpi, if needed: [none|scale-viewbox|scale-document]
  --no-convert-text-baseline-spacing         Do not fix pre-0.92 document's text baseline spacing on opening

File export:                        
  -o, --export-filename=EXPORT-FILENAME      Output file name (file type is guessed from extension)
  --export-overwrite                         Overwrite input file
  --export-type=[...]                        File type(s) to export: [svg,png,ps,eps,pdf,emf,wmf,xaml]

Export geometry:                    
  -C, --export-area-page                     Area to export is page
  -D, --export-area-drawing                  Area to export is whole drawing (ignoring page size)
  -a, --export-area=x0:y0:x1:y1              Area to export in SVG user units
  --export-area-snap                         Snap the bitmap export area outwards to the nearest integer values
  -d, --export-dpi=DPI                       Resolution for bitmaps and rasterized filters; default is 96
  -w, --export-width=WIDTH                   Bitmap width in pixels (overrides --export-dpi)
  -h, --export-height=HEIGHT                 Bitmap height in pixels (overrides --export-dpi)
  --export-margin=MARGIN                     Margin around export area: units of page size for SVG, mm for PS/EPS/PDF

Export options:                     
  -i, --export-id=OBJECT-ID[;OBJECT-ID]*     ID(s) of object(s) to export
  -j, --export-id-only                       Hide all objects except object with ID selected by export-id
  -l, --export-plain-svg                     Remove Inkscape-specific SVG attributes/properties
  --export-ps-level=PS-Level                 Postscript level (2 or 3); default is 3
  --export-pdf-version=PDF-VERSION           PDF version (1.4 or 1.5)
  -T, --export-text-to-path                  Convert text to paths (PS/EPS/PDF/SVG)
  --export-latex                             Export text separately to LaTeX file (PS/EPS/PDF)
  --export-ignore-filters                    Render objects without filters instead of rasterizing (PS/EPS/PDF)
  -t, --export-use-hints                     Use stored filename and DPI hints when exporting object selected by --export-id
  -b, --export-background=COLOR              Background color for exported bitmaps (any SVG color string)
  -y, --export-background-opacity=VALUE      Background opacity for exported bitmaps (0.0 to 1.0, or 1 to 255)

Query object/document geometry:     
  -I, --query-id=OBJECT-ID[,OBJECT-ID]*      ID(s) of object(s) to be queried
  -S, --query-all                            Print bounding boxes of all objects
  -X, --query-x                              X coordinate of drawing or object (if specified by --query-id)
  -Y, --query-y                              Y coordinate of drawing or object (if specified by --query-id)
  -W, --query-width                          Width of drawing or object (if specified by --query-id)
  -H, --query-height                         Height of drawing or object (if specified by --query-id)

Advanced file processing:           
  --vacuum-defs                              Remove unused definitions from the <defs> section(s) of document
  --select=OBJECT-ID[,OBJECT-ID]*            Select objects: comma-separated list of IDs

  --actions=ACTION(:ARG)[;ACTION(:ARG)]*     List of actions (with optional arguments) to execute
  --action-list                              List all available actions

  --verb=VERB[;VERB]*                        List of verbs to execute
  --verb-list                                List all available verbs

  -g, --with-gui                             With graphical user interface (required by some actions/verbs)
  --batch-process                            Close GUI after executing all actions/verbs

  --shell                                    Start Inkscape in interactive shell mode

  --dbus-listen                              Enter a listening loop for D-Bus messages in console mode
  --dbus-name=BUS-NAME                       Specify the D-Bus name; default is 'org.inkscape'

  Export input SVG (in.svg) to PDF (out.pdf) format:
        inkscape --export-filename=out.pdf in.svg
  Export input files (in1.svg, in2.svg) to PNG format keeping original name (in1.png, in2.png):
        inkscape --export-type=png in1.svg in2.svg
  See 'man inkscape' and for more details.
mrpiggi commented 4 years ago

See #8 as well as #20