mrryanjohnston / Canvas-Fun

Just messing around with HTML5 Canvas via Kinetic.js
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Notifications should arrive for specific events #51

Open gabrielmiller opened 11 years ago

gabrielmiller commented 11 years ago

I am thinking there should be notifications for in-app mail(a la an email inbox) and for each "move" in a game(increment round, draw card, roll die, etc.). Also when you receive an invitation to play a game.

We could also add them for more trivial things like if your name is mentioned in chat. Not sure where else.

What are your thoughts?

gabrielmiller commented 11 years ago

Perhaps also invitations to other players' rooms.(esp. if it is a private room)

gabrielmiller commented 11 years ago

I've implemented a notification system and set a trigger on it for when a user is invited to a game.