mrpmorris / Fluxor

Fluxor is a zero boilerplate Flux/Redux library for Microsoft .NET and Blazor.
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Fluxor not updating UI after state change #490

Closed robertogonzalezdelarosa closed 1 month ago

robertogonzalezdelarosa commented 1 month ago

Hello, im bulding an aplication using MAUI hibrid blazor and I installed Fluxor for state management, everything works just fine but when I succesfully change the state the changes are not reflected on the UI. the rare thing is if I click random on any part of the app the changes are reflected or if I navigate to another view

Am I missing something?

hope you can help me i very frustrated at this point.


mrpmorris commented 1 month ago

Can you provide a minimal repro?

robertogonzalezdelarosa commented 1 month ago
`@inject IDispatcher dispatcher 
@inject IState<UserState> userState

<div @ref="myInput" @onkeypress="@KeyPress" @onkeydown="@KeyDown" id="myInput" tabindex="0">
<MudDialog ContentStyle="width: 400px;">
        <div @onclick="SetElementFocus">
            @if (userState.Value.User != null)
        <div class="badge">
            <img src="assets/gafete.jpg" />
        @if (userState.Value.User == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(userState.Value.ErrorMsg)) {
            <MudAlert Severity="Severity.Error" Variant="Variant.Filled" Dense="true" Class="my-2">@userState.Value.ErrorMsg</MudAlert>
        <MudButton OnClick="Cancel">Cancel</MudButton>
        <MudButton Color="Color.Primary" OnClick="Submit">Ok</MudButton>

the code inside in the first @if is not updating only after I do click somewhere else in the application it updates the UI. I realize the following line

@inherits Fluxor.Blazor.Web.Components.FluxorComponent should be set at the top of the file, others modules successfully updates the UI but not in this one, it thrown an Unhadled exception occurred but only if I add the line, works great in other modules

robertogonzalezdelarosa commented 1 month ago

the solution was to move in another razor component the first @if condition otherwise it throws an exception. The second @if works great without the line @inherits Fluxor.Blazor.Web.Components.FluxorComponent

mrpmorris commented 1 month ago

If you descend from my Fluxor component it will handle subscribe/unsubscribe for you.

I recommend that approach when it is an option.

Thanks for posting your solution!