mrsum / webpack-svgstore-plugin

Simple svg-sprite creating with webpack
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How to work with src and dist directories? #150

Closed DanDvoracek closed 6 years ago

DanDvoracek commented 6 years ago

I have a pretty simple issue (I guess), but I can't figure out how to amend it.

I have basically this structure for dist/src folders:

|- src
  |-- icons (original svg icons)
  |-- js
    |-- main.js (I do the ...var __svg__ ... at his level)
  |-- sass
|- app/wp-content/themes/projectname/dist/ (this is where I want my svg sprite)

My problem is that I have to write the following for my stuff to ~ work:

var __svg__ = { path: '../icons/**/*.svg', name: 'wp-content/themes/projectname/dist/svg-sprite.svg' };
// require basic or custom sprite loader

The problem is the following:

Each part of the name path gets repeated in my dist directory. This means, in my case, it creates the folder /wp-content/themes/projectname/dist within my main dist folder!

To add to this, when I inspect the HTML, it gets the image at However the image is now located at !!! This is a strange behaviour. Add that if I copy the file to the root of my top level dist folder, things work fluently.

Is there anything I do wrong ?

Edit: same applies if I don't name the output file. It adds it to the dist folder correctly but then the HTML looks for an image at instead of .. Is there some sort of assets path that we could specify for this?

DanDvoracek commented 6 years ago

It would actually be pretty nice if it was possible to set a srcpath, a name AND a distpath. I guess it would be pretty convenient. Does such feature exists already? Did I miss it?

DanDvoracek commented 6 years ago

Never mind I found my way :) I forked the project and adapted a line of your plugin to fit in my projects structure.

Basically my troubles were coming from the line 28 of svgxhr.js :

baseUrl = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname + (window.location.port ? ':' + window.location.port : '');

But again, I have plenty of projects setup in a certain way, so it was easier for me to fork it and adapt rather than struggling to overwrite this using webpack.

Thanks anyway, it's a nice plugin 👍

mrsum commented 6 years ago

Hi. Actually you can copy svgxhr.js into your own project and fix it, without fork

DanDvoracek commented 6 years ago

Sorry mate, I've already done my business. However, don't worry, I'm not gonna open any pull request or trigger any kind of update to your stuff. I thought it was the best way to keep the credits addressed to you, as it's your work.
