mrrfv / open-android-backup

Back up your device without vendor lock-ins, using insecure software or root. Supports encryption and compression out of the box. Works cross-platform.
GNU General Public License v3.0
674 stars 37 forks source link

Can't export apps on Oneplus 8 Pro #4

Closed daniel-naegele closed 2 years ago

daniel-naegele commented 2 years ago


I am having trouble using this script. It seems that is has trouble with on of the default oneplus apps. See the log output below:

Please enable developer options on your device, connect it to your computer and set it to file transfer mode. Then, press Enter to continue.

If you have connected your device correctly, you should now see a message asking for access to your phone. Allow it, then press Enter to go to the last step.
Tip: If this is not the first time you're using this script, you might not need to allow anything.

List of devices attached
d15fa995        device

Can you see your device in the list above, and does it say 'device' next to it? If not, quit this script (ctrl+c) and try again.
? What do you want to do? Backup
Linux Android Backup will install a companion app on your device, which will allow for contacts to be backed up and restored.
The companion app is open-source, and you can see what it's doing under the hood on GitHub.
Companion app already downloaded.
Attempting to uninstall companion app.
Installing companion app.
Performing Streamed Install
Cleaning up after previous backup/restore...
'backup-tmp/Apps/13206695412905228816285/.apk' wurde entfernt
Verzeichnis 'backup-tmp/Apps/13206695412905228816285' wurde entfernt
'backup-tmp/Apps/4053151727101075425517/.apk' wurde entfernt
Verzeichnis 'backup-tmp/Apps/4053151727101075425517' wurde entfernt
'backup-tmp/Apps/282121249252142865729208/.apk' wurde entfernt
Verzeichnis 'backup-tmp/Apps/282121249252142865729208' wurde entfernt
'backup-tmp/Apps/6968270894246149783725/.apk' wurde entfernt
Verzeichnis 'backup-tmp/Apps/6968270894246149783725' wurde entfernt
'backup-tmp/Apps/1463832171288482248921974/.apk' wurde entfernt
Verzeichnis 'backup-tmp/Apps/1463832171288482248921974' wurde entfernt
'backup-tmp/Apps/8289915924186595128861/.apk' wurde entfernt
Verzeichnis 'backup-tmp/Apps/8289915924186595128861' wurde entfernt
Verzeichnis 'backup-tmp/Apps/26971239003197488465839' wurde entfernt
'backup-tmp/Apps/737611392321051839431543/.apk' wurde entfernt
Verzeichnis 'backup-tmp/Apps/737611392321051839431543' wurde entfernt
Verzeichnis 'backup-tmp/Apps' wurde entfernt
Verzeichnis 'backup-tmp' wurde entfernt
Starting: Intent { cmp=com.example.companion_app/.MainActivity }
The companion app has been opened on your device. Please press the 'Export Data' button - this will export contacts to the internal storage, allowing this script to backup them. Press Enter to continue.

Attempting to uninstall companion app.
Exporting apps.
/data/app/~~uFVEBSZlSSCj7wWzKLlPlQ==/ pulled, 0 skipped. 37.2 MB/s (45317293 bytes in 1.162s)
/data/app/~~TMIkr1Kf1Q13ssQGHF3s8A==/com.nextcloud.clien... pulled, 0 skipped. 33.8 MB/s (29001624 bytes in 0.819s)
/data/app/~~NCsO2J8iWeaRHK0JJSihpA==/de.nextbike-mtTvxKY... pulled, 0 skipped. 38.6 MB/s (20516970 bytes in 0.507s)
/data/app/~~BiFU6dt5ylDFIMax_zZanQ==/com.ubnt.usurvey-Gp... pulled, 0 skipped. 36.9 MB/s (12193213 bytes in 0.315s)
/data/app/~~6D6Jt1gyVYE8IadgyQxoZw==/ pulled, 0 skipped. 37.0 MB/s (55286695 bytes in 1.427s)
/data/app/~~Ev77RvaPeJsKrByoTe86yA==/de.fiduciagad.andro... pulled, 0 skipped. 37.9 MB/s (62131604 bytes in 1.562s)
/data/app/~~S1d02NgQ413VWJV5T88NUA==/org.moire.opensudok...e pulled, 0 skipped. 21.6 MB/s (1507424 bytes in 0.067s)
adb: error: failed to stat remote object '/system/reserve/card/card.apk=com.oneplus.card.apk': No such file or directory
mrrfv commented 2 years ago

I was fearing this issue. It shouldn't happen because the script tells ADB that it only wants user-installed apps, but system apps are also included for some reason.

I just pushed a new commit that should fix this. git pull the changes and try again - if it works, close the issue. Thanks for reporting the bug.

daniel-naegele commented 2 years ago

Holy shit, that is a very fast response time. This commit seems to have fixed the issue. Thanks alot