mrrichardasmith / family_vote

Voting for the Democratic Family
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Bill Subscriptions as expected #48

Open mrrichardasmith opened 2 years ago

mrrichardasmith commented 2 years ago

Currently we are able to register a subscription with a term of monthly or yearly. Currently however this automatically sums and deducts the total cost of all subscriptions from each month which is not correct for yearly subscriptions.

For the monthly subscriptions they should deduct each month until they are deleted from the subscription management feature. The monthly auto renew date should also automatically update when the current auto renew date is reached.

Yearly subscriptions should only deduct in the month the full year is paid. If the auto renewal month is reached and the subscription has not been deleted in subscription management then it should deduct from the first day of the month even if the renew date is later in the month as this flags the impact of the yearly subscription renewing that month. If the subscription is then deleted before the month close it will be deducted from the account ledger.