2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to parse config file "checkmake.ini", running with defaults
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Makefiles passed: ["Makefile"]
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Parsing file "Makefile"
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'kestrel_version?=v2' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'export kestrel_version:=${kestrel_version}' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'ifeq (${kestrel_version}, v1)' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' KESTREL=kestrel' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' kestrel_tag=kestrelV1' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'else' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' KESTREL=kestrelV2' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' kestrel_tag=kestrelV2' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'endif' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'export host?=amd64' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'export device?=cuda11' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'export nolic?=0' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'export device_id?=0' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'host_libs=${host}' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'devicelibs=${host}${device}' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'include .makerc/${host}_${device}' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'TEST_TARGETS := haltester' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'ALL_TARGETS := $(TARGETS) $(TEST_TARGETS) $(TOOLS)' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'code_root=/go/src/$(project)' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'DOCKER_MOUNT := ${PWD}:${code_root}' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'PACKAGE_LIST := go list ./...' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'PACKAGE_DIRECTORIES := $(PACKAGE_LIST) | sed 's|gitlab.sz.sensetime.com/viper/gosdkwrapper/||'' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'FILES := $$(find $$($(PACKAGE_DIRECTORIES)) -name ".go")' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'export CPATH=${PWD}/kestrel/${kestrel_version}/include:$(arch_cpath)' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'export CGO_CFLAGS = $(arch_cgo_cflags)' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'export CGO_LDFLAGS = -L$(PWD)/libs -L${PWD}/libs/thirdparty -L$(PWD)/libs/kestrel -L/opt/OpenBLAS/lib ${DEVICE_CGO_LDFLAGS} -fuse-ld=gold' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${PWD}/libs:${PWD}/libs/kestrel:${PWD}/libs/kestrel/modules:${PWD}/libs/thirdparty:${DEVICE_LD_LIBRARY_PATH}' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'TEST_FLAGS:= -tags '${TEST_FLAGS} ${GO_BUILD_TAG} ${kestrel_tag}'' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '$(TARGETS): $(SRC)' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' $(GO) build $(project)/cmd/$@' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '$(TEST_TARGETS): $(SRC)' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' $(GO) build $(TEST_FLAGS) $(project)/test/$@' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '$(TOOLS): $(SRC)' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' $(GO) build $(project)/tools/$@' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' @golangci-lint run --deadline=5m --build-tags "${kestrel_tag} noocr"' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'ifeq ("${DAILY_TEST}","1")' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' @env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${PWD}/libs:${PWD}/libs/kestrel \' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' MODEL_USER=model_download_robot MODEL_PASS=downloader $(GO) test -p 1 $(TEST_FLAGS) -timeout=20m ${packages} -v -coverprofile=cover.out' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' @gocov convert cover.out | gocov-html > cover.html' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' @cat cover.html | grep "Report Total" | perl -nle 'print "$1 covered" if /([0-9.]+%)/g'' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'else' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' @env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${PWD}/libs:${PWD}/libs/kestrel \' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' MODEL_USER=model_download_robot MODEL_PASS=downloader $(GO) test -p 1 $(TEST_FLAGS) -timeout=20m ${packages} -coverprofile=cover.out' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' @gocov convert cover.out | gocov-html > cover.html' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' @cat cover.html | grep "Report Total" | perl -nle 'print "Total Coverage: $$1" if /([0-9.]+%)/g'' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'endif' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'base_package = gitlab.sz.sensetime.com/viper/gosdkwrapper' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'func_package = ""' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'ifdef funcname' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'ifeq (${kestrel_version}, v1)' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' func_package = $(shell find -name ".go" | grep V2 | xargs grep $(funcname) -m 1 |awk -F: '{print $1}' | xargs dirname | cut -c 2-)' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'else' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' func_package = $(shell find -name "*.go" | xargs grep $(funcname) -m 1 |awk -F: '{print $1}' | xargs dirname | cut -c 2-)' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'endif' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'endif' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'ifdef funcname' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' @echo "func_package=$(func_package)"' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' $(GO) test -p 1 $(TEST_FLAGS) $(base_package)$(func_package) -timeout 72h -v -test.run $(funcname)' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'else' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' @echo "use: make testfunc funcname=xxxx"' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'endif' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'ifeq ($(cuda), 10)' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' @echo disable vet' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'else' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' @$(GO) tool vet ${SRC}' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'endif' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'MODEL_DIR_3_2 := vendor/gitlab.sz.sensetime.com/viper/engine-model-packages/db/VIPER-v3.2' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'MODEL_DIR_4_0 := vendor/gitlab.sz.sensetime.com/viper/engine-model-packages/db/VIPER-v4.0' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'MODEL_DIR_4_2 := vendor/gitlab.sz.sensetime.com/viper/engine-model-packages/db/VIPER-v4.2' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'DEFAULT_MODEL_DIR := $(MODEL_DIR_4_2)' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'ifneq (,$(findstring nnie, $(device)))' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' MODEL_USER=model_download_robot MODEL_PASS=downloader go run scripts/get_model.go -model_list=./scripts/kestrel_models_hi3559a.yml' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'else' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' @export MODEL_USER=model_download_robot; \' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' export MODEL_PASS=downloader; \' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' export ADELA_MODEL_USER=kestrel-robot; \' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' export ADELA_MODEL_PASS=602bcdab78074fe0bbffd33262b6d917; \' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' for var in $(shell ls $(DEFAULT_MODEL_DIR) | grep .yml);do \' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' ./bin/infra-model-manager-cli batch --model-cache models --mode cache -config $(DEFAULT_MODEL_DIR)/$$var; \' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' done;' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'endif' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'ifeq ($(gitlabci), 1)' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' if [ ! -d "${code_root}" ]; then ln -s $(shell pwd) ${code_root}; fi' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' cd ${code_root} && ./scripts/build.sh' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'else' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' $(call docker_env, ./scripts/build.sh)' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'define docker_env' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' docker run --rm --runtime=${docker_runtime} \' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' --env TZ=Asia/Shanghai \' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' --env NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${device_id} \' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' --env ASCEND_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${device_id} \' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' --env nolic=$(nolic) \' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' --env host=$(host) \' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' --env kestrel_version=$(kestrel_version) \' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' --env device=$(device) \' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' --env GOARCH=$(host) \' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' --env CGO_ENABLED=1 \' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' -v ${DOCKER_MOUNT} \' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' -w ${code_root} \' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' ${baseImage} bash -c "$(1)"' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'endef' to a Rule or Variable
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Running rule 'maxbodylength'...
2023/08/10 10:49:51 iniFile not initialized
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Running rule 'minphony'...
2023/08/10 10:49:51 iniFile not initialized
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Running rule 'phonydeclared'...
2023/08/10 10:49:51 iniFile not initialized
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Running rule 'timestampexpanded'...
2023/08/10 10:49:51 iniFile not initialized
2023/08/10 10:49:51 iniFile not initialized
Output of make --version
GNU Make 4.1
Sample Makefile to reproduce issue
refer to debug
(some of these things might not apply but the more you can provide the easier
it will be to fix this bug. Thanks!)
Expected behaviour
it should work for ifeq or endef match
Actual behaviour
Makefile miss endif, it return 0
Output of
checkmake --version
Output of
checkmake --debug <your makefile>
2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to parse config file "checkmake.ini", running with defaults 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Makefiles passed: ["Makefile"] 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Parsing file "Makefile" 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'kestrel_version?=v2' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'export kestrel_version:=${kestrel_version}' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'ifeq (${kestrel_version}, v1)' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' KESTREL=kestrel' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' kestrel_tag=kestrelV1' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'else' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' KESTREL=kestrelV2' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' kestrel_tag=kestrelV2' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'endif' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'export host?=amd64' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'export device?=cuda11' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'export nolic?=0' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'export device_id?=0' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'host_libs=${host}' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'devicelibs=${host}${device}' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'include .makerc/${host}_${device}' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'TEST_TARGETS := haltester' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'ALL_TARGETS := $(TARGETS) $(TEST_TARGETS) $(TOOLS)' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'code_root=/go/src/$(project)' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'DOCKER_MOUNT := ${PWD}:${code_root}' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'PACKAGE_LIST := go list ./...' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'PACKAGE_DIRECTORIES := $(PACKAGE_LIST) | sed 's|gitlab.sz.sensetime.com/viper/gosdkwrapper/||'' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'FILES := $$(find $$($(PACKAGE_DIRECTORIES)) -name ".go")' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'export CPATH=${PWD}/kestrel/${kestrel_version}/include:$(arch_cpath)' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'export CGO_CFLAGS = $(arch_cgo_cflags)' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'export CGO_LDFLAGS = -L$(PWD)/libs -L${PWD}/libs/thirdparty -L$(PWD)/libs/kestrel -L/opt/OpenBLAS/lib ${DEVICE_CGO_LDFLAGS} -fuse-ld=gold' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${PWD}/libs:${PWD}/libs/kestrel:${PWD}/libs/kestrel/modules:${PWD}/libs/thirdparty:${DEVICE_LD_LIBRARY_PATH}' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'TEST_FLAGS:= -tags '${TEST_FLAGS} ${GO_BUILD_TAG} ${kestrel_tag}'' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '$(TARGETS): $(SRC)' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' $(GO) build $(project)/cmd/$@' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '$(TEST_TARGETS): $(SRC)' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' $(GO) build $(TEST_FLAGS) $(project)/test/$@' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '$(TOOLS): $(SRC)' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' $(GO) build $(project)/tools/$@' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' @golangci-lint run --deadline=5m --build-tags "${kestrel_tag} noocr"' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'ifeq ("${DAILY_TEST}","1")' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' @env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${PWD}/libs:${PWD}/libs/kestrel \' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' MODEL_USER=model_download_robot MODEL_PASS=downloader $(GO) test -p 1 $(TEST_FLAGS) -timeout=20m ${packages} -v -coverprofile=cover.out' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' @gocov convert cover.out | gocov-html > cover.html' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' @cat cover.html | grep "
Report Total
" | perl -nle 'print "$1 covered" if /([0-9.]+%)/g'' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'else' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' @env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${PWD}/libs:${PWD}/libs/kestrel \' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' MODEL_USER=model_download_robot MODEL_PASS=downloader $(GO) test -p 1 $(TEST_FLAGS) -timeout=20m ${packages} -coverprofile=cover.out' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' @gocov convert cover.out | gocov-html > cover.html' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' @cat cover.html | grep "Report Total
" | perl -nle 'print "Total Coverage: $$1" if /([0-9.]+%)/g'' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'endif' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'base_package = gitlab.sz.sensetime.com/viper/gosdkwrapper' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'func_package = ""' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'ifdef funcname' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'ifeq (${kestrel_version}, v1)' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' func_package = $(shell find -name ".go" | grep V2 | xargs grep $(funcname) -m 1 |awk -F: '{print $1}' | xargs dirname | cut -c 2-)' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'else' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' func_package = $(shell find -name "*.go" | xargs grep $(funcname) -m 1 |awk -F: '{print $1}' | xargs dirname | cut -c 2-)' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'endif' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'endif' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'ifdef funcname' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' @echo "func_package=$(func_package)"' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' $(GO) test -p 1 $(TEST_FLAGS) $(base_package)$(func_package) -timeout 72h -v -test.run $(funcname)' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'else' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' @echo "use: make testfunc funcname=xxxx"' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'endif' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'ifeq ($(cuda), 10)' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' @echo disable vet' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'else' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' @$(GO) tool vet ${SRC}' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'endif' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'MODEL_DIR_3_2 := vendor/gitlab.sz.sensetime.com/viper/engine-model-packages/db/VIPER-v3.2' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'MODEL_DIR_4_0 := vendor/gitlab.sz.sensetime.com/viper/engine-model-packages/db/VIPER-v4.0' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'MODEL_DIR_4_2 := vendor/gitlab.sz.sensetime.com/viper/engine-model-packages/db/VIPER-v4.2' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'DEFAULT_MODEL_DIR := $(MODEL_DIR_4_2)' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'ifneq (,$(findstring nnie, $(device)))' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' MODEL_USER=model_download_robot MODEL_PASS=downloader go run scripts/get_model.go -model_list=./scripts/kestrel_models_hi3559a.yml' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'else' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' @export MODEL_USER=model_download_robot; \' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' export MODEL_PASS=downloader; \' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' export ADELA_MODEL_USER=kestrel-robot; \' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' export ADELA_MODEL_PASS=602bcdab78074fe0bbffd33262b6d917; \' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' for var in $(shell ls $(DEFAULT_MODEL_DIR) | grep .yml);do \' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' ./bin/infra-model-manager-cli batch --model-cache models --mode cache -config $(DEFAULT_MODEL_DIR)/$$var; \' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' done;' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'endif' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'ifeq ($(gitlabci), 1)' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' if [ ! -d "${code_root}" ]; then ln -s $(shell pwd) ${code_root}; fi' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' cd ${code_root} && ./scripts/build.sh' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'else' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' $(call docker_env, ./scripts/build.sh)' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line '' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'define docker_env' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' docker run --rm --runtime=${docker_runtime} \' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' --env TZ=Asia/Shanghai \' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' --env NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${device_id} \' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' --env ASCEND_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${device_id} \' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' --env nolic=$(nolic) \' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' --env host=$(host) \' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' --env kestrel_version=$(kestrel_version) \' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' --env device=$(device) \' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' --env GOARCH=$(host) \' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' --env CGO_ENABLED=1 \' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' -v ${DOCKER_MOUNT} \' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' -w ${code_root} \' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line ' ${baseImage} bash -c "$(1)"' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Unable to match line 'endef' to a Rule or Variable 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Running rule 'maxbodylength'... 2023/08/10 10:49:51 iniFile not initialized 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Running rule 'minphony'... 2023/08/10 10:49:51 iniFile not initialized 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Running rule 'phonydeclared'... 2023/08/10 10:49:51 iniFile not initialized 2023/08/10 10:49:51 Running rule 'timestampexpanded'... 2023/08/10 10:49:51 iniFile not initialized 2023/08/10 10:49:51 iniFile not initializedOutput of
make --version
GNU Make 4.1
Sample Makefile to reproduce issue
refer to debug (some of these things might not apply but the more you can provide the easier it will be to fix this bug. Thanks!)